* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule RelayRecordStore
* @typechecks
'use strict';
var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];
var _Object$keys = require('babel-runtime/core-js/object/keys')['default'];
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var GraphQLMutatorConstants = require('./GraphQLMutatorConstants');
var GraphQLRange = require('./GraphQLRange');
var GraphQLStoreDataHandler = require('./GraphQLStoreDataHandler');
var RelayConnectionInterface = require('./RelayConnectionInterface');
var RelayNodeInterface = require('./RelayNodeInterface');
var RelayRecordStatusMap = require('./RelayRecordStatusMap');
var forEachObject = require('fbjs/lib/forEachObject');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var warning = require('fbjs/lib/warning');
var CURSOR = RelayConnectionInterface.CURSOR;
var NODE = RelayConnectionInterface.NODE;
var EMPTY = '';
var FILTER_CALLS = '__filterCalls__';
var FORCE_INDEX = '__forceIndex__';
var RANGE = '__range__';
var RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP = '__resolvedFragmentMap__';
var RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP_GENERATION = '__resolvedFragmentMapGeneration__';
var PATH = '__path__';
var APPEND = GraphQLMutatorConstants.APPEND;
var PREPEND = GraphQLMutatorConstants.PREPEND;
var REMOVE = GraphQLMutatorConstants.REMOVE;
* @internal
* `RelayRecordStore` is the central repository for all data fetched by the
* client. Data is stored as a map of IDs to Records. Records are maps of
* field names to values.
* TODO: #6584253 Mediate access to node/cached/queued data via RelayRecordStore
var RelayRecordStore = (function () {
function RelayRecordStore(records, rootCallMaps, nodeConnectionMap, cacheWriter, clientMutationID) {
_classCallCheck(this, RelayRecordStore);
this._cacheWriter = cacheWriter;
this._cachedRecords = records.cachedRecords;
this._cachedRootCallMap = rootCallMaps && rootCallMaps.cachedRootCallMap || {};
this._clientMutationID = clientMutationID;
this._queuedRecords = records.queuedRecords;
this._nodeConnectionMap = nodeConnectionMap || {};
this._records = records.records;
this._rootCallMap = rootCallMaps && rootCallMaps.rootCallMap || {};
this._storage = [];
if (this._queuedRecords) {
if (this._records) {
if (this._cachedRecords) {
* Filter calls to only those that specify conditions on the returned results
* (ex: `orderby(TOP_STORIES)`), removing generic calls (ex: `first`, `find`).
* Get the data ID associated with a storage key (and optionally an
* identifying argument value) for a root query.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getDataID = function getDataID(storageKey, identifyingArgValue) {
if (RelayNodeInterface.isNodeRootCall(storageKey)) {
!(identifyingArgValue != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getDataID(): Argument to `%s()` ' + 'cannot be null or undefined.', storageKey) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return identifyingArgValue;
if (identifyingArgValue == null) {
identifyingArgValue = EMPTY;
if (this._rootCallMap.hasOwnProperty(storageKey) && this._rootCallMap[storageKey].hasOwnProperty(identifyingArgValue)) {
return this._rootCallMap[storageKey][identifyingArgValue];
} else if (this._cachedRootCallMap.hasOwnProperty(storageKey)) {
return this._cachedRootCallMap[storageKey][identifyingArgValue];
* Associate a data ID with a storage key (and optionally an identifying
* argument value) for a root query.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putDataID = function putDataID(storageKey, identifyingArgValue, dataID) {
if (RelayNodeInterface.isNodeRootCall(storageKey)) {
!(identifyingArgValue != null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putDataID(): Argument to `%s()` ' + 'cannot be null or undefined.', storageKey) : invariant(false) : undefined;
if (identifyingArgValue == null) {
identifyingArgValue = EMPTY;
this._rootCallMap[storageKey] = this._rootCallMap[storageKey] || {};
this._rootCallMap[storageKey][identifyingArgValue] = dataID;
if (this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeRootCall(storageKey, identifyingArgValue, dataID);
* Returns the status of the record stored at `dataID`.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getRecordState = function getRecordState(dataID) {
var record = this._getRecord(dataID);
if (record === null) {
} else if (record === undefined) {
return 'UNKNOWN';
return 'EXISTENT';
* Create an empty record at `dataID` if a record does not already exist.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putRecord = function putRecord(dataID, typeName, path) {
var target = this._queuedRecords || this._records;
var prevRecord = target[dataID];
if (prevRecord) {
if (target === this._queuedRecords) {
var nextRecord = {
__dataID__: dataID,
__typename: typeName
if (target === this._queuedRecords) {
if (GraphQLStoreDataHandler.isClientID(dataID)) {
!path ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putRecord(): Expected a path for non-refetchable ' + 'record `%s`.', dataID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
