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Version: 7.0.10 

/ interfaces / gateway-metadata.interface.d.ts

 * @external https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/socket.io/index.d.ts
export interface GatewayMetadata {
     * The name of a namespace
    namespace?: string | RegExp;
     * The path to ws
     * @default '/socket.io'
    path?: string;
     * Should we serve the client file?
     * @default true
    serveClient?: boolean;
     * The adapter to use for handling rooms. NOTE: this should be a class,
     * not an object
     * @default typeof Adapter
    adapter?: any;
     * Accepted origins
     * @default '*:*'
    origins?: string;
    parser?: any;
     * How many milliseconds without a pong packed to consider the connection closed (engine.io)
     * @default 60000
    pingTimeout?: number;
     * How many milliseconds before sending a new ping packet (keep-alive) (engine.io)
     * @default 25000
    pingInterval?: number;
     * How many bytes or characters a message can be when polling, before closing the session
     * (to avoid Dos) (engine.io)
     * @default 10E7
    maxHttpBufferSize?: number;
     * Transports to allow connections to (engine.io)
     * @default ['polling','websocket']
    transports?: string[];
     * Whether to allow transport upgrades (engine.io)
     * @default true
    allowUpgrades?: boolean;
     * parameters of the WebSocket permessage-deflate extension (see ws module).
     * Set to false to disable (engine.io)
     * @default true
    perMessageDeflate?: Record<string, any> | boolean;
     * Parameters of the http compression for the polling transports (see zlib).
     * Set to false to disable, or set an object with parameter "threshold:number"
     * to only compress data if the byte size is above this value (1024) (engine.io)
     * @default true|1024
    httpCompression?: Record<string, any> | boolean;
     * Name of the HTTP cookie that contains the client sid to send as part of
     * handshake response headers. Set to false to not send one (engine.io)
     * @default "io"
    cookie?: string | boolean;
     * Whether to let engine.io handle the OPTIONS requests.
     * You can also pass a custom function to handle the requests
     * @default true
    handlePreflightRequest?: ((req: any, res: any) => void) | boolean;