from typing import List
# Torch
from torch.jit.annotations import BroadcastingList2, BroadcastingList3 # noqa: F401
from torch.testing._internal.common_methods_invocations import non_differentiable, create_input, \
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch
import torch.cuda
import torch.jit
import torch.jit._logging
import torch.jit.frontend
from torch.testing._internal.common_nn import module_tests, new_module_tests
from copy import deepcopy
import math # noqa: F401
# Testing utils
from torch._six import inf
# TODO: include files like this should not set the default dtype
L = 20
M = 10
S = 5
# NB: JIT script tests for all nn functional interfaces, script mode does
# not support in_place operations yet, so no inplace operation tests added.
# removed all the deprecated functions
# (
# method name,
# input size/constructing fn,
# args (tuple represents shape of a tensor arg),
# test variant name(will be used at test name suffix,
# 'inplace' skips grad tests), // optional
# (True, nonfusible_nodes, fusible_nodes) for autodiff // optional
# fn to determine if test should be skipped, // optional
# fn mapping output to part that should be gradcheck'ed, // optional
# kwargs for function, // optional
# )
nn_functional_tests = [
('conv1d', (S, S, S), ((S, S, S),)),
('conv2d', (S, S, S, S), ((S, S, S, S),)),
('conv3d', (S, S, S, S, S), ((S, S, S, S, S),)),
('conv_transpose1d', (S, S, S), ((S, S, S),)),
('conv_transpose2d', (S, S, S, S), ((S, S, S, S),)),
('conv_transpose3d', (S, S, S, S, S), ((S, S, S, S, S),)),
('conv_tbc', (S, S, S), ((S, S, S), (S,), 2)),
('avg_pool1d', (S, S, S), (3,)),
('avg_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), (3,), '', (True,)),
('avg_pool3d', (S, S, S, S, S), (3,)),
('fractional_max_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), (3, [2, 3],)),
('max_pool1d', (S, S, S), (2, 1)),
('max_pool1d', (S, S, S), (2, 1, 1, 1, False, True), 'with_indices'),
('max_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), (2, 1), '', (True, 'aten::max_pool2d_with_indices')),
('max_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), (2, 1, 1, 1, False, True), 'with_indices', (True, 'aten::max_pool2d_with_indices')),
('max_pool3d', (S, S, S, S, S), (2, 1)),
('max_unpool1d', torch.tensor([[[2., 4]]]), (torch.tensor([[[1, 3]]]), 2, 2, 0)),
('max_unpool2d', torch.tensor([[[[2., 4]]]]), (torch.tensor([[[[1, 3]]]]), 2, 2, 0)),
('max_unpool3d', torch.tensor([[[[[2., 4]]]]]), (torch.tensor([[[[[1, 3]]]]]), 2, 2, 0)),
('lp_pool1d', (S, S, S), (2., 3, 2,)),
('lp_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), (2., 3, 2,)),
('adaptive_max_pool1d', (S, S, S), (5,)),
('adaptive_max_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), ([5, 7],)),
('adaptive_max_pool3d', (S, S, S, S, S), ([3, 2, 2],)),
('adaptive_avg_pool1d', (S, S, S), (5,), '', (True,)),
('adaptive_avg_pool2d', (S, S, S, S), ([5, 7],), '', (True,)),
('adaptive_avg_pool3d', (S, S, S, S, S), ([3, 2, 2],), '', (True,)),
('dropout', (S, S, S), (0.5,), '', (True,
'aten::empty_like', 'aten::mul', 'aten::div'])),
('alpha_dropout', (S, S, S), (0.5,)),
('dropout2d', (S, S, S), (0.5,)),
('dropout3d', (S, S, S), (0.5,)),
('feature_alpha_dropout', (S, S, S), (0.5,)),
('threshold', (S, S, S), (0.1, 2.), '', (True,)),
('threshold', (S, S, S), (0.1, 2., True), 'inplace'),
('relu', (S, S, S), (), '', (True,)),
('relu', (S, S, S), (), 'inplace'),
('glu', (S - 1, S - 1, S - 1), (),),
('hardtanh', (S, S, S), (-0.5, 0.5),),
('hardtanh', (S, S, S), (-0.5, 0.5, True), 'inplace'),
('relu6', (S, S, S), (),),
('relu6', (S, S, S), (True), 'inplace'),
('elu', (S, S, S), (0.9,),),
('elu', (S, S, S), (0.9, True), 'inplace'),
('selu', (S, S, S), (),),
('selu', (S, S, S), (True), 'inplace'),
('celu', (S, S, S), (0.9,),),
('celu', (S, S, S), (0.9, True), 'inplace'),
('leaky_relu', (S, S, S), (0.02,),),
