import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.quantized as nnq
import torch.quantization
import torch.quantization._numeric_suite as ns
_supported_modules = {nn.Linear, nn.Conv2d}
_supported_modules_quantized = {nnq.Linear, nnq.Conv2d}
def get_module(model, name):
''' Given name of submodule, this function grabs the submodule from given model
return dict(model.named_modules())[name]
def parent_child_names(name):
'''Splits full name of submodule into parent submodule's full name and submodule's name
split_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)
if len(split_name) == 1:
return '', split_name[0]
return split_name[0], split_name[1]
def get_param(module, attr):
''' Sometimes the weights/bias attribute gives you the raw tensor, but sometimes
gives a function that will give you the raw tensor, this function takes care of that logic
param = getattr(module, attr, None)
if callable(param):
return param()
return param
class MeanShadowLogger(ns.Logger):
r"""A logger for a Shadow module whose purpose is to record the rolling mean
of the data passed to the floating point and quantized models
def __init__(self):
super(MeanShadowLogger, self).__init__()
self.stats["float"] = None
self.stats["quantized"] = None
self.count = 0
self.float_sum = None
self.quant_sum = None
def forward(self, x, y):
''' The inputs x,y are output data from the quantized and floating-point modules.
x is for the quantized module, y is for the floating point module
if x.is_quantized:
x = x.dequantize()
self.count += 1
if self.stats["quantized"] is None:
self.stats["quantized"] = x
self.quant_sum = x
self.quant_sum += x
self.stats["quantized"] = self.quant_sum / self.count
if self.stats["float"] is None:
self.stats["float"] = y
self.float_sum = y
self.float_sum += y
self.stats["float"] = self.float_sum / self.count
def clear(self):
self.stats["float"] = None
self.stats["quantized"] = None
self.count = 0
self.float_sum = None
self.quant_sum = None
def bias_correction(float_model, quantized_model, img_data, target_modules=_supported_modules_quantized, neval_batches=None):
''' Using numeric suite shadow module, the expected output of the floating point and quantized modules
is recorded. Using that data the bias of supported modules is shifted to compensate for the drift caused
by quantization
Paper reference: (Section 4.2)
float_model: a trained model that serves as a reference to what bias correction should aim for
quantized_model: quantized form of float_model that bias correction is to applied to
img_data: calibration data to estimate the expected output (used to find quantization error)
target_modules: specifies what submodules in quantized_model need bias correction (can be extended to
unquantized submodules)
neval_batches: a cap to the number of batches you want to be used for estimating the expected output
ns.prepare_model_with_stubs(float_model, quantized_model, _supported_modules, MeanShadowLogger)
uncorrected_modules = {}
for name, submodule in quantized_model.named_modules():
if type(submodule) in target_modules:
uncorrected_modules[name] = submodule
for uncorrected_module in uncorrected_modules:
quantized_submodule = get_module(quantized_model, uncorrected_module)
bias = get_param(quantized_submodule, 'bias')
if bias is not None:
count = 0
for data in img_data:
count += 1
if count == neval_batches:
ob_dict = ns.get_logger_dict(quantized_model)
parent_name, _ = parent_child_names(uncorrected_module)
float_data = ob_dict[parent_name + '.stats']['float']
quant_data = ob_dict[parent_name + '.stats']['quantized']
# math for expected_error
quantization_error = quant_data - float_data
dims = list(range(quantization_error.dim()))
# Note: we don't want to take the mean over the output channel dimension
expected_error = torch.mean(quantization_error, dims)
updated_bias = - expected_error = updated_bias
# Resets the data contained in the loggers
for name, submodule in quantized_model.named_modules():
if isinstance(submodule, MeanShadowLogger):