* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule RelayFragmentReference
* @typechecks
'use strict';
var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];
var _extends = require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends')['default'];
var QueryBuilder = require('./QueryBuilder');
var forEachObject = require('fbjs/lib/forEachObject');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');
* @internal
* RelayFragmentReference is the return type of fragment composition:
* fragment on Foo {
* ${Child.getFragment('bar', {baz: variables.qux})}
* }
* Whereas a fragment defines a sub-query's structure, a fragment reference is
* a particular instantiation of the fragment as it is composed within a query
* or another fragment. It encodes the source fragment, initial variables, and
* a mapping from variables in the composing query's (or fragment's) scope to
* variables in the fragment's scope.
* The variable mapping is represented by `variableMapping`, a dictionary that
* maps from names of variables in the parent scope to variables that exist in
* the fragment. Example:
* ```
* // Fragment:
* var Container = Relay.createContainer(..., {
* initialVariables: {
* private: 'foo',
* public: 'bar',
* variable: null,
* },
* fragments: {
* foo: ...
* }
* });
* // Reference:
* ${Container.getQuery(
* 'foo',
* // Variable Mapping:
* {
* public: 'BAR',
* variable: variables.source,
* }
* )}
* ```
* When evaluating the referenced fragment, `$public` will be overridden with
* `'Bar'`. The value of `$variable` will become the value of `$source` in the
* outer scope. This is analagous to:
* ```
* function inner(private = 'foo', public = 'bar', variable) {}
* function outer(source) {
* inner(public = 'BAR', variable = source);
* }
* ```
* Where the value of the inner `variable` depends on how `outer` is called.
* The `prepareVariables` function allows for variables to be modified based on
* the runtime environment or route name.
var RelayFragmentReference = (function () {
RelayFragmentReference.createForContainer = function createForContainer(fragmentGetter, initialVariables, variableMapping, prepareVariables) {
var reference = new RelayFragmentReference(fragmentGetter, initialVariables, variableMapping, prepareVariables);
reference._isContainerFragment = true;
return reference;
function RelayFragmentReference(fragmentGetter, initialVariables, variableMapping, prepareVariables) {
_classCallCheck(this, RelayFragmentReference);
this._initialVariables = initialVariables || {};
this._fragment = undefined;
this._fragmentGetter = fragmentGetter;
this._isContainerFragment = false;
this._isDeferred = false;
this._variableMapping = variableMapping;
this._prepareVariables = prepareVariables;
* Mark this usage of the fragment as deferred.
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.defer = function defer() {
this._isDeferred = true;
return this;
* Mark this fragment for inclusion only if the given variable is truthy.
RelayFragmentReference.prototype['if'] = function _if(value) {
var callVariable = QueryBuilder.getCallVariable(value);
!callVariable ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayFragmentReference: Invalid value `%s` supplied to `if()`. ' + 'Expected a variable.', callVariable) : invariant(false) : undefined;
this._addCondition(function (variables) {
return !!variables[callVariable.callVariableName];
return this;
* Mark this fragment for inclusion only if the given variable is falsy.
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.unless = function unless(value) {
var callVariable = QueryBuilder.getCallVariable(value);
!callVariable ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayFragmentReference: Invalid value `%s` supplied to `unless()`. ' + 'Expected a variable.', callVariable) : invariant(false) : undefined;
this._addCondition(function (variables) {
return !variables[callVariable.callVariableName];
return this;
* @private
RelayFragmentReference.prototype._getFragment = function _getFragment() {
var fragment = this._fragment;
if (fragment == null) {
fragment = this._fragmentGetter();
this._fragment = fragment;
return fragment;
* Get the referenced fragment if all conditions are met.
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.getFragment = function getFragment(variables) {
// determine if the variables match the supplied if/unless conditions
var conditions = this._conditions;
if (conditions && !conditions.every(function (cb) {
return cb(variables);
})) {
return null;
return this._getFragment();
* Get the variables to pass to the referenced fragment, accounting for
* initial values, overrides, and route-specific variables.
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.getVariables = function getVariables(route, variables) {
var _this = this;
var innerVariables = _extends({}, this._initialVariables);
// map variables from outer -> inner scope
var variableMapping = this._variableMapping;
if (variableMapping) {
forEachObject(variableMapping, function (value, name) {
var callVariable = QueryBuilder.getCallVariable(value);
if (callVariable) {
value = variables[callVariable.callVariableName];
if (value === undefined) {
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'RelayFragmentReference: Variable `%s` is undefined in fragment ' + '`%s`.', name, _this._getFragment().name) : undefined;
} else {
innerVariables[name] = value;
var prepareVariables = this._prepareVariables;
if (prepareVariables) {
innerVariables = prepareVariables(innerVariables, route);
return innerVariables;
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.isContainerFragment = function isContainerFragment() {
return this._isContainerFragment;
RelayFragmentReference.prototype.isDeferred = function isDeferred() {
return this._isDeferred;
RelayFragmentReference.prototype._addCondition = function _addCondition(condition) {
var conditions = this._conditions;
if (!conditions) {
conditions = [];
this._conditions = conditions;
return RelayFragmentReference;
module.exports = RelayFragmentReference;