nextRecord[PATH] = path;
target[dataID] = nextRecord;
var cacheWriter = this._cacheWriter;
if (!this._queuedRecords && cacheWriter) {
cacheWriter.writeField(dataID, '__dataID__', dataID, typeName);
* Returns the path to a non-refetchable record.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getPathToRecord = function getPathToRecord(dataID) {
var path = this._getField(dataID, PATH);
return path;
* Returns whether a given record is affected by an optimistic update.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.hasOptimisticUpdate = function hasOptimisticUpdate(dataID) {
!this._queuedRecords ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.hasOptimisticUpdate(): Optimistic updates require ' + 'queued records.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
return this._queuedRecords.hasOwnProperty(dataID);
* Returns a list of client mutation IDs for queued mutations whose optimistic
* updates are affecting the record corresponding the given dataID. Returns
* null if the record isn't affected by any optimistic updates.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getClientMutationIDs = function getClientMutationIDs(dataID) {
!this._queuedRecords ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getClientMutationIDs(): Optimistic updates require ' + 'queued records.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
var record = this._queuedRecords[dataID];
return record ? record.__mutationIDs__ : null;
* Returns whether an error occurred during a mutation affecting the
* given (queued) record.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.hasMutationError = function hasMutationError(dataID) {
if (this._queuedRecords) {
var record = this._queuedRecords[dataID];
return !!(record && RelayRecordStatusMap.isErrorStatus(record.__status__));
return false;
* Sets the mutation status of a queued record to the given value.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.setMutationErrorStatus = function setMutationErrorStatus(dataID, hasError) {
!this._queuedRecords ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.setMutationErrorStatus(): Can only set the ' + 'mutation status of queued records.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
var record = this._queuedRecords[dataID];
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.setMutationErrorStatus(): Expected record `%s` to ' + 'exist before settings its mutation error status.', dataID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
record.__status__ = RelayRecordStatusMap.setErrorStatus(record.__status__, hasError);
* Check whether a given record has received data for a deferred fragment.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.hasDeferredFragmentData = function hasDeferredFragmentData(dataID, fragmentID) {
var resolvedFragmentMap = this._getField(dataID, RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP);
!(typeof resolvedFragmentMap === 'object' || resolvedFragmentMap == null) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.hasDeferredFragmentData(): Expected the map of ' + 'resolved deferred fragments associated with record `%s` to be null or ' + 'an object. Found a(n) `%s`.', dataID, typeof resolvedFragmentMap) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return !!(resolvedFragmentMap && resolvedFragmentMap[fragmentID]);
* Mark a given record as having received data for a deferred fragment.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.setHasDeferredFragmentData = function setHasDeferredFragmentData(dataID, fragmentID) {
var record = this._getRecord(dataID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.setHasDeferredFragmentData(): Expected record `%s` ' + 'to exist before marking it as having received data for the deferred ' + 'fragment with id `%s`.', dataID, fragmentID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var resolvedFragmentMap = record[RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP];
if (typeof resolvedFragmentMap !== 'object' || !resolvedFragmentMap) {
resolvedFragmentMap = {};
resolvedFragmentMap[fragmentID] = true;
record[RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP] = resolvedFragmentMap;
if (typeof record[RESOLVED_FRAGMENT_MAP_GENERATION] === 'number') {
} else {
* Delete the record at `dataID`, setting its value to `null`.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.deleteRecord = function deleteRecord(dataID) {
var target = this._queuedRecords || this._records;
target[dataID] = null;
// Remove any links for this record
if (!this._queuedRecords) {
delete this._nodeConnectionMap[dataID];
if (this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeNode(dataID, null);
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getType = function getType(dataID) {
// `__typename` property is typed as `string`
return this._getField(dataID, '__typename');
* Returns the value of the field for the given dataID.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getField = function getField(dataID, storageKey) {
return this._getField(dataID, storageKey);
