* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule RelayContainer
* @typechecks
'use strict';
var _inherits = require('babel-runtime/helpers/inherits')['default'];
var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];
var _extends = require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends')['default'];
var _Object$keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys')['default'];
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var ErrorUtils = require('fbjs/lib/ErrorUtils');
var GraphQLFragmentPointer = require('./GraphQLFragmentPointer');
var GraphQLStoreDataHandler = require('./GraphQLStoreDataHandler');
var GraphQLStoreQueryResolver = require('./GraphQLStoreQueryResolver');
var React = require('react');
var RelayContainerComparators = require('./RelayContainerComparators');
var RelayContainerProxy = require('./RelayContainerProxy');
var RelayFragmentReference = require('./RelayFragmentReference');
var RelayMetaRoute = require('./RelayMetaRoute');
var RelayMutationTransaction = require('./RelayMutationTransaction');
var RelayPropTypes = require('./RelayPropTypes');
var RelayProfiler = require('./RelayProfiler');
var RelayQuery = require('./RelayQuery');
var RelayStore = require('./RelayStore');
var RelayStoreData = require('./RelayStoreData');
var unstable_batchedUpdates = require('./RelayUnstableBatchedUpdates');
var buildRQL = require('./buildRQL');
var forEachObject = require('fbjs/lib/forEachObject');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var nullthrows = require('fbjs/lib/nullthrows');
var prepareRelayContainerProps = require('./prepareRelayContainerProps');
var shallowEqual = require('fbjs/lib/shallowEqual');
var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');
var isReactComponent = require('./isReactComponent');
var containerContextTypes = {
route: RelayPropTypes.QueryConfig.isRequired
var storeData = RelayStoreData.getDefaultInstance();
* @public
* RelayContainer is a higher order component that provides the ability to:
* - Encode data dependencies using query fragments that are parameterized by
* routes and variables.
* - Manipulate variables via methods on `this.props.relay`.
* - Automatically subscribe to data changes.
* - Avoid unnecessary updates if data is unchanged.
* - Propagate the `route` via context (available on `this.props.relay`).
function createContainerComponent(Component, spec) {
var componentName = Component.displayName || Component.name;
var containerName = 'Relay(' + componentName + ')';
var fragments = spec.fragments;
var fragmentNames = _Object$keys(fragments);
var initialVariables = spec.initialVariables || {};
var prepareVariables = spec.prepareVariables;
var RelayContainer = (function (_React$Component) {
_inherits(RelayContainer, _React$Component);
function RelayContainer(props, context) {
_classCallCheck(this, RelayContainer);
_React$Component.call(this, props, context);
var route = context.route;
!(route && typeof route.name === 'string') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: `%s` was rendered without a valid route. Make sure ' + 'the route is valid, and make sure that it is correctly set on the ' + 'parent component\'s context (e.g. using <RelayRootContainer>).', containerName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var self = this;
self.forceFetch = this.forceFetch.bind(this);
self.getPendingTransactions = this.getPendingTransactions.bind(this);
self.hasFragmentData = this.hasFragmentData.bind(this);
self.hasOptimisticUpdate = this.hasOptimisticUpdate.bind(this);
self.setVariables = this.setVariables.bind(this);
this._deferredSubscriptions = null;
this._didShowFakeDataWarning = false;
this._fragmentPointers = {};
this._hasStaleQueryData = false;
this._queryResolvers = {};
this.mounted = true;
this.pending = null;
this.state = {
variables: {},
queryData: {}
* Requests an update to variables. This primes the cache for the new
* variables and notifies the caller of changes via the callback. As data
* becomes ready, the component will be updated.
RelayContainer.prototype.setVariables = function setVariables(partialVariables, callback) {
this._runVariables(partialVariables, callback, false);
* Requests an update to variables. Unlike `setVariables`, this forces data
* to be fetched and written for the supplied variables. Any data that
* previously satisfied the queries will be overwritten.
RelayContainer.prototype.forceFetch = function forceFetch(partialVariables, callback) {
this._runVariables(partialVariables, callback, true);
* Creates a query for each of the component's fragments using the given
* variables, and fragment pointers that can be used to resolve the results
* of those queries. The fragment pointers are of the same shape as the
* `_fragmentPointers` property.