('leaky_relu', (S, S, S), (0.02,), 'inplace'),
('rrelu', (S, S), (0.1, 0.3, False),),
('rrelu', (S, S), (0.1, 0.3, False, True), 'inplace'),
('hardshrink', (S, S, S), (0.4,),),
('tanhshrink', (S, S, S), (),),
('softsign', (S, S, S), (),),
('softplus', (S, S, S), (),),
('softmin', (S, S, S), (0,),),
('softmax', (S, S, S), (0,), '', (True,)),
('softmax', (S, S, S), (0, 3, torch.double), 'with_all_args', (True,)),
('tanh', (S, S, S), (), '', (True,)),
('sigmoid', (S, S, S), (), '', (True,)),
('log_softmax', (S, S, S), (0,), '', (True,)),
('linear', (S, S), ((M, S),), '', (True, ['aten::linear'])),
('linear', (S, S), ((M, S), (M,)), 'addmm', (True, ['aten::linear'])),
('bilinear', (S, S, S), ((S, S, M), torch.zeros(M, S, M),),),
('embedding', torch.tensor([[1, 2, 4, 5], [4, 3, 2, 5]]), (torch.rand(6, 3), ), '', (True,)),
('embedding_bag', torch.tensor([1, 2, 4, 2]), (torch.rand(5, 3), torch.tensor([0, 4]),),),
('batch_norm', (S, S), (non_differentiable(torch.randn(S)), non_differentiable(torch.ones(S)), ),
'', (False, 'aten::_batch_norm_impl_index')),
('instance_norm', (S, S, S), (non_differentiable(torch.zeros(S)), non_differentiable(torch.ones(S))),),
('layer_norm', (S, S, S, S), ([5],), '',
(False, ['aten::contiguous', 'aten::_batch_norm_impl_index'])),
('layer_norm', (S, S, S, S), ([5], non_differentiable(torch.rand(S)),), 'with_only_weight',
(False, ['aten::contiguous', 'aten::_batch_norm_impl_index'])),
('layer_norm', (S, S, S, S), ([5], None, non_differentiable(torch.rand(S)),), 'with_only_bias',
(False, ['aten::contiguous', 'aten::_batch_norm_impl_index'])),
('layer_norm', (S, S, S, S), ([5], non_differentiable(torch.rand(S)),
non_differentiable(torch.rand(S))), 'with_weight_and_bias',
(False, ['aten::contiguous', 'aten::_batch_norm_impl_index', 'aten::addcmul'])),
('group_norm', (S, S, S), (1, torch.rand(5),),),
('local_response_norm', (S, S, S), (2, ),),
('nll_loss', F.log_softmax(torch.randn(3, 5), dim=0), (torch.tensor([1, 0, 4]),), '', (True, 'aten::nll_loss_forward')),
('poisson_nll_loss', torch.rand(S, 2), (torch.rand(S, 2),),),
('poisson_nll_loss', torch.rand(S, 2), (torch.rand(S, 2), True, True), 'full'),
('kl_div', F.log_softmax(torch.randn(S, 10), 1), (F.softmax(torch.randn(S, 10), 1),),),
('cross_entropy', (3, S), (torch.randint(S, (3,), dtype=torch.int64),),),
('binary_cross_entropy_with_logits', (3,), (torch.empty(3).random_(2), ),),
('smooth_l1_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('l1_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('mse_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('smooth_l1_loss', (3, S), ((torch.rand(3, S)),), 'with_grad'),
('l1_loss', (3, S), ((torch.rand(3, S)),), 'with_grad'),
('mse_loss', (3, S), ((torch.rand(3, S)),), 'with_grad'),
('margin_ranking_loss', (3, S), ((3, S), (S,)),),
('hinge_embedding_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('soft_margin_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('multilabel_soft_margin_loss', (3, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, S)),),),
('cosine_embedding_loss', (S, S), ((S, S), non_differentiable(torch.rand(S,))),),
('pixel_shuffle', (1, 9, 4, 4), (3,),),
('pixel_unshuffle', (1, 1, 12, 12), (3,),),
('affine_grid', (S, 2, 3), (torch.Size([S, 1, 7, 7]),),),
('pad', (3, 3, 4, 2), ([1, 1],),),
('pairwise_distance', (S, S), ((S, S),),),
('pdist', (S, S), (),),
('cosine_similarity', (S, S), ((S, S),),),
('triplet_margin_loss', (S, S), ((S, S), (S, S)),),
('normalize', (S, S, S), (),),
('unfold', (S, S, S, S), ([2, 3]),),
('fold', (1, 3 * 2 * 2, 12), ([4, 5], [2, 2]),),
('grid_sample', (S, S, S, S), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(S, S, S, 2)),),),
('gumbel_softmax', (S, S), (2.,), '', (True, ['aten::softmax', 'aten::add', 'aten::div'], ['aten::neg'])),
('gumbel_softmax', (S, S), (2., True,), 'hard', (True, ['aten::softmax', 'aten::add', 'aten::div'], ['aten::neg'])),