* Sets the value of a scalar field.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putField = function putField(dataID, storageKey, value) {
var record = this._getRecordForWrite(dataID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putField(): Expected record `%s` to exist before ' + 'writing field `%s`.', dataID, storageKey) : invariant(false) : undefined;
record[storageKey] = value;
if (!this._queuedRecords && this._cacheWriter) {
var typeName = record.__typename;
this._cacheWriter.writeField(dataID, storageKey, value, typeName);
* Clears the value of a field by setting it to null/undefined.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.deleteField = function deleteField(dataID, storageKey) {
var record = this._getRecordForWrite(dataID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.deleteField(): Expected record `%s` to exist before ' + 'deleting field `%s`.', dataID, storageKey) : invariant(false) : undefined;
record[storageKey] = null;
if (!this._queuedRecords && this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeField(dataID, storageKey, null);
* Returns the Data ID of a linked record (eg the ID of the `address` record
* in `actor{address}`).
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getLinkedRecordID = function getLinkedRecordID(dataID, storageKey) {
var field = this._getField(dataID, storageKey);
if (field == null) {
return field;
!(typeof field === 'object' && field !== null && !Array.isArray(field)) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getLinkedRecordID(): Expected field `%s` for record ' + '`%s` to have a linked record.', storageKey, dataID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return field.__dataID__;
* Creates/updates a link between two records via the given field.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putLinkedRecordID = function putLinkedRecordID(parentID, storageKey, recordID) {
var parent = this._getRecordForWrite(parentID);
!parent ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putLinkedRecordID(): Expected record `%s` to exist ' + 'before linking to record `%s`.', parentID, recordID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var record = this._getRecord(recordID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putLinkedRecordID(): Expected record `%s` to exist ' + 'before linking from record `%s`.', recordID, parentID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var fieldValue = {
__dataID__: recordID
parent[storageKey] = fieldValue;
if (!this._queuedRecords && this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeField(parentID, storageKey, fieldValue);
* Returns an array of Data ID for a plural linked field (eg the actor IDs of
* the `likers` in `story{likers}`).
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getLinkedRecordIDs = function getLinkedRecordIDs(dataID, storageKey) {
var field = this._getField(dataID, storageKey);
if (field == null) {
return field;
!Array.isArray(field) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getLinkedRecordIDs(): Expected field `%s` for ' + 'record `%s` to have an array of linked records.', storageKey, dataID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return field.map(function (item, ii) {
!(typeof item === 'object' && item.__dataID__) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getLinkedRecordIDs(): Expected element at index %s ' + 'in field `%s` for record `%s` to be a linked record.', ii, storageKey, dataID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return item.__dataID__;
* Creates/updates a one-to-many link between records via the given field.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putLinkedRecordIDs = function putLinkedRecordIDs(parentID, storageKey, recordIDs) {
var _this = this;
var parent = this._getRecordForWrite(parentID);
!parent ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putLinkedRecordIDs(): Expected record `%s` to exist ' + 'before linking records.', parentID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var records = recordIDs.map(function (recordID) {
var record = _this._getRecord(recordID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putLinkedRecordIDs(): Expected record `%s` to ' + 'exist before linking from `%s`.', recordID, parentID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return {
__dataID__: recordID
parent[storageKey] = records;
if (!this._queuedRecords && this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeField(parentID, storageKey, records);
* Gets the connectionIDs for all the connections that contain the given
* record as a `node`, or null if the record does not appear as a `node` in
* any connection.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getConnectionIDsForRecord = function getConnectionIDsForRecord(dataID) {
var connectionIDs = this._nodeConnectionMap[dataID];
if (connectionIDs) {
return _Object$keys(connectionIDs);
return null;
* Gets the connectionIDs for all variations of calls for the given base
* schema name (Ex: `posts.orderby(recent)` and `posts.orderby(likes)`).
