from import IterDataPipe
from import validate_pathname_binary_tuple
from typing import Iterable, Iterator, Tuple, IO, cast
from io import BufferedIOBase
import os
import sys
import zipfile
import warnings
class ReadFilesFromZipIterDataPipe(IterDataPipe):
r""" :class:`ReadFilesFromZipIterDataPipe`.
Iterable data pipe to extract zip binary streams from input iterable which contains tuples of
pathname and zip binary stream, yields pathname and extracted binary stream in a tuple.
datapipe: Iterable datapipe that provides pathname and zip binary stream in tuples
length: a nominal length of the datapipe
def __init__(
datapipe : Iterable[Tuple[str, BufferedIOBase]],
length : int = -1):
self.datapipe : Iterable[Tuple[str, BufferedIOBase]] = datapipe
self.length : int = length
def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, BufferedIOBase]]:
if not isinstance(self.datapipe, Iterable):
raise TypeError("datapipe must be Iterable type but got {}".format(type(self.datapipe)))
for data in self.datapipe:
pathname, data_stream = data
# typing.cast is used here to silence mypy's type checker
zips = zipfile.ZipFile(cast(IO[bytes], data_stream))
for zipinfo in zips.infolist():
# major version should always be 3 here.
if sys.version_info[1] >= 6:
if zipinfo.is_dir():
elif zipinfo.filename.endswith('/'):
extracted_fobj =
inner_pathname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(pathname, zipinfo.filename))
# Add a reference of the source zipfile into extracted_fobj, so the source
# zipfile handle won't be released until all the extracted file objs are destroyed.
# Add `# type: ignore` to silence mypy's type checker
extracted_fobj.source_zipfile_ref = zips # type: ignore
# typing.cast is used here to silence mypy's type checker
yield (inner_pathname, cast(BufferedIOBase, extracted_fobj))
except Exception as e:
"Unable to extract files from corrupted zipfile stream {} due to: {}, abort!".format(pathname, e))
raise e
def __len__(self):
if self.length == -1:
raise NotImplementedError
return self.length