('multilabel_margin_loss', torch.tensor([[0.2, -0.2, 0.07]]), (torch.tensor([[0, 0, 1]]),),),
('multi_margin_loss', (S, S), (non_differentiable(torch.randint(S, (S, ), dtype=torch.int64)),
1, 1., non_differentiable(torch.randn(S))),),
('binary_cross_entropy', torch.randn(3, 2).sigmoid(), (non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, 2)),
non_differentiable(torch.randn(3, 2))),),
('binary_cross_entropy', torch.randn(3, 2).sigmoid(),
(non_differentiable(torch.rand(3, 2)),
non_differentiable(torch.randn(3, 2)), None, None, 'mean'), 'size_average'),
('ctc_loss', torch.rand(S, S, S).log_softmax(2).detach().requires_grad_(),
(torch.randint(1, S, (S, S), dtype=torch.long), torch.full((S,), S, dtype=torch.long),
torch.randint(1, S, (S,), dtype=torch.long))),
('upsample', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'with_scale'),
('upsample', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4,), 'with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3), (2,), 'nearest_4d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'nearest_4d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4,), 'nearest_4d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3), (2,), 'area_4d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'area_4d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4,), 'area_4d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3), (2,), 'bilinear_4d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'bilinear_4d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4,), 'bilinear_4d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3), (2,), 'bicubic_4d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'bicubic_4d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4,), 'bicubic_4d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 3, 3), (2,), 'nearest_3d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'nearest_3d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (4,), 'nearest_3d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 3, 3), (2,), 'area_3d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'area_3d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (4,), 'area_3d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 3, 3), (2,), 'linear_3d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (None, 2.), 'linear_3d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (4,), 'linear_3d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (None, 2.), 'nearest_5d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (4,), 'nearest_5d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3, 3), (2,), 'area_5d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (None, 2.), 'area_5d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (4,), 'area_5d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3, 3), (2,), 'trilinear_5d'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (None, 2.), 'trilinear_5d_with_scale'),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (4,), 'trilinear_5d_with_size'),
('interpolate', torch.zeros(3, 3).view(1, 1, 3, 3), (2, None, 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4, None, 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2., 'bilinear', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4, None, 'bilinear', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (None, 2., 'bicubic', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, S, M, M), (4, None, 'bicubic', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (None, 2., 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (4, None, 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (None, 2., 'linear', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M), (4, None, 'linear', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (None, 2., 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (4, None, 'nearest', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (None, 2., 'trilinear', None, False),
