* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule GraphQLSegment
* @typechecks
'use strict';
var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];
var _slicedToArray = require('babel-runtime/helpers/sliced-to-array')['default'];
var _Object$assign = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/assign')['default'];
var _Object$keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys')['default'];
var GraphQLStoreDataHandler = require('./GraphQLStoreDataHandler');
* Represents one contiguous segment of edges within a `GraphQLRange`. Has
* methods for adding/removing edges (`appendEdge`, `prependEdge`, `removeEdge`)
* and working with cursors (`getFirstCursor`, `getLastCursor` etc)
* Edges are never actually deleted from segments; they are merely marked as
* being deleted. As such, `GraphQLSegment` offers both a `getCount` method
* (returning the number of non-deleted edges) and a `getLength` method (which
* returns the total number, including deleted edges).
* Used mostly as an implementation detail internal to `GraphQLRange`.
* @internal
var GraphQLSegment = (function () {
function GraphQLSegment() {
_classCallCheck(this, GraphQLSegment);
// We use a map rather than an array because indices can become negative
// when prepending.
this._indexToMetadataMap = {};
// We keep track of past indices to ensure we can delete them completely.
this._idToIndicesMap = {};
this._cursorToIndexMap = {};
this._count = 0;
this._minIndex = null;
this._maxIndex = null;
* @param {string} cursor
* @return {?number}
GraphQLSegment.prototype._getIndexForCursor = function _getIndexForCursor(cursor) {
return this._cursorToIndexMap[cursor];
* @param {string} id
* @return {?number}
GraphQLSegment.prototype._getIndexForID = function _getIndexForID(id) {
var indices = this._idToIndicesMap[id];
return indices && indices[0];
* @return {?string} cursor for first non-deleted edge
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getFirstCursor = function getFirstCursor() {
if (this.getLength()) {
for (var ii = this._minIndex; ii <= this._maxIndex; ii++) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[ii];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
return metadata.cursor;
* @return {?string} cursor for last non-deleted edge
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getLastCursor = function getLastCursor() {
if (this.getLength()) {
for (var ii = this._maxIndex; ii >= this._minIndex; ii--) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[ii];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
return metadata.cursor;
* @return {?string} id for first non-deleted edge
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getFirstID = function getFirstID() {
if (this.getLength()) {
for (var ii = this._minIndex; ii <= this._maxIndex; ii++) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[ii];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
return metadata.edgeID;
* @return {?string} id for last non-deleted edge
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getLastID = function getLastID() {
if (this.getLength()) {
for (var ii = this._maxIndex; ii >= this._minIndex; ii--) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[ii];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
return metadata.edgeID;
* @param {number} index
* @return {?object} Returns the not-deleted edge at index
GraphQLSegment.prototype._getEdgeAtIndex = function _getEdgeAtIndex(index) {
var edge = this._indexToMetadataMap[index];
return edge && !edge.deleted ? edge : null;
* Returns whether there is a non-deleted edge for id
* @param {string} id
* @return {boolean}
GraphQLSegment.prototype.containsEdgeWithID = function containsEdgeWithID(id) {
var index = this._getIndexForID(id);
if (index === undefined) {
return false;
return !!this._getEdgeAtIndex(index);
* Returns whether there is a non-deleted edge for cursor
* @param {string} cursor
* @return {boolean}
GraphQLSegment.prototype.containsEdgeWithCursor = function containsEdgeWithCursor(cursor) {
var index = this._getIndexForCursor(cursor);
if (index === undefined) {
return false;
return !!this._getEdgeAtIndex(index);
* Returns up to count number of ids and cursors that is after input cursor
* @param {number} count
* @param {?string} cursor
* @return {object} object with arrays of ids and cursors
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getMetadataAfterCursor = function getMetadataAfterCursor(count, cursor) {
if (!this.getLength()) {
return {
edgeIDs: [],
cursors: []
var currentIndex = this._minIndex;
if (cursor) {
var index = this._getIndexForCursor(cursor);
if (index === undefined) {
console.warn('This segment does not have a cursor %s', cursor);
return {
edgeIDs: [],
cursors: []
currentIndex = index + 1;
var total = 0;
var edgeIDs = [];
var cursors = [];
while (currentIndex <= this._maxIndex && total < count) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[currentIndex];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
return {
edgeIDs: edgeIDs,
cursors: cursors
* Returns up to count number of ids and cursors that is before index
* @param {number} count
* @param {?string} cursor
* @return {object} object with arrays of ids and cursors
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getMetadataBeforeCursor = function getMetadataBeforeCursor(count, cursor) {
if (!this.getLength()) {
return {
edgeIDs: [],
cursors: []
