* Copyright 2013-2015, Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
* @providesModule readRelayQueryData
* @typechecks
'use strict';
var _inherits = require('babel-runtime/helpers/inherits')['default'];
var _classCallCheck = require('babel-runtime/helpers/class-call-check')['default'];
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', {
value: true
var GraphQLFragmentPointer = require('./GraphQLFragmentPointer');
var GraphQLStoreDataHandler = require('./GraphQLStoreDataHandler');
var RelayConnectionInterface = require('./RelayConnectionInterface');
var RelayProfiler = require('./RelayProfiler');
var RelayQuery = require('./RelayQuery');
var RelayQueryVisitor = require('./RelayQueryVisitor');
var RelayRecordState = require('./RelayRecordState');
var callsFromGraphQL = require('./callsFromGraphQL');
var callsToGraphQL = require('./callsToGraphQL');
var invariant = require('fbjs/lib/invariant');
var isCompatibleRelayFragmentType = require('./isCompatibleRelayFragmentType');
var validateRelayReadQuery = require('./validateRelayReadQuery');
var EDGES = RelayConnectionInterface.EDGES;
var PAGE_INFO = RelayConnectionInterface.PAGE_INFO;
var METADATA_KEYS = ['__status__', '__resolvedFragmentMapGeneration__'];
* @internal
* Retrieves data from the `RelayStore`.
function readRelayQueryData(storeData, queryNode, dataID, options) {
var reader = new RelayStoreReader(storeData, options);
var data = reader.retrieveData(queryNode, dataID);
// We validate only after retrieving the data, to give our `invariant`
// checks below a chance to fail fast.
validateRelayReadQuery(queryNode, options);
return data;
var RelayStoreReader = (function (_RelayQueryVisitor) {
_inherits(RelayStoreReader, _RelayQueryVisitor);
function RelayStoreReader(storeData, options) {
_classCallCheck(this, RelayStoreReader);
this._rangeData = storeData.getRangeData();
this._recordStore = storeData.getQueuedStore();
this._traverseFragmentReferences = options && options.traverseFragmentReferences || false;
this._traverseGeneratedFields = options && options.traverseGeneratedFields || false;
* Checks that `parent` either has range calls on it or does not contain either
* `page_info` or `edges` fields. This enforcement intentionally transcends
* traverseFragmentReferences boundaries.
* Runs `queryNode` against the data in `dataID` and returns the result.
RelayStoreReader.prototype.retrieveData = function retrieveData(queryNode, dataID) {
var result = {
data: undefined,
dataIDs: {}
var rangeData = this._rangeData.parseRangeClientID(dataID);
var status = this._recordStore.getRecordState(rangeData ? rangeData.dataID : dataID);
if (status === RelayRecordState.EXISTENT) {
var state = {
componentDataID: null,
data: undefined,
parent: null,
rangeInfo: null,
seenDataIDs: result.dataIDs,
storeDataID: dataID
this.visit(queryNode, state);
result.data = state.data;
} else if (status === RelayRecordState.NONEXISTENT) {
result.data = null;
return result;
RelayStoreReader.prototype.visitField = function visitField(node, state) {
// Check for range client IDs (eg. `someID_first(25)`) and unpack if
// present, overriding `state`.
this._handleRangeInfo(node, state);
if (!node.isScalar() || node.isGenerated()) {
// Make sure we return at least the __dataID__.
