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Version: 7.0.10 

/ pipes / parse-bool.pipe.d.ts

import { ArgumentMetadata } from '../index';
import { PipeTransform } from '../interfaces/features/pipe-transform.interface';
import { ErrorHttpStatusCode } from '../utils/http-error-by-code.util';
export interface ParseBoolPipeOptions {
    errorHttpStatusCode?: ErrorHttpStatusCode;
    exceptionFactory?: (error: string) => any;
 * Defines the built-in ParseBool Pipe
 * @see [Built-in Pipes](https://docs.nestjs.com/pipes#built-in-pipes)
 * @publicApi
export declare class ParseBoolPipe implements PipeTransform<string | boolean, Promise<boolean>> {
    protected exceptionFactory: (error: string) => any;
    constructor(options?: ParseBoolPipeOptions);
     * Method that accesses and performs optional transformation on argument for
     * in-flight requests.
     * @param value currently processed route argument
     * @param metadata contains metadata about the currently processed route argument
    transform(value: string | boolean, metadata: ArgumentMetadata): Promise<boolean>;