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getConnectionIDsForField = function getConnectionIDsForField(dataID, schemaName) {
// ignore queued records because not all range fields may be present there
var record = this._records[dataID];
if (record == null) {
return record;
var connectionIDs;
forEachObject(record, function (datum, key) {
if (datum && getFieldNameFromKey(key) === schemaName) {
var dataID = datum.__dataID__;
if (dataID) {
connectionIDs = connectionIDs || [];
return connectionIDs;
* Get the force index associated with the range at `connectionID`.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getRangeForceIndex = function getRangeForceIndex(connectionID) {
var forceIndex = this._getField(connectionID, FORCE_INDEX);
if (forceIndex === null) {
return -1;
// __forceIndex__ can only be a number
return forceIndex || 0;
* Get the condition calls that were used to fetch the given connection.
* Ex: for a field `photos.orderby(recent)`, this would be
* [{name: 'orderby', value: 'recent'}]
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getRangeFilterCalls = function getRangeFilterCalls(connectionID) {
return this._getField(connectionID, FILTER_CALLS);
* Returns range information for the given connection field:
* - `filteredEdges`: any edges already fetched for the given `calls`.
* - `diffCalls`: an array of calls describing the difference
* between the given `calls` and already fetched data. Includes conditional
* calls (`orderby`) and range/offset calls (`first`, `after`).
* - `filterCalls`: the subset of `calls` that are condition calls
* (`orderby`).
RelayRecordStore.prototype.getRangeMetadata = function getRangeMetadata(connectionID, calls) {
var _this2 = this;
if (connectionID == null) {
return connectionID;
var range = this._getField(connectionID, RANGE);
if (range == null) {
if (range === null) {
process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? warning(false, 'RelayRecordStore.getRangeMetadata(): Expected range to exist if ' + '`edges` has been fetched.') : undefined;
return undefined;
var filterCalls = getFilterCalls(calls);
// Edges can only be fetched if a range call (first/last/find) is given.
// Otherwise return diffCalls/filterCalls with empty edges.
if (calls.length === filterCalls.length) {
return {
diffCalls: calls,
filterCalls: filterCalls,
pageInfo: undefined,
requestedEdgeIDs: [],
filteredEdges: []
var queuedRecord = this._queuedRecords ? this._queuedRecords[connectionID] : null;
var _range$retrieveRangeInfoForQuery = range.retrieveRangeInfoForQuery(calls, queuedRecord);
var diffCalls = _range$retrieveRangeInfoForQuery.diffCalls;
var pageInfo = _range$retrieveRangeInfoForQuery.pageInfo;
var requestedEdgeIDs = _range$retrieveRangeInfoForQuery.requestedEdgeIDs;
if (diffCalls && diffCalls.length) {
diffCalls = filterCalls.concat(diffCalls);
} else {
diffCalls = [];
var filteredEdges;
if (requestedEdgeIDs) {
filteredEdges = requestedEdgeIDs.map(function (edgeID) {
return {
edgeID: edgeID,
nodeID: _this2.getLinkedRecordID(edgeID, NODE)
}).filter(function (edge) {
return _this2._getRecord(edge.nodeID);
} else {
filteredEdges = [];
return {
diffCalls: diffCalls,
filterCalls: filterCalls,
pageInfo: pageInfo,
requestedEdgeIDs: requestedEdgeIDs,
filteredEdges: filteredEdges
* Creates a range at `dataID` with an optional `forceIndex`.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putRange = function putRange(connectionID, calls, forceIndex) {
!!this._queuedRecords ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putRange(): Cannot create a queued range.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
var record = this._getRecord(connectionID);
!record ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putRange(): Expected record `%s` to exist before ' + 'adding a range.', connectionID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var range = new GraphQLRange();
var filterCalls = getFilterCalls(calls);
forceIndex = forceIndex || 0;