if (node.isGenerated() && !this._traverseGeneratedFields) {
var rangeInfo = state.rangeInfo;
if (rangeInfo && node.getSchemaName() === EDGES) {
this._readEdges(node, rangeInfo, state);
} else if (rangeInfo && node.getSchemaName() === PAGE_INFO) {
this._readPageInfo(node, rangeInfo, state);
} else if (node.isScalar()) {
this._readScalar(node, state);
} else if (node.isPlural()) {
this._readPlural(node, state);
} else if (node.isConnection()) {
this._readConnection(node, state);
} else {
this._readLinkedField(node, state);
state.seenDataIDs[state.storeDataID] = true;
RelayStoreReader.prototype.visitFragment = function visitFragment(node, state) {
var dataID = getComponentDataID(state);
if (node.isContainerFragment() && !this._traverseFragmentReferences) {
state.seenDataIDs[dataID] = true;
var fragmentPointer = new GraphQLFragmentPointer(node.isPlural() ? [dataID] : dataID, node);
this._setDataValue(state, fragmentPointer.getFragment().getConcreteNodeHash(), fragmentPointer);
} else if (isCompatibleRelayFragmentType(node, this._recordStore.getType(dataID))) {
this.traverse(node, state);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readScalar = function _readScalar(node, state) {
var storageKey = node.getStorageKey();
var field = this._recordStore.getField(state.storeDataID, storageKey);
if (field === undefined) {
} else if (field === null && !state.data) {
state.data = null;
} else {
this._setDataValue(state, node.getApplicationName(), Array.isArray(field) ? field.slice() : field);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readPlural = function _readPlural(node, state) {
var _this = this;
var storageKey = node.getStorageKey();
var dataIDs = this._recordStore.getLinkedRecordIDs(state.storeDataID, storageKey);
if (dataIDs) {
var applicationName = node.getApplicationName();
var previousData = getDataValue(state, applicationName);
var nextData = dataIDs.map(function (dataID, ii) {
var data;
if (previousData instanceof Object) {
data = previousData[ii];
var nextState = {
componentDataID: null,
data: data,
parent: node,
rangeInfo: null,
seenDataIDs: state.seenDataIDs,
storeDataID: dataID
node.getChildren().forEach(function (child) {
return _this.visit(child, nextState);
return nextState.data;
this._setDataValue(state, applicationName, nextData);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readConnection = function _readConnection(node, state) {
var applicationName = node.getApplicationName();
var storageKey = node.getStorageKey();
var calls = node.getCallsWithValues();
var dataID = this._recordStore.getLinkedRecordID(state.storeDataID, storageKey);
if (!dataID) {
var metadata = this._recordStore.getRangeMetadata(dataID, calls);
var nextState = {
componentDataID: this._getConnectionClientID(node, dataID),
data: getDataValue(state, applicationName),
parent: node,
rangeInfo: metadata && calls.length ? metadata : null,
seenDataIDs: state.seenDataIDs,
storeDataID: dataID
this.traverse(node, nextState);
this._setDataValue(state, applicationName, nextState.data);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readEdges = function _readEdges(node, rangeInfo, state) {
var _this2 = this;
var previousData = getDataValue(state, EDGES);
var edges = rangeInfo.filteredEdges.map(function (edgeData, ii) {
var data;
if (previousData instanceof Object) {
data = previousData[ii];
var nextState = {
componentDataID: null,
data: data,
parent: node,
rangeInfo: null,
seenDataIDs: state.seenDataIDs,
storeDataID: edgeData.edgeID
_this2.traverse(node, nextState);
return nextState.data;
this._setDataValue(state, EDGES, edges);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readPageInfo = function _readPageInfo(node, rangeInfo, state) {
var _this3 = this;
var pageInfo = rangeInfo.pageInfo;
!pageInfo ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'readRelayQueryData(): Missing field, `%s`.', PAGE_INFO) : invariant(false) : undefined;
var info = pageInfo; // for Flow
var nextData;
// Page info comes from the range metadata, so we do a custom traversal here
// which is simpler than passing through page-info-related state as a hint
// for the normal traversal.
var read = function read(child) {
if (child instanceof RelayQuery.Fragment) {
if (child.isContainerFragment() && !_this3._traverseFragmentReferences) {
var fragmentPointer = new GraphQLFragmentPointer(getComponentDataID(state), child);
nextData = nextData || {};
var fragmentHash = fragmentPointer.getFragment().getConcreteNodeHash();
nextData[fragmentHash] = fragmentPointer;
} else {
} else {
var field = child;
if (!field.isGenerated() || _this3._traverseGeneratedFields) {
nextData = nextData || {};
nextData[field.getApplicationName()] = info[field.getStorageKey()];
this._setDataValue(state, PAGE_INFO, nextData);
RelayStoreReader.prototype._readLinkedField = function _readLinkedField(node, state) {
var storageKey = node.getStorageKey();
var applicationName = node.getApplicationName();
var dataID = this._recordStore.getLinkedRecordID(state.storeDataID, storageKey);
if (dataID == null) {
this._setDataValue(state, applicationName, dataID);
var nextState = {
componentDataID: null,
data: getDataValue(state, applicationName),
parent: node,
rangeInfo: null,
seenDataIDs: state.seenDataIDs,
storeDataID: dataID
var status = this._recordStore.getRecordState(dataID);
if (status === RelayRecordState.EXISTENT) {
// Make sure we return at least the __dataID__.
this.traverse(node, nextState);
this._setDataValue(state, applicationName, nextState.data);
* Assigns `value` to the property of `state.data` identified by `key`.
