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Version: 7.0.10 

/ external / kafka-options.interface.d.ts

/// <reference types="node" />
import * as tls from 'tls';
import * as net from 'net';
export declare class Kafka {
    constructor(config: KafkaConfig);
    producer(config?: ProducerConfig): Producer;
    consumer(config?: ConsumerConfig): Consumer;
    admin(config?: AdminConfig): Admin;
    logger(): Logger;
export interface KafkaConfig {
    brokers: string[];
    ssl?: tls.ConnectionOptions | boolean;
    sasl?: SASLOptions;
    clientId?: string;
    connectionTimeout?: number;
    authenticationTimeout?: number;
    requestTimeout?: number;
    enforceRequestTimeout?: boolean;
    retry?: RetryOptions;
    socketFactory?: ISocketFactory;
    logLevel?: logLevel;
    logCreator?: logCreator;
export declare type ISocketFactory = (host: string, port: number, ssl: tls.ConnectionOptions, onConnect: () => void) => net.Socket;
export interface SASLOptions {
    mechanism: 'plain' | 'scram-sha-256' | 'scram-sha-512' | 'aws';
    username: string;
    password: string;
export interface ProducerConfig {
    createPartitioner?: ICustomPartitioner;
    retry?: RetryOptions;
    metadataMaxAge?: number;
    allowAutoTopicCreation?: boolean;
    idempotent?: boolean;
    transactionalId?: string;
    transactionTimeout?: number;
    maxInFlightRequests?: number;
export interface Message {
    key?: Buffer | string | null;
    value: Buffer | string | null;
    partition?: number;
    headers?: IHeaders;
    timestamp?: string;
export interface PartitionerArgs {
    topic: string;
    partitionMetadata: PartitionMetadata[];
    message: Message;
export declare type ICustomPartitioner = () => (args: PartitionerArgs) => number;
export declare type DefaultPartitioner = (args: PartitionerArgs) => number;
export declare type JavaCompatiblePartitioner = (args: PartitionerArgs) => number;
export declare let Partitioners: {
    DefaultPartitioner: DefaultPartitioner;
    JavaCompatiblePartitioner: JavaCompatiblePartitioner;
export interface PartitionMetadata {
    partitionErrorCode: number;
    partitionId: number;
    leader: number;
    replicas: number[];
    isr: number[];
export interface IHeaders {
    [key: string]: Buffer;
export interface ConsumerConfig {
    groupId: string;
    partitionAssigners?: PartitionAssigner[];
    metadataMaxAge?: number;
    sessionTimeout?: number;
    rebalanceTimeout?: number;
    heartbeatInterval?: number;
    maxBytesPerPartition?: number;
    minBytes?: number;
    maxBytes?: number;
    maxWaitTimeInMs?: number;
    retry?: RetryOptions;
    allowAutoTopicCreation?: boolean;
    maxInFlightRequests?: number;
    readUncommitted?: boolean;
export interface PartitionAssigner {
    new (config: {
        cluster: Cluster;
    }): Assigner;
export interface CoordinatorMetadata {
    errorCode: number;
    coordinator: {
        nodeId: number;
        host: string;
        port: number;
export interface Cluster {
    isConnected(): boolean;
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;
    refreshMetadata(): Promise<void>;
    refreshMetadataIfNecessary(): Promise<void>;
    addTargetTopic(topic: string): Promise<void>;
    findBroker(node: {
        nodeId: string;
    }): Promise<Broker>;
    findControllerBroker(): Promise<Broker>;
    findTopicPartitionMetadata(topic: string): PartitionMetadata[];
    findLeaderForPartitions(topic: string, partitions: number[]): {
        [leader: string]: number[];
    findGroupCoordinator(group: {
        groupId: string;
    }): Promise<Broker>;
    findGroupCoordinatorMetadata(group: {
        groupId: string;
    }): Promise<CoordinatorMetadata>;
    defaultOffset(config: {
        fromBeginning: boolean;
    }): number;
    fetchTopicsOffset(topics: Array<{
        topic: string;
        partitions: Array<{
            partition: number;
        fromBeginning: boolean;
    }>): Promise<{
        topic: string;
        partitions: Array<{
            partition: number;
            offset: string;
export interface Assignment {
    [topic: string]: number[];
export interface GroupMember {
    memberId: string;
    memberMetadata: MemberMetadata;
export interface GroupMemberAssignment {
    memberId: string;
    memberAssignment: Buffer;
export interface GroupState {
    name: string;
    metadata: Buffer;
export interface Assigner {
    name: string;
    version: number;
    assign(group: {
        members: GroupMember[];
        topics: string[];
        userData: Buffer;
    }): Promise<GroupMemberAssignment[]>;
