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pfchangs / react-relay   js

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Version: 0.7.1-ccinternal 

/ lib / RelayRenderer.js

 * Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
 * @providesModule RelayRenderer
 * @typechecks

'use strict';

var _inherits = require('babel-runtime/helpers/inherits')['default'];

var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];

var _extends = require('babel-runtime/helpers/extends')['default'];

var GraphQLFragmentPointer = require('./GraphQLFragmentPointer');
var React = require('react');

var RelayPropTypes = require('./RelayPropTypes');
var RelayStore = require('./RelayStore');
var RelayStoreData = require('./RelayStoreData');

var StaticContainer = require('react-static-container');

var getRelayQueries = require('./getRelayQueries');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var mapObject = require('fbjs/lib/mapObject');

var PropTypes = React.PropTypes;

 * @public
 * RelayRenderer renders a container and query config after fulfilling its data
 * dependencies. Precise rendering behavior is configured via the `render` prop
 * which takes a callback.
 * The container created using `Relay.createContainer` must be supplied via the
 * `Container` prop, and the query configuration that conforms to the shape of a
 * `RelayQueryConfig` must be supplied via the `queryConfig` prop.
 * === Render Callback ===
 * The `render` callback is called with an object with the following properties:
 *   props: ?Object
 *     If present, sufficient data is ready to render the container. This object
 *     must be spread into the container using the spread attribute operator. If
 *     absent, there is insufficient data to render the container.
 *   done: boolean
 *     Whether all data dependencies have been fulfilled. If `props` is present
 *     but `done` is false, then sufficient data is ready to render, but some
 *     data dependencies have not yet been fulfilled.
 *   error: ?Error
 *     If present, an error occurred while fulfilling data dependencies. If
 *     `props` and `error` are both present, then sufficient data is ready to
 *     render, but an error occurred while fulfilling deferred dependencies.
 *   retry: ?Function
 *     A function that can be called to re-attempt to fulfill data dependencies.
 *     This property is only present if an `error` has occurred.
 *   stale: boolean
 *     When `forceFetch` is enabled, a request is always made to fetch updated
 *     data. However, if all data dependencies can be immediately fulfilled, the
 *     `props` property will be present. In this case, `stale` will be true.
 * The `render` callback can return `undefined` to continue rendering the last
 * view rendered (e.g. when transitioning from one `queryConfig` to another).
 * If a `render` callback is not supplied, the default behavior is to render the
 * container if data is available, the existing view if one exists, or nothing.
 * === Refs ===
 * References to elements rendered by the `render` callback can be obtained by
 * using the React `ref` prop. For example:
 *   <FooComponent {...props} ref={handleFooRef} />
 *   function handleFooRef(component) {
 *     // Invoked when `<FooComponent>` is mounted or unmounted. When mounted,
 *     // `component` will be the component. When unmounted, `component` will
 *     // be null.
 *   }

var RelayRenderer = (function (_React$Component) {
  _inherits(RelayRenderer, _React$Component);

  function RelayRenderer(props, context) {
    _classCallCheck(this, RelayRenderer);

    _React$Component.call(this, props, context);
    this.mounted = true;
    this.state = this._runQueries(this.props);

  RelayRenderer.prototype.getChildContext = function getChildContext() {
    return { route: this.props.queryConfig };

   * @private

  RelayRenderer.prototype._runQueries = function _runQueries(_ref) {
    var _this = this;

    var Component = _ref.Component;
    var forceFetch = _ref.forceFetch;
    var queryConfig = _ref.queryConfig;

    var querySet = getRelayQueries(Component, queryConfig);
    var onReadyStateChange = function onReadyStateChange(readyState) {
      if (!_this.mounted) {
        _this._handleReadyStateChange(_extends({}, readyState, { mounted: false }));
      var _state = _this.state;
      var pendingRequest = _state.pendingRequest;
      var props = _state.renderArgs.props;