* Pre-populates `state` with a suitable `data` object if needed, and copies
* over any metadata fields, if present.
RelayStoreReader.prototype._setDataValue = function _setDataValue(state, key, value) {
var _this4 = this;
var data = getDataObject(state); // ensure __dataID__
if (value === undefined) {
data[key] = value;
// Copy metadata like `__resolvedFragmentMapGeneration__` and `__status__`.
METADATA_KEYS.forEach(function (metadataKey) {
var metadataValue = _this4._recordStore.getField(state.storeDataID, metadataKey);
if (metadataValue != null) {
data[metadataKey] = metadataValue;
* Obtains a client ID (eg. `someDataID_first(10)`) for the connection
* identified by `connectionID`. If there are no range calls on the supplied
* `node`, then a call-less connection ID (eg. `someDataID`) will be returned
* instead.
RelayStoreReader.prototype._getConnectionClientID = function _getConnectionClientID(node, connectionID) {
var calls = node.getCallsWithValues();
if (!RelayConnectionInterface.hasRangeCalls(calls)) {
return connectionID;
return this._rangeData.getClientIDForRangeWithID(callsToGraphQL(calls), {}, connectionID);
* Checks to see if we have a range client ID (eg. `someID_first(25)`), and if
* so, unpacks the range metadata, stashing it into (and overriding) `state`.
RelayStoreReader.prototype._handleRangeInfo = function _handleRangeInfo(node, state) {
var rangeData = this._rangeData.parseRangeClientID(state.storeDataID);
if (rangeData != null) {
state.componentDataID = state.storeDataID;
state.storeDataID = rangeData.dataID;
state.rangeInfo = this._recordStore.getRangeMetadata(state.storeDataID, callsFromGraphQL(rangeData.calls, rangeData.callValues));
return RelayStoreReader;
function enforceRangeCalls(parent) {
if (!parent.__hasValidatedConnectionCalls__) {
var calls = parent.getCallsWithValues();
if (!RelayConnectionInterface.hasRangeCalls(calls)) {
rangeCallEnforcer.traverse(parent, parent);
parent.__hasValidatedConnectionCalls__ = true;
var RelayRangeCallEnforcer = (function (_RelayQueryVisitor2) {
_inherits(RelayRangeCallEnforcer, _RelayQueryVisitor2);
function RelayRangeCallEnforcer() {
_classCallCheck(this, RelayRangeCallEnforcer);
_RelayQueryVisitor2.apply(this, arguments);
RelayRangeCallEnforcer.prototype.visitField = function visitField(node, parent) {
var schemaName = node.getSchemaName();
!(schemaName !== EDGES && schemaName !== PAGE_INFO) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'readRelayQueryData(): The field `%s` is a connection. Fields `%s` and ' + '`%s` cannot be fetched without a `first`, `last` or `find` argument.', parent.getApplicationName(), EDGES, PAGE_INFO) : invariant(false) : undefined;
return RelayRangeCallEnforcer;
var rangeCallEnforcer = new RelayRangeCallEnforcer();
* Returns the component-specific DataID stored in `state`, falling back to the
* generic "store" DataID.
* For most nodes, the generic "store" DataID can be used for both reading out
* of the store and writing into the result object that will be passed back to
* the component. For connections with range calls on them the "store" and
* "component" ID will be different because the component needs a special
* client-ID that encodes the range calls.
function getComponentDataID(state) {
if (state.componentDataID != null) {
return state.componentDataID;
} else {
return state.storeDataID;
* Retrieves `state.data`, initializing it if necessary.
function getDataObject(state) {
var data = state.data;
if (!data) {
var pointer = GraphQLStoreDataHandler.createPointerWithID(getComponentDataID(state));
data = state.data = pointer;
!(data instanceof Object) ? process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' ? invariant(false, 'readRelayQueryData(): Unable to read field on non-object.') : invariant(false) : undefined;
return data;
* Looks up the value identified by `key` in `state.data`.
* Pre-populates `state` with a suitable `data` objects if needed.
function getDataValue(state, key) {
var data = getDataObject(state);
return data[key];
module.exports = RelayProfiler.instrument('readRelayQueryData', readRelayQueryData);