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/ transforms / functional_tensor.py

import warnings

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import grid_sample, conv2d, interpolate, pad as torch_pad
from torch.jit.annotations import BroadcastingList2
from typing import Optional, Tuple, List

def _is_tensor_a_torch_image(x: Tensor) -> bool:
    return x.ndim >= 2

def _assert_image_tensor(img):
    if not _is_tensor_a_torch_image(img):
        raise TypeError("Tensor is not a torch image.")

def _get_image_size(img: Tensor) -> List[int]:
    # Returns (w, h) of tensor image
    return [img.shape[-1], img.shape[-2]]

def _get_image_num_channels(img: Tensor) -> int:
    if img.ndim == 2:
        return 1
    elif img.ndim > 2:
        return img.shape[-3]

    raise TypeError("Input ndim should be 2 or more. Got {}".format(img.ndim))

def _max_value(dtype: torch.dtype) -> float:
    # TODO: replace this method with torch.iinfo when it gets torchscript support.
    # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/41492

    a = torch.tensor(2, dtype=dtype)
    signed = 1 if torch.tensor(0, dtype=dtype).is_signed() else 0
    bits = 1
    max_value = torch.tensor(-signed, dtype=torch.long)
    while True:
        next_value = a.pow(bits - signed).sub(1)
        if next_value > max_value:
            max_value = next_value
            bits *= 2
    return max_value.item()

def _assert_channels(img: Tensor, permitted: List[int]) -> None:
    c = _get_image_num_channels(img)
    if c not in permitted:
        raise TypeError("Input image tensor permitted channel values are {}, but found {}".format(permitted, c))

def convert_image_dtype(image: torch.Tensor, dtype: torch.dtype = torch.float) -> torch.Tensor:
    if image.dtype == dtype:
        return image

    if image.is_floating_point():

        # TODO: replace with dtype.is_floating_point when torchscript supports it
        if torch.tensor(0, dtype=dtype).is_floating_point():
            return image.to(dtype)

        # float to int
        if (image.dtype == torch.float32 and dtype in (torch.int32, torch.int64)) or (
            image.dtype == torch.float64 and dtype == torch.int64
            msg = f"The cast from {image.dtype} to {dtype} cannot be performed safely."
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

        # https://github.com/pytorch/vision/pull/2078#issuecomment-612045321
        # For data in the range 0-1, (float * 255).to(uint) is only 255
        # when float is exactly 1.0.
        # `max + 1 - epsilon` provides more evenly distributed mapping of
        # ranges of floats to ints.
        eps = 1e-3
        max_val = _max_value(dtype)
        result = image.mul(max_val + 1.0 - eps)
        return result.to(dtype)
        input_max = _max_value(image.dtype)

        # int to float
        # TODO: replace with dtype.is_floating_point when torchscript supports it
        if torch.tensor(0, dtype=dtype).is_floating_point():
            image = image.to(dtype)
            return image / input_max

        output_max = _max_value(dtype)

        # int to int
        if input_max > output_max:
            # factor should be forced to int for torch jit script
            # otherwise factor is a float and image // factor can produce different results
            factor = int((input_max + 1) // (output_max + 1))
            image = image // factor
            return image.to(dtype)
            # factor should be forced to int for torch jit script
            # otherwise factor is a float and image * factor can produce different results
            factor = int((output_max + 1) // (input_max + 1))
            image = image.to(dtype)
            return image * factor

def vflip(img: Tensor) -> Tensor:

    return img.flip(-2)

def hflip(img: Tensor) -> Tensor:

    return img.flip(-1)

def crop(img: Tensor, top: int, left: int, height: int, width: int) -> Tensor:

    return img[..., top:top + height, left:left + width]

def rgb_to_grayscale(img: Tensor, num_output_channels: int = 1) -> Tensor:
    if img.ndim < 3:
        raise TypeError("Input image tensor should have at least 3 dimensions, but found {}".format(img.ndim))
    _assert_channels(img, [3])

    if num_output_channels not in (1, 3):
        raise ValueError('num_output_channels should be either 1 or 3')

    r, g, b = img.unbind(dim=-3)
    # This implementation closely follows the TF one:
    # https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/blob/v2.3.0/tensorflow/python/ops/image_ops_impl.py#L2105-L2138
    l_img = (0.2989 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b).to(img.dtype)
    l_img = l_img.unsqueeze(dim=-3)

    if num_output_channels == 3:
        return l_img.expand(img.shape)

    return l_img

def adjust_brightness(img: Tensor, brightness_factor: float) -> Tensor:
    if brightness_factor < 0:
        raise ValueError('brightness_factor ({}) is not non-negative.'.format(brightness_factor))


    _assert_channels(img, [1, 3])

    return _blend(img, torch.zeros_like(img), brightness_factor)

def adjust_contrast(img: Tensor, contrast_factor: float) -> Tensor:
    if contrast_factor < 0:
        raise ValueError('contrast_factor ({}) is not non-negative.'.format(contrast_factor))


    _assert_channels(img, [3])

    dtype = img.dtype if torch.is_floating_point(img) else torch.float32
    mean = torch.mean(rgb_to_grayscale(img).to(dtype), dim=(-3, -2, -1), keepdim=True)

    return _blend(img, mean, contrast_factor)

def adjust_hue(img: Tensor, hue_factor: float) -> Tensor:
    if not (-0.5 <= hue_factor <= 0.5):
        raise ValueError('hue_factor ({}) is not in [-0.5, 0.5].'.format(hue_factor))

    if not (isinstance(img, torch.Tensor)):
        raise TypeError('Input img should be Tensor image')


