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/ python / operator_test / boolean_mask_test.py

from caffe2.python import core
import caffe2.python.hypothesis_test_util as hu
import caffe2.python.serialized_test.serialized_test_util as serial
from hypothesis import assume, given, settings
import hypothesis.strategies as st
import numpy as np

class TestBooleanMaskOp(serial.SerializedTestCase):
                         elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
    def test_boolean_mask_gradient(self, x, gc, dc):
        op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask",
                                 ["data", "mask"],
        mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0])
        expected_gradient = np.copy(mask).astype(int)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0])
        self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], 0, [0])

                         elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
    def test_boolean_mask(self, x, gc, dc):
        op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask",
                                 ["data", "mask"],
        mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0])

        def ref(x, mask):
            return (x[mask],)
        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0])

                         elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
    def test_boolean_mask_indices(self, x, gc, dc):
        op = core.CreateOperator("BooleanMask",
                                 ["data", "mask"],
                                 ["masked_data", "masked_indices"])
        mask = np.random.choice(a=[True, False], size=x.shape[0])

        def ref(x, mask):
            return (x[mask], np.where(mask)[0])

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, mask], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, mask], [0])

    def _dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc):
        """SequenceMask only supports fp16 with CUDA/ROCm."""
        if dtype == np.float16:
            dc = [d for d in dc if core.IsGPUDeviceType(d.device_type)]
            x = x.astype(dtype)
        return x, dc

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_with_lengths(self, x, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",
                                 ["data", "lengths"],
                                 axis=len(x.shape) - 1,
        elem_dim = x.shape[-1]
        leading_dim = 1
        for dim in x.shape[:-1]:
            leading_dim *= dim
        lengths = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\

        def ref(x, lengths):
            ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim])
            for i in range(leading_dim):
                for j in range(elem_dim):
                    if j >= lengths[i]:
                        ref[i, j] = fill_val
            return [ref.reshape(x.shape)]

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0])

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_with_window(self, x, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        radius = 2
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",
                                 ["data", "centers"],
                                 axis=len(x.shape) - 1,
        elem_dim = x.shape[-1]
        leading_dim = 1
        for dim in x.shape[:-1]:
            leading_dim *= dim
        centers = np.random.randint(0, elem_dim, [leading_dim])\

        def ref(x, centers):
            ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim])
            for i in range(leading_dim):
                for j in range(elem_dim):
                    if j > centers[i] + radius or j < centers[i] - radius:
                        ref[i, j] = fill_val
            return [ref.reshape(x.shape)]

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, centers], [0])

        # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now
        # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4).
        threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005
        self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], 0, [0],

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           mode=st.sampled_from(['upper', 'lower', 'upperdiag', 'lowerdiag']),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_triangle(self, x, mode, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",
                                 axis=len(x.shape) - 1,
        elem_dim = x.shape[-1]
        leading_dim = 1
        for dim in x.shape[:-1]:
            leading_dim *= dim

        if mode == 'upper':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j > i
        elif mode == 'lower':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j < i
        elif mode == 'upperdiag':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j >= i
        elif mode == 'lowerdiag':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j <= i

        def ref(x):
            ref = np.reshape(x, [leading_dim, elem_dim])
            for i in range(leading_dim):
                for j in range(elem_dim):
                    if compare(i, j):
                        ref[i, j] = fill_val
            return [ref.reshape(x.shape)]

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x], [0])

        # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now
        # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4).
        threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005
        stepsize = 0.1 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.05
        self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x], 0, [0],
                                  threshold=threshold, stepsize=stepsize)

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_batching_lengths(self, x, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0.
        axis = 0
        batch = 0
        while axis == 0 or axis < batch:
            inds = np.arange(len(x.shape))
            batch = inds[0]
            axis = inds[1]
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",
                                 ["data", "lengths"],

        before = int(np.prod(x.shape[:batch + 1]))
        between = int(np.prod(x.shape[batch + 1:axis]))
        after = int(np.prod(x.shape[axis:]))

        lengths = np.random.randint(0, after, [between])\

        def ref(z, l):
            w = np.reshape(z, [before, between, after])

            for b in range(before):
                r = w[b, :, :]
                for i in range(between):
                    for j in range(after):
                        if j >= l[i]:
                            r[i, j] = fill_val
            return [w.reshape(z.shape)]

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, lengths], [0])

        # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now
        # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4).
        threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005
        self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, lengths], 0, [0],

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_batching_window(self, x, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        radius = 1
        # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0.
        axis = 0
        batch = 0
        while axis == 0 or axis < batch:
            inds = np.arange(len(x.shape))
            batch = inds[0]
            axis = inds[1]
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",
                                 ["data", "centers"],

        before = int(np.prod(x.shape[:batch + 1]))
        between = int(np.prod(x.shape[batch + 1:axis]))
        after = int(np.prod(x.shape[axis:]))

        centers = np.random.randint(0, after, [between])\

        def ref(z, c):
            w = np.reshape(z, [before, between, after])

            for b in range(before):
                r = w[b, :, :]
                for i in range(between):
                    for j in range(after):
                        if j > c[i] + radius or j < c[i] - radius:
                            r[i, j] = fill_val
            return [w.reshape(z.shape)]

        self.assertReferenceChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], ref)
        self.assertDeviceChecks(dc, op, [x, centers], [0])

        # Gradient check with np.float16 is found to be flakey, disable for now
        # with high threshold (to repro, set threshold to 0.4).
        threshold = 1.0 if dtype == np.float16 else 0.005
        self.assertGradientChecks(gc, op, [x, centers], 0, [0],

                       elements=hu.floats(min_value=0.5, max_value=1.0)),
           mode=st.sampled_from(['upper', 'lower', 'upperdiag', 'lowerdiag']),
           dtype=st.sampled_from([np.float32, np.float16]),
    def test_sequence_mask_batching_triangle(self, x, mode, dtype, gc, dc):
        x, dc = self._dtype_conversion(x, dtype, gc, dc)
        # finite fill value needed for gradient check
        fill_val = 1e-3 if dtype == np.float16 else 1e-9
        # choose _different_ batch and axis dimensions, w/ axis != 0.
        axis = 0
        batch = 0
        while axis == 0 or axis < batch:
            inds = np.arange(len(x.shape))
            batch = inds[0]
            axis = inds[1]
        op = core.CreateOperator("SequenceMask",

        if mode == 'upper':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j > i
        elif mode == 'lower':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j < i
        elif mode == 'upperdiag':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j >= i
        elif mode == 'lowerdiag':
            def compare(i, j):
                return j <= i
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