var currentIndex = this._maxIndex;
if (cursor) {
var index = this._getIndexForCursor(cursor);
if (index === undefined) {
console.warn('This segment does not have a cursor %s', cursor);
return {
edgeIDs: [],
cursors: []
currentIndex = index - 1;
var total = 0;
var edgeIDs = [];
var cursors = [];
while (currentIndex >= this._minIndex && total < count) {
var metadata = this._indexToMetadataMap[currentIndex];
if (!metadata.deleted) {
// Reverse edges because larger index were added first
return {
edgeIDs: edgeIDs.reverse(),
cursors: cursors.reverse()
* @param {object} edge
* @param {number} index
GraphQLSegment.prototype._addEdgeAtIndex = function _addEdgeAtIndex(edge, index) {
var edgeID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(edge);
var cursor = edge.cursor;
var idIndex = this._getIndexForID(edgeID);
// If the id is has an index and is not deleted
if (idIndex !== undefined && this._getEdgeAtIndex(idIndex)) {
console.warn('Attempted to add an ID already in GraphQLSegment: %s', edgeID);
if (this.getLength() === 0) {
this._minIndex = index;
this._maxIndex = index;
} else if (this._minIndex == index + 1) {
this._minIndex = index;
} else if (this._maxIndex == index - 1) {
this._maxIndex = index;
} else {
console.warn('Attempted to add noncontiguous index to GraphQLSegment: ' + index + ' to ' + ('(' + this._minIndex + ', ' + this._maxIndex + ')'));
this._indexToMetadataMap[index] = {
edgeID: edgeID,
cursor: cursor,
deleted: false
this._idToIndicesMap[edgeID] = this._idToIndicesMap[edgeID] || [];
if (cursor) {
this._cursorToIndexMap[cursor] = index;
* @param {object} edge should have cursor and a node with id
GraphQLSegment.prototype.prependEdge = function prependEdge(edge) {
this._addEdgeAtIndex(edge, this._minIndex !== null ? this._minIndex - 1 : 0);
* @param {object} edge should have cursor and a node with id
GraphQLSegment.prototype.appendEdge = function appendEdge(edge) {
this._addEdgeAtIndex(edge, this._maxIndex !== null ? this._maxIndex + 1 : 0);
* Mark the currently valid edge with given id to be deleted.
* @param {string} id the id of the edge to be removed
GraphQLSegment.prototype.removeEdge = function removeEdge(id) {
var index = this._getIndexForID(id);
if (index === undefined) {
console.warn('Attempted to remove edge with ID that was never in GraphQLSegment: ' + id);
var data = this._indexToMetadataMap[index];
if (data.deleted) {
console.warn('Attempted to remove edge with ID that was already removed: ' + id);
data.deleted = true;
* Mark all edges with given id to be deleted. This is used by
* delete mutations to ensure both the current and past edges are no longer
* accessible.
* @param {string} id the id of the edge to be removed
GraphQLSegment.prototype.removeAllEdges = function removeAllEdges(id) {
var indices = this._idToIndicesMap[id];
if (!indices) {
for (var ii = 0; ii < indices.length; ii++) {
var data = this._indexToMetadataMap[indices[ii]];
if (!data.deleted) {
data.deleted = true;
* @param {array} edges
* @param {?string} cursor
GraphQLSegment.prototype.addEdgesAfterCursor = function addEdgesAfterCursor(edges, cursor) {
// Default adding after with no cursor to -1
// So the first element in the segment is stored at index 0
var index = -1;
if (cursor) {
index = this._getIndexForCursor(cursor);
if (index === undefined) {
console.warn('This segment does not have a cursor %s', cursor);
while (this._maxIndex !== null && index < this._maxIndex) {
var data = this._indexToMetadataMap[index + 1];
// Skip over elements that have been deleted
// so we can add new edges on the end.
if (data.deleted) {
} else {
console.warn('Attempted to do an overwrite to GraphQLSegment: ' + 'last index is ' + this._maxIndex + ' trying to add edges before ' + index);
var startIndex = index + 1;
for (var ii = 0; ii < edges.length; ii++) {
var edge = edges[ii];
this._addEdgeAtIndex(edge, startIndex + ii);
* @param {array} edges - should be in increasing order of index
* @param {?string} cursor
GraphQLSegment.prototype.addEdgesBeforeCursor = function addEdgesBeforeCursor(edges, cursor) {
// Default adding before with no cursor to 1
// So the first element in the segment is stored at index 0
var index = 1;
if (cursor) {
index = this._getIndexForCursor(cursor);
if (index === undefined) {
console.warn('This segment does not have a cursor %s', cursor);
while (this._minIndex !== null && index > this._minIndex) {
var data = this._indexToMetadataMap[index - 1];
// Skip over elements that have been deleted
// so we can add new edges in the front.
if (data.deleted) {
} else {
console.warn('Attempted to do an overwrite to GraphQLSegment: ' + 'first index is ' + this._minIndex + ' trying to add edges after ' + index);
// Edges must be added in reverse order since the
// segment must be continuous at all times.
var startIndex = index - 1;
for (var ii = 0; ii < edges.length; ii++) {
// Iterates from edges.length - 1 to 0
var edge = edges[edges.length - ii - 1];
this._addEdgeAtIndex(edge, startIndex - ii);
* This is the total length of the segment including the deleted edges.
* Non-zero length guarantees value max and min indices.
* instead.
* @return {number}
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getLength = function getLength() {
if (this._minIndex === null && this._maxIndex === null) {
return 0;
return this._maxIndex - this._minIndex + 1;
* Returns the total number of non-deleted edges in the segment.