record.__filterCalls__ = filterCalls;
record.__forceIndex__ = forceIndex;
record.__range__ = range;
var cacheWriter = this._cacheWriter;
if (!this._queuedRecords && cacheWriter) {
cacheWriter.writeField(connectionID, FILTER_CALLS, filterCalls);
cacheWriter.writeField(connectionID, FORCE_INDEX, forceIndex);
cacheWriter.writeField(connectionID, RANGE, range);
* Returns whether there is a range at `connectionID`.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.hasRange = function hasRange(connectionID) {
return !!this._getField(connectionID, RANGE);
* Adds newly fetched edges to a range.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.putRangeEdges = function putRangeEdges(connectionID, calls, pageInfo, edges) {
var _this3 = this;
var range = this._getField(connectionID, RANGE);
!range ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore.putRangeEdges(): Expected record `%s` to exist and ' + 'have a range.', connectionID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var edgesData = [];
edges.forEach(function (edgeID) {
var edgeData = _this3._getRangeEdgeData(edgeID);
_this3._addConnectionForNode(connectionID, edgeData.node.__dataID__);
range.addItems(calls, edgesData, pageInfo);
if (!this._queuedRecords && this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeField(connectionID, RANGE, range);
* Prepend, append, or delete edges to/from a range.
RelayRecordStore.prototype.applyRangeUpdate = function applyRangeUpdate(connectionID, edgeID, operation) {
if (this._queuedRecords) {
this._applyOptimisticRangeUpdate(connectionID, edgeID, operation);
} else {
this._applyServerRangeUpdate(connectionID, edgeID, operation);
* Completely removes the record identified by `dataID` from the store
RelayRecordStore.prototype.removeRecord = function removeRecord(dataID) {
delete this._records[dataID];
if (this._queuedRecords) {
delete this._queuedRecords[dataID];
if (this._cachedRecords) {
delete this._cachedRecords[dataID];
delete this._nodeConnectionMap[dataID];
* Get edge data in a format compatibile with `GraphQLRange`.
* TODO: change `GraphQLRange` to accept `(edgeID, cursor, nodeID)` tuple
RelayRecordStore.prototype._getRangeEdgeData = function _getRangeEdgeData(edgeID) {
var nodeID = this.getLinkedRecordID(edgeID, NODE);
!nodeID ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore: Expected edge `%s` to have a `node` record.', edgeID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return {
__dataID__: edgeID,
cursor: this.getField(edgeID, CURSOR),
node: {
__dataID__: nodeID
RelayRecordStore.prototype._applyOptimisticRangeUpdate = function _applyOptimisticRangeUpdate(connectionID, edgeID, operation) {
!this._queuedRecords ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore: Expected queued records to exist for optimistic ' + '`%s` update to record `%s`.', operation, connectionID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var record = this._queuedRecords[connectionID];
if (!record) {
// $FlowIssue: this fails with:
// "property `append/prepend/remove` not found in object literal"
record = { __dataID__: connectionID };
this._queuedRecords[connectionID] = record;
var queue = record[operation];
if (!queue) {
queue = [];
record[operation] = queue;
if (operation === PREPEND) {
} else {
RelayRecordStore.prototype._applyServerRangeUpdate = function _applyServerRangeUpdate(connectionID, edgeID, operation) {
!this._records ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore: Expected base records to exist for `%s` update to ' + 'record `%s`.', operation, connectionID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var range = this._getField(connectionID, RANGE);
!range ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore: Cannot apply `%s` update to non-existent record `%s`.', operation, connectionID) : invariant(false) : undefined;
if (operation === REMOVE) {
var nodeID = this.getLinkedRecordID(edgeID, 'node');
if (nodeID) {
this._removeConnectionForNode(connectionID, nodeID);
} else {
