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/ cache / interfaces / cache-module.interface.d.ts

import { ModuleMetadata, Provider, Type } from '../../interfaces';
import { CacheManagerOptions } from './cache-manager.interface';
export interface CacheModuleOptions extends CacheManagerOptions {
    [key: string]: any;
 * Interface describing a `CacheOptionsFactory`.  Providers supplying configuration
 * options for the Cache module must implement this interface.
 * @see [Async configuration](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/caching#async-configuration)
 * @publicApi
export interface CacheOptionsFactory {
    createCacheOptions(): Promise<CacheModuleOptions> | CacheModuleOptions;
 * Options for dynamically configuring the Cache module.
 * @see [Async configuration](https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/caching#async-configuration)
 * @publicApi
export interface CacheModuleAsyncOptions extends Pick<ModuleMetadata, 'imports'> {
     * Injection token resolving to an existing provider. The provider must implement
     * the `CacheOptionsFactory` interface.
    useExisting?: Type<CacheOptionsFactory>;
     * Injection token resolving to a class that will be instantiated as a provider.
     * The class must implement the `CacheOptionsFactory` interface.
    useClass?: Type<CacheOptionsFactory>;
     * Function returning options (or a Promise resolving to options) to configure the
     * cache module.
    useFactory?: (...args: any[]) => Promise<CacheModuleOptions> | CacheModuleOptions;
     * Dependencies that a Factory may inject.
    inject?: any[];
    extraProviders?: Provider[];