    _assert_channels(img, [1, 3])
    if _get_image_num_channels(img) == 1:  # Match PIL behaviour
        return img

    orig_dtype = img.dtype
    if img.dtype == torch.uint8:
        img = img.to(dtype=torch.float32) / 255.0

    img = _rgb2hsv(img)
    h, s, v = img.unbind(dim=-3)
    h = (h + hue_factor) % 1.0
    img = torch.stack((h, s, v), dim=-3)
    img_hue_adj = _hsv2rgb(img)

    if orig_dtype == torch.uint8:
        img_hue_adj = (img_hue_adj * 255.0).to(dtype=orig_dtype)

    return img_hue_adj

def adjust_saturation(img: Tensor, saturation_factor: float) -> Tensor:
    if saturation_factor < 0:
        raise ValueError('saturation_factor ({}) is not non-negative.'.format(saturation_factor))


    _assert_channels(img, [3])

    return _blend(img, rgb_to_grayscale(img), saturation_factor)

def adjust_gamma(img: Tensor, gamma: float, gain: float = 1) -> Tensor:
    if not isinstance(img, torch.Tensor):
        raise TypeError('Input img should be a Tensor.')

    _assert_channels(img, [1, 3])

    if gamma < 0:
        raise ValueError('Gamma should be a non-negative real number')

    result = img
    dtype = img.dtype
    if not torch.is_floating_point(img):
        result = convert_image_dtype(result, torch.float32)

    result = (gain * result ** gamma).clamp(0, 1)

    result = convert_image_dtype(result, dtype)
    result = result.to(dtype)
    return result

def center_crop(img: Tensor, output_size: BroadcastingList2[int]) -> Tensor:
        "This method is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. "
        "Please, use ``F.center_crop`` instead."


    _, image_width, image_height = img.size()
    crop_height, crop_width = output_size
    # crop_top = int(round((image_height - crop_height) / 2.))
    # Result can be different between python func and scripted func
    # Temporary workaround:
    crop_top = int((image_height - crop_height + 1) * 0.5)
    # crop_left = int(round((image_width - crop_width) / 2.))
    # Result can be different between python func and scripted func
    # Temporary workaround:
    crop_left = int((image_width - crop_width + 1) * 0.5)

    return crop(img, crop_top, crop_left, crop_height, crop_width)

def five_crop(img: Tensor, size: BroadcastingList2[int]) -> List[Tensor]:
        "This method is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. "
        "Please, use ``F.five_crop`` instead."


    assert len(size) == 2, "Please provide only two dimensions (h, w) for size."

    _, image_width, image_height = img.size()
    crop_height, crop_width = size
    if crop_width > image_width or crop_height > image_height:
        msg = "Requested crop size {} is bigger than input size {}"
        raise ValueError(msg.format(size, (image_height, image_width)))

    tl = crop(img, 0, 0, crop_width, crop_height)
    tr = crop(img, image_width - crop_width, 0, image_width, crop_height)
    bl = crop(img, 0, image_height - crop_height, crop_width, image_height)
    br = crop(img, image_width - crop_width, image_height - crop_height, image_width, image_height)
    center = center_crop(img, (crop_height, crop_width))

    return [tl, tr, bl, br, center]

def ten_crop(img: Tensor, size: BroadcastingList2[int], vertical_flip: bool = False) -> List[Tensor]:
        "This method is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. "
        "Please, use ``F.ten_crop`` instead."


    assert len(size) == 2, "Please provide only two dimensions (h, w) for size."
    first_five = five_crop(img, size)

    if vertical_flip:
        img = vflip(img)
        img = hflip(img)

    second_five = five_crop(img, size)

    return first_five + second_five

def _blend(img1: Tensor, img2: Tensor, ratio: float) -> Tensor:
    ratio = float(ratio)
    bound = 1.0 if img1.is_floating_point() else 255.0
    return (ratio * img1 + (1.0 - ratio) * img2).clamp(0, bound).to(img1.dtype)

def _rgb2hsv(img):
    r, g, b = img.unbind(dim=-3)

    # Implementation is based on https://github.com/python-pillow/Pillow/blob/4174d4267616897df3746d315d5a2d0f82c656ee/
    # src/libImaging/Convert.c#L330
    maxc = torch.max(img, dim=-3).values
    minc = torch.min(img, dim=-3).values

    # The algorithm erases S and H channel where `maxc = minc`. This avoids NaN
    # from happening in the results, because
    #   + S channel has division by `maxc`, which is zero only if `maxc = minc`
    #   + H channel has division by `(maxc - minc)`.
    # Instead of overwriting NaN afterwards, we just prevent it from occuring so
    # we don't need to deal with it in case we save the NaN in a buffer in
    # backprop, if it is ever supported, but it doesn't hurt to do so.
    eqc = maxc == minc

    cr = maxc - minc
    # Since `eqc => cr = 0`, replacing denominator with 1 when `eqc` is fine.
    ones = torch.ones_like(maxc)
    s = cr / torch.where(eqc, ones, maxc)
    # Note that `eqc => maxc = minc = r = g = b`. So the following calculation
    # of `h` would reduce to `bc - gc + 2 + rc - bc + 4 + rc - bc = 6` so it
    # would not matter what values `rc`, `gc`, and `bc` have here, and thus
    # replacing denominator with 1 when `eqc` is fine.
    cr_divisor = torch.where(eqc, ones, cr)
    rc = (maxc - r) / cr_divisor
    gc = (maxc - g) / cr_divisor
    bc = (maxc - b) / cr_divisor

    hr = (maxc == r) * (bc - gc)
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