var edgeData = this._getRangeEdgeData(edgeID);
this._addConnectionForNode(connectionID, edgeData.node.__dataID__);
if (operation === APPEND) {
} else {
// prepend
if (this._cacheWriter) {
this._cacheWriter.writeField(connectionID, RANGE, range);
* Record that the node is contained in the connection.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._addConnectionForNode = function _addConnectionForNode(connectionID, nodeID) {
var connectionMap = this._nodeConnectionMap[nodeID];
if (!connectionMap) {
connectionMap = {};
this._nodeConnectionMap[nodeID] = connectionMap;
connectionMap[connectionID] = true;
* Record that the given node is no longer part of the connection.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._removeConnectionForNode = function _removeConnectionForNode(connectionID, nodeID) {
var connectionMap = this._nodeConnectionMap[nodeID];
if (connectionMap) {
delete connectionMap[connectionID];
if (_Object$keys(connectionMap).length === 0) {
delete this._nodeConnectionMap[nodeID];
* Gets the first version of the record from the available caches.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._getRecord = function _getRecord(dataID) {
if (this._queuedRecords && this._queuedRecords.hasOwnProperty(dataID)) {
return this._queuedRecords[dataID];
} else if (this._records.hasOwnProperty(dataID)) {
return this._records[dataID];
} else if (this._cachedRecords) {
return this._cachedRecords[dataID];
* If the record is in the store, gets or creates a version of the record
* in the store being used for writes.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._getRecordForWrite = function _getRecordForWrite(dataID) {
// Cannot write to non-existent records, so ensure the record exists first.
// Returning null/undefined allows for local invariant checks at call sites
// with specific error messaging.
var record = this._getRecord(dataID);
if (!record) {
return record;
// Create an empty version of the record in the writable store if it does
// not already exist there.
var source = this._queuedRecords || this._records;
if (!source[dataID]) {
record = source[dataID] = {
__dataID__: dataID
if (source === this._queuedRecords) {
return record;
* Get the value of the field from the first version of the record for which
* the field is defined, returning `null` if the record has been deleted or
* `undefined` if the record has not been fetched.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._getField = function _getField(dataID, storageKey) {
var storage = this._storage;
for (var ii = 0; ii < storage.length; ii++) {
var record = storage[ii][dataID];
if (record === null) {
return null;
} else if (record && record.hasOwnProperty(storageKey)) {
return record[storageKey];
return undefined;
* Injects the client mutation id associated with the record store instance
* into the given record.
RelayRecordStore.prototype._setClientMutationID = function _setClientMutationID(record) {
var clientMutationID = this._clientMutationID;
!clientMutationID ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRecordStore: _clientMutationID cannot be null/undefined.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
var mutationIDs = record.__mutationIDs__ || [];
if (mutationIDs.indexOf(clientMutationID) === -1) {
record.__mutationIDs__ = mutationIDs;
record.__status__ = RelayRecordStatusMap.setOptimisticStatus(0, true);
return RelayRecordStore;
function getFilterCalls(calls) {
return calls.filter(function (call) {
return !RelayConnectionInterface.isConnectionCall(call);
* Returns the field name based on the object key used to store the data in
* nodeData. It returns the field name without any calls. For example, the
* field name for 'profile_picture{size:"50"}' will be 'profile_picture'
function getFieldNameFromKey(key) {
// This is based on the GraphQL spec for what constitutes a valid field name.
return key.split(/(?![_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*)/, 1)[0];
module.exports = RelayRecordStore;