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/ python / operator_test / fused_nbit_rowwise_test_helper.py

import numpy as np

# Note we explicitly cast variables to np.float32 in a couple of places to avoid
# the default casting in Python often resuling in double precision and to make
# sure we're doing the same numerics as C++ code.
def param_search_greedy(x, bit_rate, n_bins=200, ratio=0.16):
    xmin, xmax = np.min(x), np.max(x)
    stepsize = (xmax - xmin) / np.float32(n_bins)
    min_bins = np.float32(n_bins) * (np.float32(1) - np.float32(ratio))
    xq, loss = _compress_uniform_simplified(x, bit_rate, xmin, xmax)

    solutions = []  # [(left, right, loss)] # local optima solution

    cur_min, cur_max, cur_loss = xmin, xmax, loss
    thr = min_bins * stepsize
    while cur_min + thr < cur_max:
        # move left
        xq, loss1 = _compress_uniform_simplified(
            x, bit_rate, cur_min + stepsize, cur_max
        # move right
        xq, loss2 = _compress_uniform_simplified(
            x, bit_rate, cur_min, cur_max - stepsize

        if cur_loss < loss1 and cur_loss < loss2:
            # found a local optima
            solutions.append((cur_min, cur_max, cur_loss))
        if loss1 < loss2:
            cur_min, cur_max, cur_loss = cur_min + stepsize, cur_max, loss1
            cur_min, cur_max, cur_loss = cur_min, cur_max - stepsize, loss2
    if len(solutions):
        best = solutions[0]
        for solution in solutions:
            if solution[-1] < best[-1]:
                best = solution
        return best[0], best[1]
    return xmin, xmax

def _compress_uniform_simplified(X, bit_rate, xmin, xmax, fp16_scale_bias=True):
    # affine transform to put Xq in [0,2**bit_rate - 1]
    # Xq = (2 ** bit_rate - 1) * (Xq - xmin) / data_range
    if fp16_scale_bias:
        xmin = xmin.astype(np.float16).astype(np.float32)
    data_range = xmax - xmin
    scale = np.where(
        data_range == 0, np.float32(1), data_range / np.float32(2 ** bit_rate - 1)
    if fp16_scale_bias:
        scale = scale.astype(np.float16).astype(np.float32)
    inverse_scale = np.float32(1) / scale
    Xq = np.clip(np.round((X - xmin) * inverse_scale), 0, np.float32(2 ** bit_rate - 1))
    Xq = Xq * scale + xmin

    # Manually compute loss instead of using np.linalg.norm to use the same
    # accumulation order used by C++ code
    vlen = 8
    loss_v = np.zeros(vlen).astype(np.float32)
    for i in range(len(Xq) // vlen * vlen):
        loss_v[i % vlen] += (X[i] - Xq[i]) * (X[i] - Xq[i])
    loss = np.float32(0)
    for i in range(vlen):
        loss += loss_v[i]
    for i in range(len(Xq) // vlen * vlen, len(Xq)):
        loss += (X[i] - Xq[i]) * (X[i] - Xq[i])
    loss = np.sqrt(loss)

    return Xq, loss