import { INestApplication } from '@nestjs/common';
import { HTTPInjectOptions, HTTPInjectResponse } from 'fastify';
export interface NestFastifyApplication extends INestApplication {
* A wrapper function around native `fastify.register()` method.
* Example `app.register(require('fastify-formbody'))`
* @returns {this}
register(...args: any[]): this;
* Sets a base directory for public assets.
* Example `app.useStaticAssets({ root: 'public' })`
* @returns {this}
useStaticAssets(options: {
root: string;
prefix?: string;
setHeaders?: Function;
send?: any;
}): this;
* Sets a view engine for templates (views), for example: `pug`, `handlebars`, or `ejs`.
* @returns {this}
setViewEngine(options: any): this;
* A wrapper function around native `fastify.inject()` method.
* @returns {void}
inject(opts: HTTPInjectOptions | string): Promise<HTTPInjectResponse>;
* Starts the application.
* @returns A Promise that, when resolved, is a reference to the underlying HttpServer.
listen(port: number, callback?: (err: Error, address: string) => void): Promise<any>;
listen(port: number, address: string, callback?: (err: Error, address: string) => void): Promise<any>;
listen(port: number, address: string, backlog: number, callback?: (err: Error, address: string) => void): Promise<any>;