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/ python / caffe_translator.py

## @package caffe_translator
# Module caffe2.python.caffe_translator
#!/usr/bin/env python2

import argparse
import copy
import logging
import re
import numpy as np  # noqa

from caffe2.proto import caffe2_pb2, caffe2_legacy_pb2
from caffe.proto import caffe_pb2
from caffe2.python import core, utils, workspace
from google.protobuf import text_format

log = logging.getLogger("caffe_translator")

def _StateMeetsRule(state, rule):
    """A function that reproduces Caffe's StateMeetsRule functionality."""
    if rule.HasField('phase') and rule.phase != state.phase:
        return False
    if rule.HasField('min_level') and state.level < rule.min_level:
        return False
    if rule.HasField('max_level') and state.level > rule.max_level:
        return False
    curr_stages = set(list(state.stage))
    # all stages in rule.stages should be in, otherwise it's not a match.
    if len(rule.stage) and any([s not in curr_stages for s in rule.stage]):
        return False
    # none of the stage in rule.stages should be in, otherwise it's not a match.
    if len(rule.not_stage) and any([s in curr_stages for s in rule.not_stage]):
        return False
    # If none of the nonmatch happens, return True.
    return True

def _ShouldInclude(net_state, layer):
    """A function that reproduces Caffe's inclusion and exclusion rule."""
    ret = (len(layer.include) == 0)
    # check exclude rules: if any exclusion is met, we shouldn't include.
    ret &= not any([_StateMeetsRule(net_state, rule) for rule in layer.exclude])
    if len(layer.include):
        # check include rules: if any inclusion is met, we should include.
        ret |= any([_StateMeetsRule(net_state, rule) for rule in layer.include])
    return ret

def _GetLegacyDims(net, net_params, dummy_input, legacy_pad_ops):
    dim_map = {}
    ws = workspace.C.Workspace()
    for param in net_params.protos:
        ws.create_blob(param.name) \
    external_input = net.op[0].input[0]
    # Get dimensions with legacy pad
    for i in range(len(net.op)):
        op_def = net.op[i]
        if i in legacy_pad_ops:
            output = op_def.output[0]
            blob_legacy = ws.fetch_blob(output)
            dim_map[i] = blob_legacy.shape
    return dim_map

def _GetLegacyPadArgs(op_def, arg_map):
    pads = {}
    keys = ['pad_l', 'pad_t', 'pad_r', 'pad_b']
    is_pad = 'pad' in arg_map
    if is_pad:
        for k in keys:
            pads[k] = arg_map['pad'].i
        pads = {x: arg_map[x].i for x in keys}
    return pads

def _AdjustDims(op_def, arg_map, pads, dim1, dim2):
    n1, c1, h1, w1 = dim1
    n2, c2, h2, w2 = dim2
    assert(n1 == n2)
    assert(c1 == c2)
    is_pad = 'pad' in arg_map
    if h1 != h2 or w1 != w2:
        if h1 == h2 + 1:
            pads['pad_b'] += 1
        elif h1 != h2:
            raise Exception("Unexpected dimensions for height:", h1, h2)
        if w1 == w2 + 1:
            pads['pad_r'] += 1
        elif w1 != w2:
            raise Exception("Unexpected dimensions for width:", w1, w2)
        if is_pad:
            args = []
            for name in pads.keys():
                arg = caffe2_pb2.Argument()
                arg.name = name
                arg.i = pads[name]
            for name in pads.keys():
                arg_map[name].i = pads[name]

def _RemoveLegacyPad(net, net_params, input_dims):
    legacy_pad_ops = []
    for i in range(len(net.op)):
        op_def = net.op[i]
        if re.match(r'^(Conv|ConvTranspose|MaxPool|AveragePool)(\dD)?$',
            for arg in op_def.arg:
                if arg.name == 'legacy_pad':
    if legacy_pad_ops:
        n, c, h, w = input_dims
        dummy_input = np.random.randn(n, c, h, w).astype(np.float32)
        dim_map = _GetLegacyDims(net, net_params, dummy_input, legacy_pad_ops)

        # Running with the legacy pad argument removed
        # compare the dimensions and adjust pad argument when necessary
        ws = workspace.C.Workspace()

        external_input = net.op[0].input[0]
        for param in net_params.protos:
            ws.create_blob(param.name) \

        for i in range(len(net.op)):
            op_def = net.op[i]
            if i in legacy_pad_ops:
                arg_map = {}
                for arg in op_def.arg:
                    arg_map[arg.name] = arg
                pads = _GetLegacyPadArgs(op_def, arg_map)
                # remove legacy pad arg
                for j in range(len(op_def.arg)):
                    arg = op_def.arg[j]
                    if arg.name == 'legacy_pad':
                        del op_def.arg[j]
                output = op_def.output[0]
                # use a new name to avoid the interference with inplace
                nonlegacy_output = output + '_nonlegacy'
                op_def.output[0] = nonlegacy_output
                blob_nonlegacy = ws.fetch_blob(nonlegacy_output)
                # reset output name
                op_def.output[0] = output