RelayContainer.prototype._createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers = function _createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers(variables) {
var _this = this;
var fragmentPointers = {};
var querySet = {};
fragmentNames.forEach(function (fragmentName) {
var fragment = getFragment(fragmentName, _this.context.route, variables);
var queryData = _this.state.queryData[fragmentName];
if (!fragment || queryData == null) {
var fragmentPointer;
if (fragment.isPlural()) {
!Array.isArray(queryData) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Invalid queryData for `%s`, expected an array ' + 'of records because the corresponding fragment is plural.', fragmentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var dataIDs = [];
queryData.forEach(function (data, ii) {
var dataID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(data);
if (dataID) {
querySet[fragmentName + ii] = storeData.buildFragmentQueryForDataID(fragment, dataID);
if (dataIDs.length) {
fragmentPointer = new GraphQLFragmentPointer(dataIDs, fragment);
} else {
/* $FlowFixMe(>=0.19.0) - queryData is mixed but getID expects Object
var dataID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(queryData);
if (dataID) {
fragmentPointer = new GraphQLFragmentPointer(dataID, fragment);
querySet[fragmentName] = storeData.buildFragmentQueryForDataID(fragment, dataID);
fragmentPointers[fragmentName] = fragmentPointer;
return { fragmentPointers: fragmentPointers, querySet: querySet };
RelayContainer.prototype._runVariables = function _runVariables(partialVariables, callback, forceFetch) {
var _this2 = this;
var lastVariables = this.state.variables;
var prevVariables = this.pending ? this.pending.variables : lastVariables;
var nextVariables = mergeVariables(prevVariables, partialVariables);
this.pending && this.pending.request.abort();
var completeProfiler = RelayProfiler.profile('RelayContainer.setVariables', {
containerName: containerName,
nextVariables: nextVariables
// If variables changed or we are force-fetching, we need to build a new
// set of queries that includes the updated variables. Because the pending
// fetch is always canceled, always initiate a new fetch.
var querySet = {};
var fragmentPointers = null;
if (forceFetch || !shallowEqual(nextVariables, lastVariables)) {
var _createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers2 = this._createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers(nextVariables);
querySet = _createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers2.querySet;
fragmentPointers = _createQuerySetAndFragmentPointers2.fragmentPointers;
var onReadyStateChange = ErrorUtils.guard(function (readyState) {
var aborted = readyState.aborted;
var done = readyState.done;
var error = readyState.error;
var ready = readyState.ready;
var isComplete = aborted || done || error;
if (isComplete && _this2.pending === current) {
_this2.pending = null;
var partialState;
if (ready && fragmentPointers) {
// Only update query data if variables changed. Otherwise, `querySet`
// and `fragmentPointers` will be empty, and `nextVariables` will be
// equal to `lastVariables`.
_this2._fragmentPointers = fragmentPointers;
var queryData = _this2._getQueryData(_this2.props);
partialState = { variables: nextVariables, queryData: queryData };
} else {
partialState = {};
var mounted = _this2.mounted;
if (mounted) {
var updateProfiler = RelayProfiler.profile('RelayContainer.update');
unstable_batchedUpdates(function () {
_this2.setState(partialState, function () {
if (isComplete) {
if (callback) {
callback.call(_this2.refs.component || null, _extends({}, readyState, { mounted: mounted }));
} else {
if (callback) {
callback(_extends({}, readyState, { mounted: mounted }));
if (isComplete) {
}, 'RelayContainer.onReadyStateChange');
var current = {
variables: nextVariables,
request: forceFetch ? RelayStore.forceFetch(querySet, onReadyStateChange) : RelayStore.primeCache(querySet, onReadyStateChange)
this.pending = current;
* Determine if the supplied record reflects an optimistic update.
RelayContainer.prototype.hasOptimisticUpdate = function hasOptimisticUpdate(record) {
var dataID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(record);
!(dataID != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer.hasOptimisticUpdate(): Expected a record in `%s`.', componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return storeData.hasOptimisticUpdate(dataID);
* Returns the pending mutation transactions affecting the given record.
RelayContainer.prototype.getPendingTransactions = function getPendingTransactions(record) {
var dataID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(record);
!(dataID != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer.getPendingTransactions(): Expected a record in `%s`.', componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var mutationIDs = storeData.getClientMutationIDs(dataID);
if (!mutationIDs) {
return null;
var mutationQueue = storeData.getMutationQueue();
return mutationIDs.map(function (id) {
return mutationQueue.getTransaction(id);
* Checks if data for a deferred fragment is ready. This method should
* *always* be called before rendering a child component whose fragment was
* deferred (unless that child can handle null or missing data).
