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sentry / @nestjs/common   js

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Version: 7.0.10 

/ exceptions / index.d.ts

export * from './bad-request.exception';
export * from './http.exception';
export * from './unauthorized.exception';
export * from './method-not-allowed.exception';
export * from './not-found.exception';
export * from './forbidden.exception';
export * from './not-acceptable.exception';
export * from './request-timeout.exception';
export * from './conflict.exception';
export * from './gone.exception';
export * from './payload-too-large.exception';
export * from './unsupported-media-type.exception';
export * from './unprocessable-entity.exception';
export * from './internal-server-error.exception';
export * from './not-implemented.exception';
export * from './bad-gateway.exception';
export * from './service-unavailable.exception';
export * from './gateway-timeout.exception';
export * from './im-a-teapot.exception';