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/ python / regularizer.py

# @package optimizer
# Module caffe2.python.regularizer

from caffe2.python import core, utils
import numpy as np

class RegularizationBy(object):
    AFTER_OPTIMIZER = "after_optimizer"
    ON_LOSS = "on_loss"

class Regularizer(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.kEpsilon = 1e-9

    Adds regularization to train_net for given parameter. Its factor ahead of
    regularization is given when initialization.
    The param should be a BlobReference.

    def __call__(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None, by=None):
        assert isinstance(param, core.BlobReference)
        by_enum = utils.EnumClassKeyVals(RegularizationBy)
        assert by in by_enum.values(), (
            "Regularizer of type {} is called with invalid by={}, "
            "not in {}".format(self.__class__, by, by_enum.values())
        run_func = "_run_" + by
        assert hasattr(
            self, run_func
        ), "Regularizer of type {} does not implement function {}".format(
            self.__class__, run_func
        return getattr(self, run_func)(net, param_init_net, param, grad)

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        return None

    def _run_after_optimizer(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad):
        return None

    def _feature_grouping(self, param, net):
        # Possible alternative grouping method via summing over absolute values
        # Compute l2norm over feature weights
        # pow( sum_i { pow(theda_i, 2) } ,  0.5)
        param_mul = net.Mul([param, param], [net.NextScopedBlob("param_mul")])
        param_reduced = net.ReduceFrontSum(
            [param_mul], [net.NextScopedBlob("param_reduced")]
        grouped_feature_weight_vec = net.Pow(

        return grouped_feature_weight_vec

    def _ensure_clipped(
        min = (
            min + self.kEpsilon
            if min is not None and (open_range or left_open)
            else min
        max = (
            max - self.kEpsilon
            if max is not None and (open_range or right_open)
            else max
        input_blobs = (
            [param, grad.indices, grad.values]
            if isinstance(grad, core.GradientSlice)
            else [param]
        net.EnsureClipped(input_blobs, [param], min=min, max=max)

class L1Norm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda):
        super(L1Norm, self).__init__()
        assert reg_lambda >= 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be 0 or positive"

        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l1_regularization")
        net.LpNorm([param], [output_blob], p=1)
        net.Scale([output_blob], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
        return output_blob

class LpNorm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda, p_value=0.5):
        reg_lambda: parameter to scale regularization by

        p_value:    determines what type of Lp norm to calculate. If p > 0,
                    we will calculate Lp norm with the formula:
                    pow( sum_i { pow(theda_i, p) } ,  1/p)
        super(LpNorm, self).__init__()
        assert reg_lambda > 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be greater than 0"
        assert p_value > 0, "p_value factor should be greater than 0"
        self.p_value = p_value
        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        # TODO: the second dim (num of input nodes) of param is after feature preproc,
        # and does not correspond to the original num of dense features.
        # In the future, will want to create a util to reduce the input dim of param to
        # match the num of dense features.

        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_dense_feature_regularization")
        grouped_feature_weight_vec = self._feature_grouping(param, net)

        # Compute Lpnorm:
        # pow( sum_i { pow(theda_i, p) } ,  1/p)
        lp_vec_raised = net.Pow(
        lp_vec_summed = net.ReduceFrontSum(
            [lp_vec_raised], [net.NextScopedBlob("lp_vec_summed")]
        lp_norm = net.Pow(
            exponent=(1 / self.p_value),
        net.Scale([lp_norm], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
        return output_blob

class L0ApproxNorm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda, alpha=0.01, budget=0):
        reg_lambda: parameter to scale regularization by

        alpha:      hyper parameter to tune that is only used in the calculation
                    of approximate L0 norm

        budget:     desired number of features. If the number of features is greater
                    than the budget amount, then the least important features will
                    be penalized. If there are fewer features than the desired
                    budget, no penalization will be applied. Optional parameter, if
                    0, then no budget is used
        super(L0ApproxNorm, self).__init__()
        assert reg_lambda > 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be greater than 0"
        assert alpha > 0, "alpha factor must be a positive value greater than 0"
        assert budget >= 0, "budget factor must be greater than or equal to 0"
        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.budget = float(budget)  # budget must be float for future calculations

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        # TODO: the second dim (num of input nodes) of param is after feature preproc,
        # and does not correspond to the original num of dense features.
        # In the future, will want to create a util to reduce the input dim of param to
        # match the num of dense features.