    protocol(subscription: {
        topics: string[];
        userData: Buffer;
    }): GroupState;
export interface RetryOptions {
    maxRetryTime?: number;
    initialRetryTime?: number;
    factor?: number;
    multiplier?: number;
    retries?: number;
export interface AdminConfig {
    retry?: RetryOptions;
export interface ITopicConfig {
    topic: string;
    numPartitions?: number;
    replicationFactor?: number;
    replicaAssignment?: object[];
    configEntries?: object[];
export interface ITopicMetadata {
    name: string;
    partitions: PartitionMetadata[];
export declare enum ResourceType {
    UNKNOWN = 0,
    ANY = 1,
    TOPIC = 2,
    GROUP = 3,
    CLUSTER = 4,
export interface ResourceConfigQuery {
    type: ResourceType;
    name: string;
    configNames: string[];
export interface ConfigEntries {
    configName: string;
    configValue: string;
    isDefault: boolean;
    isSensitive: boolean;
    readOnly: boolean;
    configSynonyms: ConfigSynonyms[];
export interface ConfigSynonyms {
    configName: string;
    configValue: string;
    configSource: number;
export interface DescribeConfigResponse {
    resources: {
        configEntries: ConfigEntries[];
        errorCode: number;
        errorMessage: string;
        resourceName: string;
        resourceType: ResourceType;
    throttleTime: number;
export interface IResourceConfig {
    type: ResourceType;
    name: string;
    configEntries: {
        name: string;
        value: string;
declare type ValueOf<T> = T[keyof T];
export interface AdminEvents {
    CONNECT: 'admin.connect';
    DISCONNECT: 'admin.disconnect';
    REQUEST: 'admin.network.request';
    REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 'admin.network.request_timeout';
    REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE: 'admin.network.request_queue_size';
export interface InstrumentationEvent<T> {
    id: string;
    type: string;
    timestamp: number;
    payload: T;
export declare type ConnectEvent = InstrumentationEvent<null>;
export declare type DisconnectEvent = InstrumentationEvent<null>;
export declare type RequestEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    apiKey: number;
    apiName: string;
    apiVersion: number;
    broker: string;
    clientId: string;
    correlationId: number;
    createdAt: number;
    duration: number;
    pendingDuration: number;
    sentAt: number;
    size: number;
export declare type RequestTimeoutEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    apiKey: number;
    apiName: string;
    apiVersion: number;
    broker: string;
    clientId: string;
    correlationId: number;
    createdAt: number;
    pendingDuration: number;
    sentAt: number;
export declare type RequestQueueSizeEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    broker: string;
    clientId: string;
    queueSize: number;
export interface SeekEntry {
    partition: number;
    offset: string;
export interface Admin {
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;
    createTopics(options: {
        validateOnly?: boolean;
        waitForLeaders?: boolean;
        timeout?: number;
        topics: ITopicConfig[];
    }): Promise<boolean>;
    deleteTopics(options: {
        topics: string[];
        timeout?: number;
    }): Promise<void>;
    fetchTopicMetadata(options: {
        topics: string[];
    }): Promise<{
        topics: Array<ITopicMetadata>;
    fetchOffsets(options: {
        groupId: string;
        topic: string;
    }): Promise<Array<{
        partition: number;
        offset: string;
        metadata: string | null;
    fetchTopicOffsets(topic: string): Promise<Array<{
        partition: number;
        offset: string;
        high: string;
        low: string;
    setOffsets(options: {
        groupId: string;
        topic: string;
        partitions: SeekEntry[];
    }): Promise<void>;
    resetOffsets(options: {
        groupId: string;
        topic: string;
        earliest: boolean;
    }): Promise<void>;
    describeConfigs(configs: {
        resources: ResourceConfigQuery[];
        includeSynonyms: boolean;
    }): Promise<DescribeConfigResponse>;
    alterConfigs(configs: {
        validateOnly: boolean;
        resources: IResourceConfig[];
    }): Promise<any>;
    logger(): Logger;
    on(eventName: ValueOf<AdminEvents>, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
    events: AdminEvents;
export declare let PartitionAssigners: {
    roundRobin: PartitionAssigner;
export interface ISerializer<T> {
    encode(value: T): Buffer;
