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/ cache / interceptors / cache.interceptor.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");
const decorators_1 = require("../../decorators");
const shared_utils_1 = require("../../utils/shared.utils");
const cache_constants_1 = require("../cache.constants");
const HTTP_ADAPTER_HOST = 'HttpAdapterHost';
const REFLECTOR = 'Reflector';
let CacheInterceptor = class CacheInterceptor {
    constructor(cacheManager, reflector) {
        this.cacheManager = cacheManager;
        this.reflector = reflector;
    async intercept(context, next) {
        const key = this.trackBy(context);
        const ttl = this.reflector.get(cache_constants_1.CACHE_TTL_METADATA, context.getHandler()) || null;
        if (!key) {
            return next.handle();
        try {
            const value = await this.cacheManager.get(key);
            if (value) {
                return rxjs_1.of(value);
            return next.handle().pipe(operators_1.tap(response => {
                const args = shared_utils_1.isNil(ttl) ? [key, response] : [key, response, { ttl }];
        catch (_a) {
            return next.handle();
    trackBy(context) {
        const httpAdapter = this.httpAdapterHost.httpAdapter;
        const isHttpApp = httpAdapter && !!httpAdapter.getRequestMethod;
        const cacheMetadata = this.reflector.get(cache_constants_1.CACHE_KEY_METADATA, context.getHandler());
        if (!isHttpApp || cacheMetadata) {
            return cacheMetadata;
        const request = context.getArgByIndex(0);
        if (httpAdapter.getRequestMethod(request) !== 'GET') {
            return undefined;
        return httpAdapter.getRequestUrl(request);
    tslib_1.__metadata("design:type", Object)
], CacheInterceptor.prototype, "httpAdapterHost", void 0);
CacheInterceptor = tslib_1.__decorate([
    tslib_1.__param(0, decorators_1.Inject(cache_constants_1.CACHE_MANAGER)),
    tslib_1.__param(1, decorators_1.Inject(REFLECTOR)),
    tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object, Object])
], CacheInterceptor);
exports.CacheInterceptor = CacheInterceptor;