        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_dense_feature_regularization")
        grouped_feature_weight_vec = self._feature_grouping(param, net)

        # compute approximate L0 norm
        # sum_i ( min ( abs (theta_i), alpha))) / alpha
        l0_abs = net.Abs([grouped_feature_weight_vec], [net.NextScopedBlob("l0_abs")])
        l0_min = net.Clip([l0_abs], [net.NextScopedBlob("l0_min")], max=self.alpha)
        l0_summed = net.ReduceFrontSum([l0_min], [net.NextScopedBlob("l0_summed")])
        l0_norm = net.Scale(
            [l0_summed], [net.NextScopedBlob("l0_norm")], scale=(1 / self.alpha)

        # incorporate budget factor
        # regularization = reg_lambda * max(0, l0_norm - budget)
        if self.budget:
            budget_blob = net.ConstantFill([], "budget", shape=[1], value=self.budget)
            l0_sub_budget = net.Sub(
                [l0_norm, budget_blob], [net.NextScopedBlob("l0_budget")]
            relu_l0_sub_budget = net.Relu(
                [l0_sub_budget], [net.NextScopedBlob("relu_l0_sub_budget")]
            net.Scale([relu_l0_sub_budget], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
            net.Scale([l0_norm], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
        return output_blob

class L1NormTrimmed(Regularizer):
    The Trimmed Lasso: Sparsity and Robustness. https://arxiv.org/abs/1708.04527
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda, k):
        super(L1NormTrimmed, self).__init__()
        assert reg_lambda >= 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be 0 or positive"
        assert isinstance(k, int), "k should be an interger as expected #. after selection"
        assert k >= 1, "k should be larger than 1"

        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda
        self.k = k

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l1_trimmed_regularization")
        abs = net.Abs([param], [net.NextScopedBlob("abs")])
        sum_abs = net.SumElements([abs], [net.NextScopedBlob("sum_abs")], average=False)
        topk, _, _ = net.TopK([abs], [net.NextScopedBlob("topk"), net.NextScopedBlob("id"), net.NextScopedBlob("flat_id")], k=self.k)
        topk_sum = net.SumElements([topk], [net.NextScopedBlob("topk_sum")], average=False)
        net.Sub([sum_abs, topk_sum], [output_blob])
        net.Scale([output_blob], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
        return output_blob

class L2Norm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda):
        super(L2Norm, self).__init__()
        assert reg_lambda >= 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be 0 or positive"

        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l2_regularization")
        net.LpNorm([param], [output_blob], p=2)
        net.Scale([output_blob], [output_blob], scale=self.reg_lambda)
        return output_blob

class ElasticNet(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, l1, l2):
        super(ElasticNet, self).__init__()
        self.l1 = l1
        self.l2 = l2

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_elastic_net_regularization")
        l2_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l2_blob")
        l1_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l1_blob")
        net.LpNorm([param], [l2_blob], p=2)
        net.LpNorm([param], [l1_blob], p=1)
        net.Scale([l2_blob], [l2_blob], scale=self.l2)
        net.Scale([l1_blob], [l1_blob], scale=self.l1)
        net.Add([l1_blob, l2_blob], [output_blob])
        return output_blob

class ElasticNetL1NormTrimmed(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, l1, l2, k):
        super(ElasticNetL1NormTrimmed, self).__init__()
        self.l1 = l1
        self.l2 = l2
        self.k = k

    def _run_on_loss(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad=None):
        output_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_elastic_net_l1_trimmed_regularization")
        l2_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l2_blob")
        net.LpNorm([param], [l2_blob], p=2)
        net.Scale([l2_blob], [l2_blob], scale=self.l2)

        l1_blob = net.NextScopedBlob(param + "_l1_blob")
        abs = net.Abs([param], [net.NextScopedBlob("abs")])
        sum_abs = net.SumElements([abs], [net.NextScopedBlob("sum_abs")], average=False)
        topk, _, _ = net.TopK([abs], [net.NextScopedBlob("topk"), net.NextScopedBlob("id"), net.NextScopedBlob("flat_id")], k=self.k)
        topk_sum = net.SumElements([topk], [net.NextScopedBlob("topk_sum")], average=False)
        net.Sub([sum_abs, topk_sum], [l1_blob])
        net.Scale([l1_blob], [l1_blob], scale=self.l1)

        net.Add([l1_blob, l2_blob], [output_blob])
        return output_blob

class MaxNorm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, norm=1.0):
        super(MaxNorm, self).__init__()
        self.norm = norm

    def _run_after_optimizer(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad):
        assert self.norm > 0, "norm should be bigger than 0."
        if isinstance(grad, core.GradientSlice):
                [param, grad.indices],
            raise NotImplementedError("MaxNorm is not supported for dense parameters")

class ConstantNorm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, norm=1.0):
        super(ConstantNorm, self).__init__()
        self.norm = norm

    def _run_after_optimizer(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad):
        assert self.norm > 0, "norm should be bigger than 0."
        if isinstance(grad, core.GradientSlice):
                [param, grad.indices],
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "ConstantNorm is not supported for dense parameters"

class SparseLpNorm(Regularizer):
    def __init__(self, p, reg_lambda):
        super(SparseLpNorm, self).__init__()
        assert p in (1.0, 2.0), "Sparse Lp regularization only implemented for p = 1.0 and p = 2.0."
        assert reg_lambda > 0, "factor ahead of regularization should be greater than 0."
        self.p = p
        self.reg_lambda = reg_lambda

    def _run_after_optimizer(self, net, param_init_net, param, grad):
        if isinstance(grad, core.GradientSlice):
                [param, grad.indices],
            raise NotImplementedError("SparseLpNorm is not supported for dense parameters")

class SparseL1Norm(SparseLpNorm):
    def __init__(self, reg_lambda):
        super(SparseL1Norm, self).__init__(p=1.0, reg_lambda=reg_lambda)

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