import { INestApplicationContext, LoggerService, ShutdownSignal } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Abstract } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces';
import { Type } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/type.interface';
import { ContextId } from './injector';
import { NestContainer } from './injector/container';
import { Injector } from './injector/injector';
import { Module } from './injector/module';
* @publicApi
export declare class NestApplicationContext implements INestApplicationContext {
protected readonly container: NestContainer;
private readonly scope;
private contextModule;
protected isInitialized: boolean;
protected readonly injector: Injector;
private shutdownCleanupRef?;
private readonly activeShutdownSignals;
private readonly containerScanner;
constructor(container: NestContainer, scope?: Type<any>[], contextModule?: Module);
selectContextModule(): void;
select<T>(moduleType: Type<T>): INestApplicationContext;
get<TInput = any, TResult = TInput>(typeOrToken: Type<TInput> | Abstract<TInput> | string | symbol, options?: {
strict: boolean;
}): TResult;
resolve<TInput = any, TResult = TInput>(typeOrToken: Type<TInput> | string | symbol, contextId?: ContextId, options?: {
strict: boolean;
}): Promise<TResult>;
* Initalizes the Nest application.
* Calls the Nest lifecycle events.
* @returns {Promise<this>} The NestApplicationContext instance as Promise
init(): Promise<this>;
close(): Promise<void>;
useLogger(logger: LoggerService): void;
* Enables the usage of shutdown hooks. Will call the
* `onApplicationShutdown` function of a provider if the
* process receives a shutdown signal.
* @param {ShutdownSignal[]} [signals=[]] The system signals it should listen to
* @returns {this} The Nest application context instance
enableShutdownHooks(signals?: (ShutdownSignal | string)[]): this;
protected dispose(): Promise<void>;
* Listens to shutdown signals by listening to
* process events
* @param {string[]} signals The system signals it should listen to
protected listenToShutdownSignals(signals: string[]): void;
* Unsubscribes from shutdown signals (process events)
protected unsubscribeFromProcessSignals(): void;
* Calls the `onModuleInit` function on the registered
* modules and its children.
protected callInitHook(): Promise<void>;
* Calls the `onModuleDestroy` function on the registered
* modules and its children.
protected callDestroyHook(): Promise<void>;
* Calls the `onApplicationBootstrap` function on the registered
* modules and its children.
protected callBootstrapHook(): Promise<void>;
* Calls the `onApplicationShutdown` function on the registered
* modules and children.
protected callShutdownHook(signal?: string): Promise<void>;
* Calls the `beforeApplicationShutdown` function on the registered
* modules and children.
protected callBeforeShutdownHook(signal?: string): Promise<void>;
protected find<TInput = any, TResult = TInput>(typeOrToken: Type<TInput> | Abstract<TInput> | string | symbol): TResult;
protected findInstanceByToken<TInput = any, TResult = TInput>(metatypeOrToken: Type<TInput> | Abstract<TInput> | string | symbol, contextModule: Partial<Module>): TResult;
protected resolvePerContext<TInput = any, TResult = TInput>(typeOrToken: Type<TInput> | string | symbol, contextModule: Module, contextId: ContextId, options?: {
strict: boolean;
}): Promise<TResult>;