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Version: 0.7.1-ccinternal 

/ lib / RelayMutationQuery.js

 * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
 * @providesModule RelayMutationQuery
 * @typechecks

'use strict';

var _toConsumableArray = require('babel-runtime/helpers/to-consumable-array')['default'];

var GraphQLStoreDataHandler = require('./GraphQLStoreDataHandler');
var RelayConnectionInterface = require('./RelayConnectionInterface');

var RelayMetaRoute = require('./RelayMetaRoute');
var RelayMutationType = require('./RelayMutationType');
var RelayNodeInterface = require('./RelayNodeInterface');
var RelayQuery = require('./RelayQuery');

var flattenRelayQuery = require('./flattenRelayQuery');
var forEachObject = require('fbjs/lib/forEachObject');
var nullthrows = require('fbjs/lib/nullthrows');
var inferRelayFieldsFromData = require('./inferRelayFieldsFromData');
var intersectRelayQuery = require('./intersectRelayQuery');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');

var ANY_TYPE = RelayNodeInterface.ANY_TYPE;
var ID = RelayNodeInterface.ID;
var TYPENAME = RelayNodeInterface.TYPENAME;

 * @internal
 * Constructs query fragments that are sent with mutations, which should ensure
 * that any records changed as a result of mutations are brought up-to-date.
 * The fragments are a minimal subset created by intersecting the "fat query"
 * (fields that a mutation declares may have changed) with the "tracked query"
 * (fields representing data previously queried and written into the store).
var RelayMutationQuery = {
   * Accepts a mapping from field names to data IDs. The field names must exist
   * as top-level fields in the fat query. These top-level fields are used to
   * re-fetch any data that has changed for records identified by the data IDs.
   * The supplied mapping may contain multiple field names. In addition, each
   * field name may map to an array of data IDs if the field is plural.
  buildFragmentForFields: function buildFragmentForFields(_ref) {
    var fatQuery = _ref.fatQuery;
    var fieldIDs = _ref.fieldIDs;
    var tracker = _ref.tracker;

    var mutatedFields = [];
    forEachObject(fieldIDs, function (dataIDOrIDs, fieldName) {
      var fatField = getFieldFromFatQuery(fatQuery, fieldName);
      var dataIDs = [].concat(dataIDOrIDs);
      var trackedChildren = [];
      dataIDs.forEach(function (dataID) {
        trackedChildren.push.apply(trackedChildren, _toConsumableArray(tracker.getTrackedChildrenForID(dataID)));
      var trackedField = fatField.clone(trackedChildren);
      if (trackedField) {
        var mutationField = intersectRelayQuery(trackedField, fatField);
        if (mutationField) {
    return buildMutationFragment(fatQuery, mutatedFields);

   * Creates a fragment used to update any data as a result of a mutation that
   * deletes an edge from a connection. The primary difference between this and
   * `createForFields` is whether or not the connection edges are re-fetched.
   * `connectionName`
   *   Name of the connection field from which the edge is being deleted.
   * `parentID`
   *   ID of the parent record containing the connection which may have metadata
   *   that needs to be re-fetched.
   * `parentName`
   *   Name of the top-level field in the fat query that corresponds to the
   *   parent record.
  buildFragmentForEdgeDeletion: function buildFragmentForEdgeDeletion(_ref2) {
    var fatQuery = _ref2.fatQuery;
    var connectionName = _ref2.connectionName;
    var parentID = _ref2.parentID;
    var parentName = _ref2.parentName;
    var tracker = _ref2.tracker;

    var fatParent = getFieldFromFatQuery(fatQuery, parentName);
    var mutatedFields = [];
    var trackedParent = fatParent.clone(tracker.getTrackedChildrenForID(parentID));
    if (trackedParent) {
      var filterUnterminatedRange = function filterUnterminatedRange(node) {
        return node.getSchemaName() === connectionName;
      var mutatedField = intersectRelayQuery(trackedParent, fatParent, filterUnterminatedRange);
      if (mutatedField) {
    return buildMutationFragment(fatQuery, mutatedFields);