RelayContainer.prototype.hasFragmentData = function hasFragmentData(fragmentReference, record) {
if (!storeData.getPendingQueryTracker().hasPendingQueries()) {
// nothing can be missing => must have data
return true;
// convert builder -> fragment in order to get the fragment's name
var dataID = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.getID(record);
!(dataID != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer.hasFragmentData(): Second argument is not a valid ' + 'record. For `<%s X={this.props.X} />`, use ' + '`this.props.hasFragmentData(%s.getFragment(\'X\'), this.props.X)`.', componentName, componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var fragment = getDeferredFragment(fragmentReference, this.context, this.state.variables);
!(fragment instanceof RelayQuery.Fragment) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer.hasFragmentData(): First argument is not a valid ' + 'fragment. Ensure that there are no failing `if` or `unless` ' + 'conditions.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
return storeData.getCachedStore().hasDeferredFragmentData(dataID, fragment.getCompositeHash());
RelayContainer.prototype.componentWillMount = function componentWillMount() {
if (this.context.route.useMockData) {
var variables = getVariablesWithPropOverrides(spec, this.props, initialVariables);
this._updateFragmentPointers(this.props, this.context.route, variables);
var queryData = this._getQueryData(this.props);
variables: variables,
queryData: queryData
RelayContainer.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps, nextContext) {
var _this3 = this;
var _nullthrows = nullthrows(nextContext);
var route = _nullthrows.route;
if (route.useMockData) {
this.setState(function (state) {
var variables = getVariablesWithPropOverrides(spec, nextProps, resetPropOverridesForVariables(spec, nextProps, state.variables));
_this3._updateFragmentPointers(nextProps, route, variables);
return {
variables: variables,
queryData: _this3._getQueryData(nextProps)
RelayContainer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
// A guarded error in mounting might prevent initialization of resolvers.
if (this._queryResolvers) {
forEachObject(this._queryResolvers, function (queryResolver) {
return queryResolver && queryResolver.reset();
if (this._deferredSubscriptions) {
forEachObject(this._deferredSubscriptions, function (sub) {
return sub.dispose();
this._deferredSubscriptions = null;
this._fragmentPointers = {};
this._queryResolvers = {};
var pending = this.pending;
if (pending) {
this.pending = null;
this.mounted = false;
RelayContainer.prototype._updateQueryResolvers = function _updateQueryResolvers() {
var _this4 = this;
var fragmentPointers = this._fragmentPointers;
var queryResolvers = this._queryResolvers;
fragmentNames.forEach(function (fragmentName) {
var fragmentPointer = fragmentPointers[fragmentName];
var queryResolver = queryResolvers[fragmentName];
if (!fragmentPointer) {
if (queryResolver) {
queryResolvers[fragmentName] = null;
} else if (!queryResolver) {
queryResolver = new GraphQLStoreQueryResolver(storeData, fragmentPointer, _this4._handleFragmentDataUpdate.bind(_this4));
queryResolvers[fragmentName] = queryResolver;
RelayContainer.prototype._handleFragmentDataUpdate = function _handleFragmentDataUpdate() {
if (!this.mounted) {
var queryData = this._getQueryData(this.props);
var updateProfiler = RelayProfiler.profile('RelayContainer.handleFragmentDataUpdate');
this.setState({ queryData: queryData }, updateProfiler.stop);
RelayContainer.prototype._updateFragmentPointers = function _updateFragmentPointers(props, route, variables) {
var _this5 = this;
var fragmentPointers = this._fragmentPointers;
fragmentNames.forEach(function (fragmentName) {
var propValue = props[fragmentName];
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(propValue !== undefined, 'RelayContainer: Expected query `%s` to be supplied to `%s` as ' + 'a prop from the parent. Pass an explicit `null` if this is ' + 'intentional.', fragmentName, componentName) : undefined;
if (!propValue) {
fragmentPointers[fragmentName] = null;
var fragment = getFragment(fragmentName, route, variables);
var fragmentHash = fragment.getConcreteNodeHash();
var dataIDOrIDs = undefined;
if (fragment.isPlural()) {
// Plural fragments require the prop value to be an array of fragment
// pointers, which are merged into a single fragment pointer to pass
// to the query resolver `resolve`.