      if (request !== pendingRequest) {
        // Ignore (abort) ready state if we have a new pending request.
      if (readyState.aborted || readyState.done || readyState.error) {
        pendingRequest = null;
      if (readyState.ready && !props) {
        props = _extends({}, queryConfig.params, mapObject(querySet, createFragmentPointerForRoot));
        activeComponent: Component,
        activeQueryConfig: queryConfig,
        pendingRequest: pendingRequest,
        readyState: _extends({}, readyState, { mounted: true }),
        renderArgs: {
          done: readyState.done,
          error: readyState.error,
          props: props,
          retry: _this.state.renderArgs.retry,
          stale: readyState.stale

    var request = forceFetch ? RelayStore.forceFetch(querySet, onReadyStateChange) : RelayStore.primeCache(querySet, onReadyStateChange);

    return {
      activeComponent: this.state ? this.state.activeComponent : null,
      activeQueryConfig: this.state ? this.state.activeQueryConfig : null,
      pendingRequest: request,
      readyState: null,
      renderArgs: {
        done: false,
        error: null,
        props: null,
        retry: this._retry.bind(this),
        stale: false

   * Returns whether or not the view should be updated during the current render
   * pass. This is false between invoking `Relay.Store.{primeCache,forceFetch}`
   * and the first invocation of the `onReadyStateChange` callback if there is
   * an actively rendered component and query configuration.
   * @private

  RelayRenderer.prototype._shouldUpdate = function _shouldUpdate() {
    var _state2 = this.state;
    var activeComponent = _state2.activeComponent;
    var activeQueryConfig = _state2.activeQueryConfig;

    return (!activeComponent || this.props.Component === activeComponent) && (!activeQueryConfig || this.props.queryConfig === activeQueryConfig);

   * @private

  RelayRenderer.prototype._retry = function _retry() {
    var readyState = this.state.readyState;

    !(readyState && readyState.error) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'RelayRenderer: You tried to call `retry`, but the last request did ' + 'not fail. You can only call this when the last request has failed.') : invariant(false) : undefined;

  RelayRenderer.prototype.componentWillReceiveProps = function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.Component !== this.props.Component || nextProps.queryConfig !== this.props.queryConfig || nextProps.forceFetch && !this.props.forceFetch) {
      if (this.state.pendingRequest) {

  RelayRenderer.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {
    // `prevState` should exist; the truthy check is for Flow soundness.
    var readyState = this.state.readyState;

    if (readyState) {
      if (!prevState || readyState !== prevState.readyState) {

   * @private

  RelayRenderer.prototype._handleReadyStateChange = function _handleReadyStateChange(readyState) {
    var onReadyStateChange = this.props.onReadyStateChange;

    if (onReadyStateChange) {

  RelayRenderer.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function componentWillUnmount() {
    if (this.state.pendingRequest) {
    this.mounted = false;

  RelayRenderer.prototype.render = function render() {
    var children = undefined;
    var shouldUpdate = this._shouldUpdate();
    if (shouldUpdate) {
      var _props = this.props;
      var _Component = _props.Component;
      var _render = _props.render;
      var _renderArgs = this.state.renderArgs;

      if (_render) {
        children = _render(_renderArgs);
      } else if (_renderArgs.props) {
        children = React.createElement(_Component, _renderArgs.props);
    if (children === undefined) {
      children = null;
      shouldUpdate = false;
    return React.createElement(
      { shouldUpdate: shouldUpdate },

  return RelayRenderer;

function createFragmentPointerForRoot(query) {
  return query ? GraphQLFragmentPointer.createForRoot(RelayStoreData.getDefaultInstance().getQueuedStore(), query) : null;

RelayRenderer.propTypes = {
  Component: RelayPropTypes.Container,
  forceFetch: PropTypes.bool,
  onReadyStateChange: PropTypes.func,
  queryConfig: RelayPropTypes.QueryConfig.isRequired,
  render: PropTypes.func

RelayRenderer.childContextTypes = {
  route: RelayPropTypes.QueryConfig.isRequired

module.exports = RelayRenderer;