    decode(buffer: Buffer): T;
export interface MemberMetadata {
    version: number;
    topics: string[];
    userData: Buffer;
export interface MemberAssignment {
    version: number;
    assignment: Assignment;
    userData: Buffer;
export declare let AssignerProtocol: {
    MemberMetadata: ISerializer<MemberMetadata>;
    MemberAssignment: ISerializer<MemberAssignment>;
export declare enum logLevel {
    NOTHING = 0,
    ERROR = 1,
    WARN = 2,
    INFO = 4,
    DEBUG = 5
export interface LogEntry {
    namespace: string;
    level: logLevel;
    label: string;
    log: LoggerEntryContent;
export interface LoggerEntryContent {
    readonly timestamp: Date;
    readonly message: string;
    [key: string]: any;
export declare type Logger = (entry: LogEntry) => void;
export declare type logCreator = (logLevel: string) => (entry: LogEntry) => void;
export interface Broker {
    isConnected(): boolean;
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;
    apiVersions(): Promise<{
        [apiKey: number]: {
            minVersion: number;
            maxVersion: number;
    metadata(topics: string[]): Promise<{
        brokers: Array<{
            nodeId: number;
            host: string;
            port: number;
        topicMetadata: Array<{
            topicErrorCode: number;
            topic: number;
            partitionMetadata: PartitionMetadata[];
    offsetCommit(request: {
        groupId: string;
        groupGenerationId: number;
        memberId: string;
        retentionTime?: number;
        topics: Array<{
            topic: string;
            partitions: Array<{
                partition: number;
                offset: string;
    }): Promise<any>;
export interface KafkaMessage {
    key: Buffer;
    value: Buffer;
    timestamp: string;
    size: number;
    attributes: number;
    offset: string;
    headers?: IHeaders;
export interface ProducerRecord {
    topic: string;
    messages: Message[];
    acks?: number;
    timeout?: number;
    compression?: CompressionTypes;
export interface RecordMetadata {
    topicName: string;
    partition: number;
    errorCode: number;
    offset: string;
    timestamp: string;
export interface TopicMessages {
    topic: string;
    messages: Message[];
export interface ProducerBatch {
    acks: number;
    timeout: number;
    compression: CompressionTypes;
    topicMessages: TopicMessages[];
export interface PartitionOffset {
    partition: number;
    offset: string;
export interface TopicOffsets {
    topic: string;
    partitions: PartitionOffset[];
export interface Offsets {
    topics: TopicOffsets[];
interface Sender {
    send(record: ProducerRecord): Promise<RecordMetadata[]>;
    sendBatch(batch: ProducerBatch): Promise<RecordMetadata[]>;
export interface ProducerEvents {
    CONNECT: 'producer.connect';
    DISCONNECT: 'producer.disconnect';
    REQUEST: 'producer.network.request';
    REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 'producer.network.request_timeout';
    REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE: 'producer.network.request_queue_size';
export declare type Producer = Sender & {
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;
    isIdempotent(): boolean;
    events: ProducerEvents;
    on(eventName: ValueOf<ProducerEvents>, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
    transaction(): Promise<Transaction>;
    logger(): Logger;
export declare type Transaction = Sender & {
    sendOffsets(offsets: Offsets & {
        consumerGroupId: string;
    }): Promise<void>;
    commit(): Promise<void>;
    abort(): Promise<void>;
    isActive(): boolean;
export interface ConsumerGroup {
    groupId: string;
    generationId: number;
    memberId: string;
    coordinator: Broker;
export interface MemberDescription {
    clientHost: string;
    clientId: string;
    memberId: string;
    memberAssignment: Buffer;
    memberMetadata: Buffer;
export interface GroupDescription {
    groupId: string;
    members: MemberDescription[];
    protocol: string;
    protocolType: string;
    state: string;
export interface TopicPartitions {
    topic: string;
    partitions: number[];
export interface TopicPartitionOffsetAndMedata {
    topic: string;
    partition: number;
    offset: string;
    metadata?: string | null;
export interface Batch {
    topic: string;
    partition: number;
    highWatermark: string;
    messages: KafkaMessage[];
    isEmpty(): boolean;
    firstOffset(): string | null;
    lastOffset(): string;
    offsetLag(): string;
    offsetLagLow(): string;