!Array.isArray(propValue) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `%s`, expected an ' + 'array of records because the corresponding fragment is plural.', fragmentName, componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
if (propValue.length) {
dataIDOrIDs = propValue.reduce(function (acc, item, ii) {
var eachFragmentPointer = item[fragmentHash];
!eachFragmentPointer ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `%s`, ' + 'expected element at index %s to have query data.', fragmentName, componentName, ii) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return acc.concat(eachFragmentPointer.getDataIDs());
}, []);
} else {
// An empty plural fragment cannot be observed; the empty array prop
// can be passed as-is to the component.
dataIDOrIDs = null;
} else {
!!Array.isArray(propValue) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Invalid prop `%s` supplied to `%s`, expected a ' + 'single record because the corresponding fragment is not plural.', fragmentName, componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var fragmentPointer = propValue[fragmentHash];
if (fragmentPointer) {
dataIDOrIDs = fragmentPointer.getDataID();
} else {
// TODO: Throw when we have mock data validation, #6332949.
dataIDOrIDs = null;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
if (!route.useMockData && !_this5._didShowFakeDataWarning) {
_this5._didShowFakeDataWarning = true;
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'RelayContainer: Expected prop `%s` supplied to `%s` to ' + 'be data fetched by Relay. This is likely an error unless ' + 'you are purposely passing in mock data that conforms to ' + 'the shape of this component\'s fragment.', fragmentName, componentName) : undefined;
fragmentPointers[fragmentName] = dataIDOrIDs ? new GraphQLFragmentPointer(dataIDOrIDs, fragment) : null;
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// If a fragment pointer is null, warn if it was found on another prop.
fragmentNames.forEach(function (fragmentName) {
if (fragmentPointers[fragmentName]) {
var fragment = getFragment(fragmentName, route, variables);
var fragmentHash = fragment.getConcreteNodeHash();
_Object$keys(props).forEach(function (propName) {
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(fragmentPointers[propName] || !props[propName] || !props[propName][fragmentHash], 'RelayContainer: Expected record data for prop `%s` on `%s`, ' + 'but it was instead on prop `%s`. Did you misspell a prop or ' + 'pass record data into the wrong prop?', fragmentName, componentName, propName) : undefined;
RelayContainer.prototype._getQueryData = function _getQueryData(props) {
var _this6 = this;
var queryData = {};
var fragmentPointers = this._fragmentPointers;
forEachObject(this._queryResolvers, function (queryResolver, propName) {
var propValue = props[propName];
var fragmentPointer = fragmentPointers[propName];
if (!propValue || !fragmentPointer) {
// Clear any subscriptions since there is no data.
queryResolver && queryResolver.reset();
// Allow mock data to pass through without modification.
queryData[propName] = propValue;
} else {
queryData[propName] = queryResolver.resolve(fragmentPointer);
if (_this6.state.queryData.hasOwnProperty(propName) && queryData[propName] !== _this6.state.queryData[propName]) {
_this6._hasStaleQueryData = true;
return queryData;
RelayContainer.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate = function shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState, nextContext) {
// Flag indicating that query data changed since previous render.
if (this._hasStaleQueryData) {
this._hasStaleQueryData = false;
return true;
if (this.context.route !== nextContext.route) {
return true;
var fragmentPointers = this._fragmentPointers;
return !RelayContainerComparators.areNonQueryPropsEqual(fragments, this.props, nextProps) || fragmentPointers && !RelayContainerComparators.areQueryResultsEqual(fragmentPointers, this.state.queryData, nextState.queryData) || !RelayContainerComparators.areQueryVariablesEqual(this.state.variables, nextState.variables);
RelayContainer.prototype.render = function render() {
var relayProps = {
forceFetch: this.forceFetch,
getPendingTransactions: this.getPendingTransactions,
hasFragmentData: this.hasFragmentData,
hasOptimisticUpdate: this.hasOptimisticUpdate,
route: this.context.route,
setVariables: this.setVariables,
variables: this.state.variables
return React.createElement(Component, _extends({}, this.props, this.state.queryData, prepareRelayContainerProps(relayProps, this), {
ref: isReactComponent(Component) ? 'component' : null
return RelayContainer;
function getFragment(fragmentName, route, variables) {
var fragmentBuilder = fragments[fragmentName];
!fragmentBuilder ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Expected `%s` to have a query fragment named `%s`.', containerName, fragmentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var fragment = buildContainerFragment(containerName, fragmentName, fragmentBuilder, initialVariables);
// TODO: Allow routes without names, #7856965.
var metaRoute = RelayMetaRoute.get(route.name);
if (prepareVariables) {
variables = prepareVariables(variables, metaRoute);
return RelayQuery.Fragment.create(fragment, metaRoute, variables);
RelayContainer.contextTypes = containerContextTypes;
RelayContainer.displayName = containerName;
RelayContainerProxy.proxyMethods(RelayContainer, Component);
return RelayContainer;
* TODO: Stop allowing props to override variables, #7856288.
function getVariablesWithPropOverrides(spec, props, variables) {
var initialVariables = spec.initialVariables;
if (initialVariables) {
var mergedVariables;
for (var key in initialVariables) {
if (key in props) {
mergedVariables = mergedVariables || _extends({}, variables);
mergedVariables[key] = props[key];
variables = mergedVariables || variables;
return variables;
* Compare props and variables and reset the internal query variables if outside
* query variables change the component.