('interpolate', torch.randn(S, M, M, M, M), (4, None, 'trilinear', None, False),
script_template = '''
def the_method({}):
return {}
def value_to_literal(value):
if isinstance(value, str):
# Quotes string and escapes special characters
return ascii(value)
return str(value)
def get_call(method_name, func_type, args, kwargs):
kwargs_str = ', '.join([k + '=' + value_to_literal(v) for k, v in kwargs.items()])
self_arg = args[0]
if(func_type == 'method'):
args = args[1:]
argument_str = ', '.join(args)
argument_str += ', ' if len(args) and len(kwargs) else ''
argument_str += kwargs_str
if func_type == 'functional' or func_type == 'function':
call = 'torch.{}({})'.format(method_name, argument_str)
elif func_type == 'method':
call = '{}.{}({})'.format(self_arg, method_name, argument_str)
elif func_type == 'nn_functional':
call = 'torch.nn.functional.{}({})'.format(method_name, argument_str)
raise TypeError('Unsupported function type')
return call
def get_constant(x):
if x == inf:
return 'math.inf'
if x == -inf:
return '-math.inf'
return x
def get_script_args(args):
formals: List[str] = []
tensors: List[torch.Tensor] = []
actuals: List[str] = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor):
name = 'i{}'.format(len(formals))
elif isinstance(arg, str):
return (formals, tensors, actuals)
# create a script function from (name, func_type, output_process_fn),
# and returns the compiled function and example inputs
def gen_script_fn_and_args(method_name, func_type, *args, **kwargs):
formals, tensors, actuals = get_script_args(args)
call = get_call(method_name, func_type, actuals, kwargs)
script = script_template.format(', '.join(formals), call)
CU = torch.jit.CompilationUnit(script)
return CU.the_method, tensors
# create a script function from (name, func_type),
# returns a function takes in (args, kwargs) and runs the compiled function
def create_script_fn(self, method_name, func_type):
# function returns tuple containing original output and
# filtered output to be used in checking gradients
def script_fn(*args, **kwargs):
fn, tensors = gen_script_fn_and_args(method_name, func_type, *args, **kwargs)
self.assertExportImport(fn.graph, tensors)
output = fn(*tensors)
# skip type annotate function attributes for now, see:
script_fn.last_graph = fn.graph_for(*tensors) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return output
return script_fn
# make a new function where all non-tensor arguments in 'args' have been partially
# applied, and all tensor arguments remain.
# used to trace functions when some arguments are not tensors
def partial_apply_nontensors(fn, args, **kwargs):
source = ['t' if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor) else 's' for arg in args]
def new_fn(*tensors_):
tensors = iter(tensors_)
return fn(*(args[i] if s == 's' else next(tensors) for i, s in enumerate(source)), **kwargs)
return new_fn, [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, torch.Tensor)]
# create a trace function from input fn
def create_traced_fn(self, fn):
def traced_fn(*inputs, **kwargs):
fn_tensors, inputs_tensors = partial_apply_nontensors(fn, inputs, **kwargs)
# `check_trace` is set to False because check_trace is run with @no_grad
# Also, `check_against_reference` already does all the checks
# against python function
traced = torch.jit.trace(fn_tensors, inputs_tensors, check_trace=False)
self.assertExportImport(traced.graph, inputs_tensors)
output = traced(*inputs_tensors)
# skip type annotate function attributes for now, see:
traced_fn.last_graph = traced.graph_for(*inputs_tensors) # type: ignore[attr-defined]
return output
return traced_fn
# known to be failing in script
# aten op has additional cudnn argument
# flaky test - TODO fix
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