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sentry / @nestjs/websockets   js

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Version: 7.0.10 

/ context / ws-proxy.js

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const shared_utils_1 = require("@nestjs/common/utils/shared.utils");
const execution_context_host_1 = require("@nestjs/core/helpers/execution-context-host");
const rxjs_1 = require("rxjs");
const operators_1 = require("rxjs/operators");
class WsProxy {
    create(targetCallback, exceptionsHandler) {
        return async (...args) => {
            try {
                const result = await targetCallback(...args);
                return !this.isObservable(result)
                    ? result
                    : result.pipe(operators_1.catchError(error => {
                        this.handleError(exceptionsHandler, args, error);
                        return rxjs_1.empty();
            catch (error) {
                this.handleError(exceptionsHandler, args, error);
    handleError(exceptionsHandler, args, error) {
        const host = new execution_context_host_1.ExecutionContextHost(args);
        exceptionsHandler.handle(error, host);
    isObservable(result) {
        return result && shared_utils_1.isFunction(result.subscribe);
exports.WsProxy = WsProxy;