   * Creates a fragment used to fetch data necessary to insert a new edge into
   * an existing connection.
   * `connectionName`
   *   Name of the connection field into which the edge is being inserted.
   * `parentID`
   *   ID of the parent record containing the connection which may have metadata
   *   that needs to be re-fetched.
   * `edgeName`
   *   Name of the top-level field in the fat query that corresponds to the
   *   newly inserted edge.
   * `parentName`
   *   Name of the top-level field in the fat query that corresponds to the
   *   parent record. If not supplied, metadata on the parent record and any
   *   connections without entries in `rangeBehaviors` will not be updated.
  buildFragmentForEdgeInsertion: function buildFragmentForEdgeInsertion(_ref3) {
    var fatQuery = _ref3.fatQuery;
    var connectionName = _ref3.connectionName;
    var parentID = _ref3.parentID;
    var edgeName = _ref3.edgeName;
    var parentName = _ref3.parentName;
    var rangeBehaviors = _ref3.rangeBehaviors;
    var tracker = _ref3.tracker;

    var trackedChildren = tracker.getTrackedChildrenForID(parentID);

    var mutatedFields = [];
    var trackedConnections = [];
    trackedChildren.forEach(function (trackedChild) {
      trackedConnections.push.apply(trackedConnections, _toConsumableArray(findDescendantFields(trackedChild, connectionName)));

    if (trackedConnections.length) {
      var keysWithoutRangeBehavior = {};
      var mutatedEdgeFields = [];
      trackedConnections.forEach(function (trackedConnection) {
        var trackedEdges = findDescendantFields(trackedConnection, 'edges');
        if (!trackedEdges.length) {
        if (trackedConnection.getRangeBehaviorKey() in rangeBehaviors) {
          // Include edges from all connections that exist in `rangeBehaviors`.
          // This may add duplicates, but they will eventually be flattened.
          trackedEdges.forEach(function (trackedEdge) {
            mutatedEdgeFields.push.apply(mutatedEdgeFields, _toConsumableArray(trackedEdge.getChildren()));
        } else {
          // If the connection is not in `rangeBehaviors`, re-fetch it.
          keysWithoutRangeBehavior[trackedConnection.getShallowHash()] = true;
      if (mutatedEdgeFields.length) {
        mutatedFields.push(buildEdgeField(parentID, edgeName, mutatedEdgeFields));

      // TODO: Do this even if there are no tracked connections.
      if (parentName != null) {
        var fatParent = getFieldFromFatQuery(fatQuery, parentName);
        var trackedParent = fatParent.clone(trackedChildren);
        if (trackedParent) {
          var filterUnterminatedRange = function filterUnterminatedRange(node) {
            return !keysWithoutRangeBehavior.hasOwnProperty(node.getShallowHash());
          var mutatedParent = intersectRelayQuery(trackedParent, fatParent, filterUnterminatedRange);
          if (mutatedParent) {
    return buildMutationFragment(fatQuery, mutatedFields);

   * Creates a fragment used to fetch the given optimistic response.
  buildFragmentForOptimisticUpdate: function buildFragmentForOptimisticUpdate(_ref4) {
    var response = _ref4.response;
    var fatQuery = _ref4.fatQuery;

    // Silences RelayQueryNode being incompatible with sub-class RelayQueryField
    // A detailed error description is available in #7635477
    var mutatedFields = inferRelayFieldsFromData(response);
    return buildMutationFragment(fatQuery, mutatedFields);

   * Creates a RelayQuery.Mutation used to fetch the given optimistic response.
  buildQueryForOptimisticUpdate: function buildQueryForOptimisticUpdate(_ref5) {
    var fatQuery = _ref5.fatQuery;
    var mutation = _ref5.mutation;
    var response = _ref5.response;
    var tracker = _ref5.tracker;

    var children = [nullthrows(RelayMutationQuery.buildFragmentForOptimisticUpdate({
      response: response,
      fatQuery: fatQuery,
      tracker: tracker
    return RelayQuery.Mutation.build('OptimisticQuery', fatQuery.getType(), mutation.calls[0].name, null, children, mutation.metadata);

   * Creates a RelayQuery.Mutation for the given config. See type
   * `MutationConfig` and the `buildFragmentForEdgeInsertion`,
   * `buildFragmentForEdgeDeletion` and `buildFragmentForFields` methods above
   * for possible configs.
  buildQuery: function buildQuery(_ref6) {
    var configs = _ref6.configs;
    var fatQuery = _ref6.fatQuery;
    var input = _ref6.input;
    var mutationName = _ref6.mutationName;
    var mutation = _ref6.mutation;
    var tracker = _ref6.tracker;
    return (function () {
      var children = [RelayQuery.Field.build({
        fieldName: CLIENT_MUTATION_ID,
        type: 'String',
        metadata: { isRequisite: true }

      configs.forEach(function (config) {
        switch (config.type) {
          case RelayMutationType.REQUIRED_CHILDREN:
            children = children.concat(config.children.map(function (child) {
              return RelayQuery.Fragment.create(child, RelayMetaRoute.get('$buildQuery'), {});

