"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const iterare_1 = require("iterare");
* Returns the instances which are transient
* @param instances The instances which should be checked whether they are transcient
function getTransientInstances(instances) {
return iterare_1.iterate(instances)
.filter(([_, wrapper]) => wrapper.isDependencyTreeStatic())
.map(([_, wrapper]) => wrapper.getStaticTransientInstances())
.filter(item => !!item)
.map(({ instance }) => instance)
exports.getTransientInstances = getTransientInstances;
* Returns the instances which are not transient
* @param instances The instances which should be checked whether they are transcient
function getNonTransientInstances(instances) {
return iterare_1.iterate(instances)
.filter(([key, wrapper]) => wrapper.isDependencyTreeStatic() && !wrapper.isTransient)
.map(([key, { instance }]) => instance)
exports.getNonTransientInstances = getNonTransientInstances;