'use strict';
function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; }
var _ = require('../');
var _lodashIsplainobject = require('lodash.isplainobject');
var _lodashIsplainobject2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodashIsplainobject);
describe('createAction()', function () {
describe('resulting action creator', function () {
var type = 'TYPE';
it('returns plain object', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type, function (b) {
return b;
var foobar = { foo: 'bar' };
var action = actionCreator(foobar);
it('uses return value as payload', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type, function (b) {
return b;
var foobar = { foo: 'bar' };
var action = actionCreator(foobar);
it('has no extraneous keys', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type, function (b) {
return b;
var foobar = { foo: 'bar' };
var action = actionCreator(foobar);
type: type,
payload: foobar
it('uses identity function if actionCreator is not a function', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type);
var foobar = { foo: 'bar' };
var action = actionCreator(foobar);
type: type,
payload: foobar
it('accepts a second parameter for adding meta to object', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type, null, function (_ref) {
var cid = _ref.cid;
return { cid: cid };
var foobar = { foo: 'bar', cid: 5 };
var action = actionCreator(foobar);
type: type,
payload: foobar,
meta: {
cid: 5
it('sets error to true if payload is an Error object', function () {
var actionCreator = _.createAction(type);
var errObj = new TypeError('this is an error');
var errAction = actionCreator(errObj);
type: type,
payload: errObj,
error: true
var foobar = { foo: 'bar', cid: 5 };
var noErrAction = actionCreator(foobar);
type: type,
payload: foobar