* TODO: Stop allowing props to override variables, #7856288.
function resetPropOverridesForVariables(spec, props, variables) {
var initialVariables = spec.initialVariables;
for (var key in initialVariables) {
if (key in props && props[key] != variables[key]) {
return initialVariables;
return variables;
function initializeProfiler(RelayContainer) {
RelayProfiler.instrumentMethods(RelayContainer.prototype, {
componentWillMount: 'RelayContainer.prototype.componentWillMount',
componentWillReceiveProps: 'RelayContainer.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps',
shouldComponentUpdate: 'RelayContainer.prototype.shouldComponentUpdate'
* Merges a partial update into a set of variables. If no variables changed, the
* same object is returned. Otherwise, a new object is returned.
function mergeVariables(currentVariables, partialVariables) {
if (partialVariables) {
for (var key in partialVariables) {
if (currentVariables[key] !== partialVariables[key]) {
return _extends({}, currentVariables, partialVariables);
return currentVariables;
* Wrapper around `buildRQL.Fragment` with contextual error messages.
function buildContainerFragment(containerName, fragmentName, fragmentBuilder, variables) {
var fragment = buildRQL.Fragment(fragmentBuilder, variables);
!fragment ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Relay.QL defined on container `%s` named `%s` is not a valid fragment. ' + 'A typical fragment is defined using: Relay.QL`fragment on Type {...}`', containerName, fragmentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return fragment;
function getDeferredFragment(fragmentReference, context, variables) {
var route = RelayMetaRoute.get(context.route.name);
var concreteFragment = fragmentReference.getFragment(variables);
var concreteVariables = fragmentReference.getVariables(route, variables);
return RelayQuery.Fragment.create(concreteFragment, route, concreteVariables, {
isDeferred: true,
isContainerFragment: fragmentReference.isContainerFragment()
* Creates a lazy Relay container. The actual container is created the first
* time a container is being constructed by React's rendering engine.
function create(Component, spec) {
var componentName = Component.displayName || Component.name;
var containerName = 'Relay(' + componentName + ')';
var fragments = spec.fragments;
!(typeof fragments === 'object' && fragments) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'Relay.createContainer(%s, ...): Missing `fragments`, which is expected ' + 'to be an object mapping from `propName` to: () => Relay.QL`...`', componentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var fragmentNames = _Object$keys(fragments);
var initialVariables = spec.initialVariables || {};
var prepareVariables = spec.prepareVariables;
var Container;
function ContainerConstructor(props, context) {
if (!Container) {
Container = createContainerComponent(Component, spec);
return new Container(props, context);
ContainerConstructor.getFragmentNames = function () {
return fragmentNames;
ContainerConstructor.hasFragment = function (fragmentName) {
return !!fragments[fragmentName];
ContainerConstructor.hasVariable = function (variableName) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(initialVariables, variableName);
* Retrieves a reference to the fragment by name. An optional second argument
* can be supplied to override the component's default variables.
ContainerConstructor.getFragment = function (fragmentName, variableMapping) {
var fragmentBuilder = fragments[fragmentName];
if (!fragmentBuilder) {
!false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, '%s.getFragment(): `%s` is not a valid fragment name. Available ' + 'fragments names: %s', containerName, fragmentName, fragmentNames.map(function (name) {
return '`' + name + '`';
}).join(', ')) : invariant(false) : undefined;
!(typeof fragmentBuilder === 'function') ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayContainer: Expected `%s.fragments.%s` to be a function returning ' + 'a fragment. Example: `%s: () => Relay.QL`fragment on ...`', containerName, fragmentName, fragmentName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return RelayFragmentReference.createForContainer(function () {
return buildContainerFragment(containerName, fragmentName, fragmentBuilder, initialVariables);
}, initialVariables, variableMapping, prepareVariables);
ContainerConstructor.contextTypes = containerContextTypes;
ContainerConstructor.displayName = containerName;
ContainerConstructor.moduleName = null;
return ContainerConstructor;
module.exports = { create: create };