// @generated
* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @fullSyntaxTransform
'use strict';
var _require = require('./GraphQL');
var buildClientSchema = _require.utilities_buildClientSchema.buildClientSchema;
var RelayQLTransformer = require('./RelayQLTransformer');
var babelAdapter = require('./babelAdapter');
var invariant = require('./invariant');
var util = require('util');
var PROVIDES_MODULE = 'providesModule';
* Returns a new Babel Transformer that uses the supplied schema to transform
* template strings tagged with `Relay.QL` into an internal representation of
* GraphQL queries.
function getBabelRelayPlugin(schemaProvider, pluginOptions) {
var options = pluginOptions || {};
var warning = options.suppressWarnings ? function () {} : console.warn.bind(console);
var schema = getSchema(schemaProvider);
var transformer = new RelayQLTransformer(schema, {
inputArgumentName: options.inputArgumentName,
snakeCase: !!options.snakeCase,
substituteVariables: !!options.substituteVariables,
validator: options.validator
return function (_ref) {
var Plugin = _ref.Plugin;
var types = _ref.types;
return babelAdapter(Plugin, types, 'relay-query', function (t) {
return {
visitor: {
* Extract the module name from `@providesModule`.
Program: function Program(_ref2, state) {
var parent = _ref2.parent;
if (state.file.opts.documentName) {
var documentName = undefined;
if (parent.comments && parent.comments.length) {
var docblock = parent.comments[0].value || '';
var propertyRegex = /@(\S+) *(\S*)/g;
var captures = undefined;
while (captures = propertyRegex.exec(docblock)) {
var property = captures[1];
var value = captures[2];
if (property === PROVIDES_MODULE) {
documentName = value.replace(/[\.-:]/g, '_');
var basename = state.file.opts.basename;
if (basename && !documentName) {
var captures = basename.match(/^[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/);
if (captures) {
documentName = captures[0];
state.file.opts.documentName = documentName || 'UnknownFile';
* Transform Relay.QL`...`.
TaggedTemplateExpression: function TaggedTemplateExpression(path, state) {
var node = path.node;
var tag = path.get('tag');
var tagName = tag.matchesPattern('Relay.QL') ? 'Relay.QL' : tag.isIdentifier({ name: 'RelayQL' }) ? 'RelayQL' : null;
if (!tagName) {
var documentName = state.file.opts.documentName;
invariant(documentName, 'Expected `documentName` to have been set.');
var result = undefined;
try {
result = transformer.transform(t, node.quasi, documentName, tagName);
} catch (error) {
// Print a console warning and replace the code with a function
// that will immediately throw an error in the browser.
var sourceText = error.sourceText;
var validationErrors = error.validationErrors;
var basename = state.file.opts.basename || 'UnknownFile';
var filename = state.file.opts.filename || 'UnknownFile';
var errorMessages = [];
if (validationErrors && sourceText) {
var sourceLines = sourceText.split('\n');
validationErrors.forEach(function (_ref3) {
var message = _ref3.message;
var locations = _ref3.locations;
warning('\n-- GraphQL Validation Error -- %s --\n', basename);
warning(['File: ' + filename, 'Error: ' + message, 'Source:'].join('\n'));
locations.forEach(function (location) {
var preview = sourceLines[location.line - 1];
if (preview) {
warning(['> ', '> ' + preview, '> ' + ' '.repeat(location.column - 1) + '^^^'].join('\n'));
} else {
warning('\n-- Relay Transform Error -- %s --\n', basename);
warning(['File: ' + filename, 'Error: ' + error.stack].join('\n'));
var runtimeMessage = util.format('GraphQL validation/transform error ``%s`` in file `%s`.', errorMessages.join(' '), filename);
result = t.callExpression(t.functionExpression(null, [], t.blockStatement([t.throwStatement(t.newExpression(t.identifier('Error'), [t.valueToNode(runtimeMessage)]))])), []);
if (options.debug) {
if (options.abortOnError) {
throw new Error('Aborting due to GraphQL validation/transform error(s).');
// For babel 5 compatibility
if (state.isLegacyState) {
return result; // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
} else {
function getSchema(schemaProvider) {
var introspection = typeof schemaProvider === 'function' ? schemaProvider() : schemaProvider;
invariant(typeof introspection === 'object' && introspection && typeof introspection.__schema === 'object' && introspection.__schema, 'Invalid introspection data supplied to `getBabelRelayPlugin()`. The ' + 'resulting schema is not an object with a `__schema` property.');
return buildClientSchema(introspection);
module.exports = getBabelRelayPlugin;