                dim1 = dim_map[i]
                dim2 = blob_nonlegacy.shape
                _AdjustDims(op_def, arg_map, pads, dim1, dim2)

    return net

def _GetBlobDimMap(net, net_params, dummy_input):
    dim_map = {}
    ws = workspace.C.Workspace()
    for param in net_params.protos:
        ws.create_blob(param.name) \
    external_input = net.op[0].input[0]
    # Get dimensions with legacy pad
    for i in range(len(net.op)):
        op_def = net.op[i]
        for output in op_def.output:
            blob = ws.fetch_blob(output)
            dim_map[output] = blob.shape
    return dim_map

def _GetInputDims(caffe_net):
    input_dims = []
    if caffe_net.input_dim:
        input_dims = caffe_net.input_dim
    elif caffe_net.input_shape:
        input_dims = caffe_net.input_shape[0].dim
    elif caffe_net.layer[0].input_param.shape:
        # getting input dimension from first layer
        input_dims = caffe_net.layer[0].input_param.shape[0].dim
    return input_dims

class TranslatorRegistry(object):
    registry_ = {}

    def Register(cls, op_name):
        """A decorator for registering gradient mappings."""

        def Wrapper(func):
            cls.registry_[op_name] = func
            return func

        return Wrapper

    def TranslateLayer(cls, layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, **kwargs):
            caffe_ops, params = cls.registry_[layer.type](
                layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, **kwargs)
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError('No translator registered for layer: %s yet.' %
        if caffe_ops is None:
            caffe_ops = []
        if type(caffe_ops) is not list:
            caffe_ops = [caffe_ops]
        return caffe_ops, params

    def TranslateModel(
        net_state = caffe_pb2.NetState() if net_state is None else net_state
        net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
        net.name = caffe_net.name
        net_params = caffe2_pb2.TensorProtos()
        if len(caffe_net.layers) > 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'I think something is wrong. This translation script '
                'only accepts new style layers that are stored in the '
                'layer field.'
        if not input_dims:
            input_dims = _GetInputDims(caffe_net)
        for layer in caffe_net.layer:
            if not _ShouldInclude(net_state, layer):
                log.info('Current net state does not need layer {}'
            log.info('Translate layer {}'.format(layer.name))
            # Get pretrained one
            pretrained_layers = (
                [l for l in pretrained_net.layer
                 if l.name == layer.name] + [l
                                             for l in pretrained_net.layers
                                             if l.name == layer.name]
            if len(pretrained_layers) > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'huh? more than one pretrained layer of one name?')
            elif len(pretrained_layers) == 1:
                pretrained_blobs = [
                    for blob in pretrained_layers[0].blobs
                # No pretrained layer for the given layer name. We'll just pass
                # no parameter blobs.
                # print 'No pretrained layer for layer', layer.name
                pretrained_blobs = []
            operators, params = cls.TranslateLayer(
                layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, net=net,
                net_params=net_params, input_dims=input_dims)
        if remove_legacy_pad:
            assert input_dims, \
                   'Please specify input_dims to remove legacy_pad'
            net = _RemoveLegacyPad(net, net_params, input_dims)
        return net, net_params

def TranslateModel(*args, **kwargs):
    return TranslatorRegistry.TranslateModel(*args, **kwargs)

def ConvertTensorProtosToInitNet(net_params, input_name):
    """Takes the net_params returned from TranslateModel, and wrap it as an
    init net that contain GivenTensorFill.

    This is a very simple feature that only works with float tensors, and is
    only intended to be used in an environment where you want a single
    initialization file - for more complex cases, use a db to store the
    init_net = caffe2_pb2.NetDef()
    for tensor in net_params.protos:
        if len(tensor.float_data) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Only float tensors are supported in this util.")
        op = core.CreateOperator(
            "GivenTensorFill", [], [tensor.name],
                utils.MakeArgument("shape", list(tensor.dims)),
                utils.MakeArgument("values", tensor.float_data)])
    init_net.op.extend([core.CreateOperator("ConstantFill", [], [input_name], shape=[1])])
    return init_net

def BaseTranslate(layer, caffe2_type):
    """A simple translate interface that maps the layer input and output."""
    caffe2_op = caffe2_pb2.OperatorDef()
    caffe2_op.type = caffe2_type
    return caffe2_op

def AddArgument(op, key, value):
    """Makes an argument based on the value type."""
    op.arg.extend([utils.MakeArgument(key, value)])

# Common translators for layers.

def TranslateInput(layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, **kwargs):
    return [], []

def TranslateVideoData(layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, **kwargs):
    return [], []

def TranslateData(layer, pretrained_blobs, is_test, **kwargs):
    return [], []

# A function used in convolution, pooling and deconvolution to deal with
# conv pool specific parameters.
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