* @return {number}
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getCount = function getCount() {
return this._count;
* In the event of a failed `concatSegment` operation, rollback internal
* properties to their former values.
* @param {object} cursorRollbackMap
* @param {object} idRollbackMap
* @param {object} counters
GraphQLSegment.prototype._rollback = function _rollback(cursorRollbackMap, idRollbackMap, counters) {
_Object$assign(this._cursorToIndexMap, cursorRollbackMap);
_Object$assign(this._idToIndicesMap, idRollbackMap);
// no need to reset _indexToMetadataMap; resetting counters is enough
this._count = counters.count;
this._maxIndex = counters.maxIndex;
this._minIndex = counters.minIndex;
* @return {object} Captured counter state.
GraphQLSegment.prototype._getCounterState = function _getCounterState() {
return {
count: this._count,
maxIndex: this._maxIndex,
minIndex: this._minIndex
* Copies over content of the input segment and add to the current
* segment.
* @param {GraphQLSegment} segment - the segment to be copied over
* @return {boolean} whether or not we successfully concatenated the segments
GraphQLSegment.prototype.concatSegment = function concatSegment(segment) {
if (!segment.getLength()) {
return true;
var idRollbackMap = {};
var cursorRollbackMap = {};
var counterState = this._getCounterState();
var newEdges = segment._indexToMetadataMap;
for (var ii = segment._minIndex; ii <= segment._maxIndex; ii++) {
var index;
if (this.getLength()) {
index = this._maxIndex + 1;
} else {
index = 0;
this._minIndex = 0;
this._maxIndex = index;
var newEdge = newEdges[ii];
var idIndex = this._getIndexForID(newEdge.edgeID);
if (!idRollbackMap.hasOwnProperty(newEdge.edgeID)) {
if (this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID]) {
idRollbackMap[newEdge.edgeID] = this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID].slice();
} else {
idRollbackMap[newEdge.edgeID] = undefined;
// Check for id collision. Can't have same id twice
if (idIndex !== undefined) {
var idEdge = this._indexToMetadataMap[idIndex];
if (idEdge.deleted && !newEdge.deleted) {
// We want to map to most recent edge. Only write to the front of map
// if existing edge with id is deleted or have an older deletion
// time.
} else if (!newEdge.deleted) {
console.warn('Attempt to concat an ID already in GraphQLSegment: %s', newEdge.edgeID);
this._rollback(cursorRollbackMap, idRollbackMap, counterState);
return false;
} else {
// We want to keep track of past edges as well. Write these indices
// to the end of the array.
this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID] = this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID] || [];
} else {
this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID] = this._idToIndicesMap[newEdge.edgeID] || [];
var cursorIndex = this._getIndexForCursor(newEdge.cursor);
// Check for cursor collision. Can't have same cursor twice
if (cursorIndex !== undefined) {
var cursorEdge = this._indexToMetadataMap[cursorIndex];
if (cursorEdge.deleted && !newEdge.deleted) {
// We want to map to most recent edge. Only write in the cursor map if
// existing edge with cursor is deleted or have and older deletion
// time.
cursorRollbackMap[newEdge.cursor] = this._cursorToIndexMap[newEdge.cursor];
this._cursorToIndexMap[newEdge.cursor] = index;
} else if (!newEdge.deleted) {
console.warn('Attempt to concat a cursor already in GraphQLSegment: %s', newEdge.cursor);
this._rollback(cursorRollbackMap, idRollbackMap, counterState);
return false;
} else if (newEdge.cursor) {
cursorRollbackMap[newEdge.cursor] = this._cursorToIndexMap[newEdge.cursor];
this._cursorToIndexMap[newEdge.cursor] = index;
if (!newEdge.deleted) {
this._indexToMetadataMap[index] = _Object$assign({}, newEdge);
return true;
GraphQLSegment.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return [this._indexToMetadataMap, this._idToIndicesMap, this._cursorToIndexMap, this._minIndex, this._maxIndex, this._count];
GraphQLSegment.fromJSON = function fromJSON(descriptor) {
var _descriptor = _slicedToArray(descriptor, 6);
var indexToMetadataMap = _descriptor[0];
var idToIndicesMap = _descriptor[1];
var cursorToIndexMap = _descriptor[2];
var minIndex = _descriptor[3];
var maxIndex = _descriptor[4];
var count = _descriptor[5];
var segment = new GraphQLSegment();
segment._indexToMetadataMap = indexToMetadataMap;
segment._idToIndicesMap = idToIndicesMap;
segment._cursorToIndexMap = cursorToIndexMap;
segment._minIndex = minIndex;
segment._maxIndex = maxIndex;
segment._count = count;
return segment;
GraphQLSegment.prototype.__debug = function __debug() {
return {
metadata: this._indexToMetadataMap,
idToIndices: this._idToIndicesMap,
cursorToIndex: this._cursorToIndexMap
* Returns a list of all IDs that were registered for this segment. Including
* edges that were deleted.
GraphQLSegment.prototype.getEdgeIDs = function getEdgeIDs() {
return _Object$keys(this._idToIndicesMap);
return GraphQLSegment;
module.exports = GraphQLSegment;