          case RelayMutationType.RANGE_ADD:
              connectionName: config.connectionName,
              edgeName: config.edgeName,
              fatQuery: fatQuery,
              parentID: config.parentID,
              parentName: config.parentName,
              rangeBehaviors: sanitizeRangeBehaviors(config.rangeBehaviors),
              tracker: tracker

          case RelayMutationType.RANGE_DELETE:
          case RelayMutationType.NODE_DELETE:
              connectionName: config.connectionName,
              fatQuery: fatQuery,
              parentID: config.parentID,
              parentName: config.parentName,
              tracker: tracker
              fieldName: config.deletedIDFieldName,
              type: 'String'

          case RelayMutationType.FIELDS_CHANGE:
              fatQuery: fatQuery,
              fieldIDs: config.fieldIDs,
              tracker: tracker

      return RelayQuery.Mutation.build(mutationName, fatQuery.getType(), mutation.calls[0].name, input, children.filter(function (child) {
        return child != null;
      }), mutation.metadata);

function getFieldFromFatQuery(fatQuery, fieldName) {
  var field = fatQuery.getFieldByStorageKey(fieldName);
  !field ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayMutationQuery: Invalid field name on fat query, `%s`.', fieldName) : invariant(false) : undefined;
  return field;

function buildMutationFragment(fatQuery, fields) {
  var fragment = RelayQuery.Fragment.build('MutationQuery', fatQuery.getType(), fields);
  if (fragment) {
    !(fragment instanceof RelayQuery.Fragment) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayMutationQuery: Expected a fragment.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
    return fragment;
  return null;

function buildEdgeField(parentID, edgeName, edgeFields) {
  var fields = [RelayQuery.Field.build({
    fieldName: 'cursor',
    type: 'String'
  }), RelayQuery.Field.build({
    fieldName: TYPENAME,
    type: 'String'
  if (RelayConnectionInterface.EDGES_HAVE_SOURCE_FIELD && !GraphQLStoreDataHandler.isClientID(parentID)) {
      fieldName: 'source',
      type: ANY_TYPE,
      children: [RelayQuery.Field.build({
        fieldName: ID,
        type: 'String'
      }), RelayQuery.Field.build({
        fieldName: TYPENAME,
        type: 'String'
  fields.push.apply(fields, edgeFields);
  var edgeField = flattenRelayQuery(RelayQuery.Field.build({
    fieldName: edgeName,
    type: ANY_TYPE,
    children: fields
  !(edgeField instanceof RelayQuery.Field) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayMutationQuery: Expected a field.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
  return edgeField;

function sanitizeRangeBehaviors(rangeBehaviors) {
  // Prior to 0.4.1 you would have to specify the args in your range behaviors
  // in the same order they appeared in your query. From 0.4.1 onward, args in a
  // range behavior key must be in alphabetical order.
  var unsortedKeys = undefined;
  forEachObject(rangeBehaviors, function (value, key) {
    if (key !== '') {
      var keyParts = key
      // Remove the last parenthesis
      .slice(0, -1)
      // Slice on unescaped parentheses followed immediately by a `.`
      var sortedKey = keyParts.sort().join(').') + (keyParts.length ? ')' : '');
      if (sortedKey !== key) {
        unsortedKeys = unsortedKeys || [];
  if (unsortedKeys) {
    !false ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayMutation: To define a range behavior key without sorting ' + 'the arguments alphabetically is disallowed as of Relay 0.5.1. Please ' + 'sort the argument names of the range behavior key%s `%s`%s.', unsortedKeys.length === 1 ? '' : 's', unsortedKeys.length === 1 ? unsortedKeys[0] : unsortedKeys.length === 2 ? unsortedKeys[0] + '` and `' + unsortedKeys[1] : unsortedKeys.slice(0, -1).join('`, `'), unsortedKeys.length > 2 ? ', and `' + unsortedKeys.slice(-1) + '`' : '') : invariant(false) : undefined;
  return rangeBehaviors;

 * Finds all direct and indirect child fields of `node` with the given
 * field name.
function findDescendantFields(rootNode, fieldName) {
  var fields = [];
  function traverse(node) {
    if (node instanceof RelayQuery.Field) {
      if (node.getSchemaName() === fieldName) {
    if (node === rootNode || node instanceof RelayQuery.Fragment) {
      // Search fragments and the root node for matching fields, but skip
      // descendant non-matching fields.
      node.getChildren().forEach(function (child) {
        return traverse(child);
  return fields;

module.exports = RelayMutationQuery;

/* Previously each element of configs had the type mixed, which meant
 * that they couldn't be used in configs.forEach without being
 * inspected at runtime. I think this is probably a good use case for
 * disjoin unions (flowtype.org/blog/2015/07/03/Disjoint-Unions.html)