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/ testing / _internal / mypy_wrapper.py

#!/usr/bin/env python3

This module serves two purposes:

- it holds the config_files function, which defines the set of subtests
  for the test_run_mypy test in test/test_type_hints.py
- it can be run as a script (see the docstring of main below) and passed
  the filename of any Python file in this repo, to typecheck that file
  using only the subset of our mypy configs that apply to it

Since editors (e.g. VS Code) can be configured to use this wrapper
script in lieu of mypy itself, the idea is that this can be used to get
inline mypy results while developing, and have at least some degree of
assurance that those inline results match up with what you would get
from running the TestTypeHints test suite in CI.

See also these wiki pages:

- https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/wiki/Guide-for-adding-type-annotations-to-PyTorch
- https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/wiki/Lint-as-you-type

import fnmatch
import re
import sys
from configparser import ConfigParser
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path, PurePath, PurePosixPath
from typing import List, Set

# don't import any files that live in the PyTorch repo, since this is
# meant to work as a standalone script

    import mypy.api
except ImportError:
    # let test/test_type_hints.py import this even if mypy is absent

def config_files() -> Set[str]:
    Return a set of the names of all the PyTorch mypy config files.
    return {

def glob(*, pattern: str, filename: PurePosixPath) -> bool:
    Return True iff the filename matches the (mypy ini) glob pattern.
    return any(
        fnmatch.fnmatchcase(str(prefix), pattern)
        for prefix in chain([filename], filename.parents)

def in_files(*, ini: str, py: str) -> bool:
    Return True iff the py file is included in the ini file's "files".
    config = ConfigParser()
    repo_root = Path.cwd()
    filename = PurePosixPath(PurePath(py).relative_to(repo_root).as_posix())
    config.read(repo_root / ini)
    return any(
        glob(pattern=pattern, filename=filename)
        for pattern in re.split(r',\s*', config['mypy']['files'].strip())

def main(args: List[str]) -> None:
    Run mypy on one Python file using the correct config file(s).

    This function assumes the following preconditions hold:

    - the cwd is set to the root of this cloned repo
    - args is a valid list of CLI arguments that could be passed to mypy
    - last element of args is an absolute path to a file to typecheck
    - all the other args are config flags for mypy, rather than files

    These assumptions hold, for instance, when mypy is run automatically
    by VS Code's Python extension, so in your clone of this repository,
    you could modify your .vscode/settings.json to look like this:

          "python.linting.enabled": true,
          "python.linting.mypyEnabled": true,

    More generally, this should work for any editor sets the cwd to the
    repo root, runs mypy on one file at a time via its absolute path,
    and allows you to set the path to the mypy executable.
    if not args:
        sys.exit('The PyTorch mypy wrapper must be passed exactly one file.')
    configs = [f for f in config_files() if in_files(ini=f, py=args[-1])]
    mypy_results = [
            # insert right before args[-1] to avoid being overridden
            # by existing flags in args[:-1]
            args[:-1] + [
                # uniform, in case some configs set these and some don't
                # don't special-case the last line
        for config in configs
    mypy_issues = list(dict.fromkeys(  # remove duplicates, retain order
        # assume stderr is empty
        # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/1051
        for stdout, _, _ in mypy_results
        for item in stdout.splitlines()
    for issue in mypy_issues:
    # assume all mypy exit codes are nonnegative
    # https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/6003
        [exit_code for _, _, exit_code in mypy_results],

if __name__ == '__main__':