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sentry / @nestjs/websockets   js

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Version: 7.0.10 

/ exceptions / ws-exceptions-handler.d.ts

import { ArgumentsHost } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ExceptionFilterMetadata } from '@nestjs/common/interfaces/exceptions/exception-filter-metadata.interface';
import { WsException } from '../errors/ws-exception';
import { BaseWsExceptionFilter } from './base-ws-exception-filter';
export declare class WsExceptionsHandler extends BaseWsExceptionFilter {
    private filters;
    handle(exception: Error | WsException | any, host: ArgumentsHost): void;
    setCustomFilters(filters: ExceptionFilterMetadata[]): void;
    invokeCustomFilters<T = any>(exception: T, args: ArgumentsHost): boolean;