export interface ConsumerEvents {
    HEARTBEAT: 'consumer.heartbeat';
    COMMIT_OFFSETS: 'consumer.commit_offsets';
    GROUP_JOIN: 'consumer.group_join';
    FETCH: 'consumer.fetch';
    START_BATCH_PROCESS: 'consumer.start_batch_process';
    END_BATCH_PROCESS: 'consumer.end_batch_process';
    CONNECT: 'consumer.connect';
    DISCONNECT: 'consumer.disconnect';
    STOP: 'consumer.stop';
    CRASH: 'consumer.crash';
    REQUEST: 'consumer.network.request';
    REQUEST_TIMEOUT: 'consumer.network.request_timeout';
    REQUEST_QUEUE_SIZE: 'consumer.network.request_queue_size';
export declare type ConsumerHeartbeatEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    groupId: string;
    memberId: string;
    groupGenerationId: number;
export declare type ConsumerCommitOffsetsEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    groupId: string;
    memberId: string;
    groupGenerationId: number;
    topics: {
        topic: string;
        partitions: {
            offset: string;
            partition: string;
export interface IMemberAssignment {
    [key: string]: number[];
export declare type ConsumerGroupJoinEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    duration: number;
    groupId: string;
    isLeader: boolean;
    leaderId: string;
    groupProtocol: string;
    memberId: string;
    memberAssignment: IMemberAssignment;
export declare type ConsumerFetchEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    numberOfBatches: number;
    duration: number;
interface IBatchProcessEvent {
    topic: string;
    partition: number;
    highWatermark: string;
    offsetLag: string;
    offsetLagLow: string;
    batchSize: number;
    firstOffset: string;
    lastOffset: string;
export declare type ConsumerStartBatchProcessEvent = InstrumentationEvent<IBatchProcessEvent>;
export declare type ConsumerEndBatchProcessEvent = InstrumentationEvent<IBatchProcessEvent & {
    duration: number;
export declare type ConsumerCrashEvent = InstrumentationEvent<{
    error: Error;
    groupId: string;
export interface OffsetsByTopicPartition {
    topics: TopicOffsets[];
export interface EachMessagePayload {
    topic: string;
    partition: number;
    message: KafkaMessage;
export interface EachBatchPayload {
    batch: Batch;
    resolveOffset(offset: string): void;
    heartbeat(): Promise<void>;
    commitOffsetsIfNecessary(offsets?: Offsets): Promise<void>;
    uncommittedOffsets(): Promise<OffsetsByTopicPartition>;
    isRunning(): boolean;
    isStale(): boolean;
 * Type alias to keep compatibility with @types/kafkajs
 * @see https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/712ad9d59ccca6a3cc92f347fea0d1c7b02f5eeb/types/kafkajs/index.d.ts#L321-L325
export declare type ConsumerEachMessagePayload = EachMessagePayload;
 * Type alias to keep compatibility with @types/kafkajs
 * @see https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/712ad9d59ccca6a3cc92f347fea0d1c7b02f5eeb/types/kafkajs/index.d.ts#L327-L336
export declare type ConsumerEachBatchPayload = EachBatchPayload;
export interface Consumer {
    connect(): Promise<void>;
    disconnect(): Promise<void>;
    subscribe(topic: {
        topic: string | RegExp;
        fromBeginning?: boolean;
    }): Promise<void>;
    stop(): Promise<void>;
    run(config?: {
        autoCommit?: boolean;
        autoCommitInterval?: number | null;
        autoCommitThreshold?: number | null;
        eachBatchAutoResolve?: boolean;
        partitionsConsumedConcurrently?: number;
        eachBatch?: (payload: EachBatchPayload) => Promise<void>;
        eachMessage?: (payload: EachMessagePayload) => Promise<void>;
    }): Promise<void>;
    commitOffsets(topicPartitions: Array<TopicPartitionOffsetAndMedata>): Promise<void>;
    seek(topicPartition: {
        topic: string;
        partition: number;
        offset: string;
    }): void;
    describeGroup(): Promise<GroupDescription>;
    pause(topics: Array<{
        topic: string;
        partitions?: number[];
    }>): void;
    resume(topics: Array<{
        topic: string;
        partitions?: number[];
    }>): void;
    on(eventName: ValueOf<ConsumerEvents>, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
    logger(): Logger;
    events: ConsumerEvents;
export declare enum CompressionTypes {
    None = 0,
    GZIP = 1,
    Snappy = 2,
    LZ4 = 3,
    ZSTD = 4
export declare let CompressionCodecs: {
    [CompressionTypes.GZIP]: () => any;
    [CompressionTypes.Snappy]: () => any;
    [CompressionTypes.LZ4]: () => any;
    [CompressionTypes.ZSTD]: () => any;
export {};