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/ pipes / validation.pipe.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
const iterare_1 = require("iterare");
const decorators_1 = require("../decorators");
const core_1 = require("../decorators/core");
const http_status_enum_1 = require("../enums/http-status.enum");
const http_error_by_code_util_1 = require("../utils/http-error-by-code.util");
const load_package_util_1 = require("../utils/load-package.util");
const shared_utils_1 = require("../utils/shared.utils");
let classValidator = {};
let classTransformer = {};
let ValidationPipe = class ValidationPipe {
    constructor(options) {
        options = options || {};
        const { transform, disableErrorMessages, errorHttpStatusCode, transformOptions, validateCustomDecorators } = options, validatorOptions = tslib_1.__rest(options, ["transform", "disableErrorMessages", "errorHttpStatusCode", "transformOptions", "validateCustomDecorators"]);
        this.isTransformEnabled = !!transform;
        this.validatorOptions = validatorOptions;
        this.transformOptions = transformOptions;
        this.isDetailedOutputDisabled = disableErrorMessages;
        this.validateCustomDecorators = validateCustomDecorators || false;
        this.errorHttpStatusCode = errorHttpStatusCode || http_status_enum_1.HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST;
        this.exceptionFactory =
            options.exceptionFactory || this.createExceptionFactory();
        classValidator = load_package_util_1.loadPackage('class-validator', 'ValidationPipe', () => require('class-validator'));
        classTransformer = load_package_util_1.loadPackage('class-transformer', 'ValidationPipe', () => require('class-transformer'));
    async transform(value, metadata) {
        const { metatype } = metadata;
        if (!metatype || !this.toValidate(metadata)) {
            return this.isTransformEnabled
                ? this.transformPrimitive(value, metadata)
                : value;
        const originalValue = value;
        value = this.toEmptyIfNil(value);
        const isNil = value !== originalValue;
        const isPrimitive = this.isPrimitive(value);
        let entity = classTransformer.plainToClass(metatype, value, this.transformOptions);
        const originalEntity = entity;
        const isCtorNotEqual = entity.constructor !== metatype;
        if (isCtorNotEqual && !isPrimitive) {
            entity.constructor = metatype;
        else if (isCtorNotEqual) {
            // when "entity" is a primitive value, we have to temporarily
            // replace the entity to perform the validation against the original
            // metatype defined inside the handler
            entity = { constructor: metatype };
        const errors = await classValidator.validate(entity, this.validatorOptions);
        if (errors.length > 0) {
            throw this.exceptionFactory(errors);
        if (isPrimitive) {
            // if the value is a primitive value and the validation process has been successfully completed
            // we have to revert the original value passed through the pipe
            entity = originalEntity;
        if (this.isTransformEnabled) {
            return entity;
        if (isNil) {
            // if the value was originally undefined or null, revert it back
            return originalValue;
        return Object.keys(this.validatorOptions).length > 0
            ? classTransformer.classToPlain(entity, this.transformOptions)
            : value;
    createExceptionFactory() {
        return (validationErrors = []) => {
            if (this.isDetailedOutputDisabled) {
                return new http_error_by_code_util_1.HttpErrorByCode[this.errorHttpStatusCode]();
            const errors = this.flattenValidationErrors(validationErrors);
            return new http_error_by_code_util_1.HttpErrorByCode[this.errorHttpStatusCode](errors);
    toValidate(metadata) {
        const { metatype, type } = metadata;
        if (type === 'custom' && !this.validateCustomDecorators) {
            return false;
        const types = [String, Boolean, Number, Array, Object];
        return !types.some(t => metatype === t) && !shared_utils_1.isNil(metatype);
    transformPrimitive(value, metadata) {
        if (!metadata.data) {
            // leave top-level query/param objects unmodified
            return value;
        const { type, metatype } = metadata;
        if (type !== 'param' && type !== 'query') {
            return value;
        if (metatype === Boolean) {
            return value === true || value === 'true';
        if (metatype === Number) {
            return +value;
        return value;
    toEmptyIfNil(value) {
        return shared_utils_1.isNil(value) ? {} : value;
    stripProtoKeys(value) {
        delete value.__proto__;
        const keys = Object.keys(value);
            .filter(key => typeof value[key] === 'object' && value[key])
            .forEach(key => this.stripProtoKeys(value[key]));
    isPrimitive(value) {
        return ['number', 'boolean', 'string'].includes(typeof value);
    flattenValidationErrors(validationErrors) {
        return iterare_1.iterate(validationErrors)
            .map(error => this.mapChildrenToValidationErrors(error))
            .filter(item => !!item.constraints)
            .map(item => Object.values(item.constraints))
    mapChildrenToValidationErrors(error) {
        if (!(error.children && error.children.length)) {
            return [error];
        const validationErrors = [];
        for (const item of error.children) {
            if (item.children && item.children.length) {
            validationErrors.push(this.prependConstraintsWithParentProp(error, item));
        return validationErrors;
    prependConstraintsWithParentProp(parentError, error) {
        const constraints = {};
        for (const key in error.constraints) {
            constraints[key] = `${parentError.property}.${error.constraints[key]}`;
        return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, error), { constraints });
ValidationPipe = tslib_1.__decorate([
    tslib_1.__param(0, decorators_1.Optional()),
    tslib_1.__metadata("design:paramtypes", [Object])
], ValidationPipe);
exports.ValidationPipe = ValidationPipe;