from caffe2.python import core, workspace
from caffe2.python import test_util as tu
import caffe2.python.nomnigraph as ng
from caffe2.python.nomnigraph_transformations import transpose_network
import numpy as np
from hypothesis import given
import hypothesis.strategies as st
class TestNomnigraphTransformations(tu.TestCase):
def test_simple_replace(self):
net = core.Net("name")
net.FC(["X", "W"], ["Y"])
nn = ng.NNModule(net)
fc = nn.controlFlow[0]
add = nn.createNode(core.CreateOperator("Add", ["X"], ["Y"], engine="CUDNN"))
nn.replaceNode(fc, add)
# Test it out
new_netdef = nn.convertToCaffe2Proto()
workspace.FeedBlob("X", np.array([1, 2, 3]))
workspace.FeedBlob("W", np.array([1, 2, 3]))
out = workspace.FetchBlob("Y")
expected_out = np.array([2, 4, 6])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out, expected_out)
def test_simple_rewire(self):
net = core.Net("name")
# Rewire this so that we get
# c = Add(a, d)
# e = Mul(c, b)
# if a = 1, b = 2, d = 3
# we get 8: (1 + 3) * 2
# as opposed to 7: 1 + (3 * 2)
net.Mul(["a", "b"], ["c"])
net.Add(["c", "d"], ["e"])
nn = ng.NNModule(net)
mul = nn.controlFlow[0]
add = nn.controlFlow[1]
a = mul.inputs[0]
b = mul.inputs[1]
c = mul.outputs[0]
d = add.inputs[1]
e = add.outputs[0]
nn.deleteEdge(a, mul)
nn.deleteEdge(b, mul)
nn.deleteEdge(mul, c)
nn.deleteEdge(c, add)
nn.deleteEdge(d, add)
nn.deleteEdge(add, e)
nn.createEdge(a, add)
nn.createEdge(d, add)
nn.createEdge(add, c)
nn.createEdge(c, mul)
nn.createEdge(b, mul)
nn.createEdge(mul, e)
# Test it out
new_netdef = nn.convertToCaffe2Proto()
workspace.FeedBlob("a", np.array([1, 1, 1]))
workspace.FeedBlob("b", np.array([2, 2, 2]))
workspace.FeedBlob("d", np.array([3, 3, 3]))
out = workspace.FetchBlob("e")
expected_out = np.array([8, 8, 8])
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(out, expected_out)
batch_size=st.integers(16, 20),
channels=st.integers(1, 10),
height=st.integers(10, 15),
width=st.integers(10, 15),
seed=st.integers(0, 65535),
kernel=st.integers(3, 5),
def test_transpose_network(self, batch_size, channels, height, width, seed,
net = core.Net("net")
net.Conv(["X", "w1", "b1"], ["c1"], stride=1, pad=0, kernel=kernel)
net.Conv(["X", "w2", "b2"], ["c2"], stride=1, pad=0, kernel=kernel)
# c1 and c2: batch_size, 2*channels, height - kernel + 1, width - kernel + 1
net.Conv(["c1", "w3", "b3"], ["c3"], stride=1, pad=0, kernel=kernel)
net.Conv(["c1", "w4", "b4"], ["c4"], stride=1, pad=0, kernel=kernel)
# c3 and c4: batch_size, 2*channels, height - 2*kernel + 2, width - 2*kernel + 2
net.Flatten(["c3"], "c3f")
net.Flatten(["c4"], "c4f")
net.Flatten(["X"], "Xf")
net.Concat(["c3f", "c4f", "Xf"], ["out", "split_info"], axis=1, add_axis=0)
tu.randBlobFloat32("X", batch_size, channels, height, width)
tu.randBlobsFloat32(["w1", "w2"], 2 * channels, channels, kernel, kernel)
tu.randBlobsFloat32(["b1", "b2"], 2 * channels)
tu.randBlobsFloat32(["w3", "w4"], 4 * channels, 2 * channels, kernel, kernel)
tu.randBlobsFloat32(["b3", "b4"], 4 * channels)
all_inp_names = ["X", "w1", "w2", "b1", "b2", "w3", "w4", "b3", "b4"]
all_input = workspace.FetchBlobs(all_inp_names)
preTransformC1 = workspace.FetchBlob("c1")
preTransformC3 = workspace.FetchBlob("c3")
preTransformOut = workspace.FetchBlob("out")
nn = ng.NNModule(net)
preTransformNumOperators = len(nn.operators)
preTransformNumTensors = len(nn.tensors)
new_netdef = nn.convertToCaffe2Proto()
postTransformNumOperators = len(nn.operators)
postTransformNumTensors = len(nn.tensors)
# The minimal number of additional operators and tensors is at least one
# NCHW2NHWC operator and tensor for each channel-based input tensor
# and a NHWC2NCHW operator and tensor for the output of each convolution
# X, w1, w2, w3, w4 are channel-based inputs
# c1, c2, c3, c4 are the outputs of convolutions
# i.e. a total of 9.
preTransformNumOperators + 9,
"expected 9 additional operators")
preTransformNumTensors + 9,
"expected 9 additional tensors")
for name, val in zip(all_inp_names, all_input):
workspace.FeedBlob(name, val)
postTransformC1 = workspace.FetchBlob("c1")
postTransformC3 = workspace.FetchBlob("c3")
postTransformOut = workspace.FetchBlob("out")
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(postTransformC1, preTransformC1, 1)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(postTransformC3, preTransformC3, 1)
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(postTransformOut, preTransformOut, 1)