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squarecapadmin / PyJWT   python

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Version: 1.4.0 

/ tests / test_api_jwt.py

import json
import time

from calendar import timegm
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal

from jwt.api_jwt import PyJWT
from jwt.exceptions import (
    DecodeError, ExpiredSignatureError, ImmatureSignatureError,
    InvalidAudienceError, InvalidIssuedAtError, InvalidIssuerError,

import pytest

from .test_api_jws import has_crypto
from .utils import utc_timestamp

def jwt():
    return PyJWT()

def payload():
    """ Creates a sample JWT claimset for use as a payload during tests """
    return {
        'iss': 'jeff',
        'exp': utc_timestamp() + 15,
        'claim': 'insanity'

class TestJWT:
    def test_decodes_valid_jwt(self, jwt):
        example_payload = {'hello': 'world'}
        example_secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = (
        decoded_payload = jwt.decode(example_jwt, example_secret)

        assert decoded_payload == example_payload

    def test_load_verify_valid_jwt(self, jwt):
        example_payload = {'hello': 'world'}
        example_secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = (

        decoded_payload = jwt.decode(example_jwt, key=example_secret)

        assert decoded_payload == example_payload

    def test_decode_invalid_payload_string(self, jwt):
        example_jwt = (
        example_secret = 'secret'

        with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, example_secret)

        assert 'Invalid payload string' in str(exc.value)

    def test_decode_with_non_mapping_payload_throws_exception(self, jwt):
        secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = ('eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.'
                       'MQ.'  # == 1

        with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as context:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, secret)

        exception = context.value
        assert str(exception) == 'Invalid payload string: must be a json object'

    def test_decode_with_invalid_audience_param_throws_exception(self, jwt):
        secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9'

        with pytest.raises(TypeError) as context:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, secret, audience=1)

        exception = context.value
        assert str(exception) == 'audience must be a string or None'

    def test_decode_with_nonlist_aud_claim_throws_exception(self, jwt):
        secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'
                       '.eyJoZWxsbyI6IndvcmxkIiwiYXVkIjoxfQ'  # aud = 1

        with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError) as context:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, secret, audience='my_audience')

        exception = context.value
        assert str(exception) == 'Invalid claim format in token'

    def test_decode_with_invalid_aud_list_member_throws_exception(self, jwt):
        secret = 'secret'
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9'

        with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError) as context:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, secret, audience='my_audience')

        exception = context.value
        assert str(exception) == 'Invalid claim format in token'

    def test_encode_bad_type(self, jwt):

        types = ['string', tuple(), list(), 42, set()]

        for t in types:
            pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: jwt.encode(t, 'secret'))

    def test_decode_raises_exception_if_exp_is_not_int(self, jwt):
        # >>> jwt.encode({'exp': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.'

        with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, 'secret')

        assert 'exp' in str(exc.value)

    def test_decode_raises_exception_if_iat_is_not_int(self, jwt):
        # >>> jwt.encode({'iat': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.'

        with pytest.raises(DecodeError):
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, 'secret')

    def test_decode_raises_exception_if_nbf_is_not_int(self, jwt):
        # >>> jwt.encode({'nbf': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
        example_jwt = ('eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.'

        with pytest.raises(DecodeError):
            jwt.decode(example_jwt, 'secret')

    def test_decode_raises_exception_if_iat_in_the_future(self, jwt):
        now = datetime.utcnow()
        token = jwt.encode({'iat': now + timedelta(days=1)}, key='secret')

        with pytest.raises(InvalidIssuedAtError):
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret')

    def test_encode_datetime(self, jwt):
        secret = 'secret'
        current_datetime = datetime.utcnow()
        payload = {
            'exp': current_datetime,
            'iat': current_datetime,
            'nbf': current_datetime
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
        decoded_payload = jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=1)

        assert (decoded_payload['exp'] ==
        assert (decoded_payload['iat'] ==
        assert (decoded_payload['nbf'] ==

    # 'Control' Elliptic Curve JWT created by another library.
    # Used to test for regressions that could affect both
    # encoding / decoding operations equally (causing tests
    # to still pass).
    @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_crypto, reason="Can't run without cryptography library")
    def test_decodes_valid_es384_jwt(self, jwt):
        example_payload = {'hello': 'world'}
        with open('tests/keys/testkey_ec.pub', 'r') as fp:
            example_pubkey = fp.read()
        example_jwt = (
        decoded_payload = jwt.decode(example_jwt, example_pubkey)

        assert decoded_payload == example_payload

    # 'Control' RSA JWT created by another library.
    # Used to test for regressions that could affect both
    # encoding / decoding operations equally (causing tests
    # to still pass).
    @pytest.mark.skipif(not has_crypto, reason="Can't run without cryptography library")
    def test_decodes_valid_rs384_jwt(self, jwt):
        example_payload = {'hello': 'world'}
        with open('tests/keys/testkey_rsa.pub', 'r') as fp:
            example_pubkey = fp.read()
        example_jwt = (
        decoded_payload = jwt.decode(example_jwt, example_pubkey)

        assert decoded_payload == example_payload

    def test_decode_with_expiration(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['exp'] = utc_timestamp() - 1
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        with pytest.raises(ExpiredSignatureError):
            jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret)

    def test_decode_with_notbefore(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['nbf'] = utc_timestamp() + 10
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        with pytest.raises(ImmatureSignatureError):
            jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret)

    def test_decode_skip_expiration_verification(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['exp'] = time.time() - 1
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, options={'verify_exp': False})

    def test_decode_skip_notbefore_verification(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['nbf'] = time.time() + 10
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, options={'verify_nbf': False})

    def test_decode_with_expiration_with_leeway(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['exp'] = utc_timestamp() - 2
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        decoded_payload, signing, header, signature = jwt._load(jwt_message)

        # With 3 seconds leeway, should be ok
        for leeway in (3, timedelta(seconds=3)):
            jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=leeway)

        # With 1 seconds, should fail
        for leeway in (1, timedelta(seconds=1)):
            with pytest.raises(ExpiredSignatureError):
                jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=leeway)

    def test_decode_with_notbefore_with_leeway(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['nbf'] = utc_timestamp() + 10
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)

        # With 13 seconds leeway, should be ok
        jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=13)

        with pytest.raises(ImmatureSignatureError):
            jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=1)

    def test_check_audience_when_valid(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'aud': 'urn:me'
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', audience='urn:me')

    def test_check_audience_in_array_when_valid(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'aud': ['urn:me', 'urn:someone-else']
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', audience='urn:me')

    def test_raise_exception_invalid_audience(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'aud': 'urn:someone-else'

        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', audience='urn-me')

    def test_raise_exception_invalid_audience_in_array(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'aud': ['urn:someone', 'urn:someone-else']

        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', audience='urn:me')

    def test_raise_exception_token_without_issuer(self, jwt):
        issuer = 'urn:wrong'

        payload = {
            'some': 'payload'

        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', issuer=issuer)

        assert exc.value.claim == 'iss'

    def test_raise_exception_token_without_audience(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', audience='urn:me')

        assert exc.value.claim == 'aud'

    def test_check_issuer_when_valid(self, jwt):
        issuer = 'urn:foo'
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'iss': 'urn:foo'
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', issuer=issuer)

    def test_raise_exception_invalid_issuer(self, jwt):
        issuer = 'urn:wrong'

        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'iss': 'urn:foo'

        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(InvalidIssuerError):
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', issuer=issuer)

    def test_skip_check_audience(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'aud': 'urn:me',
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'verify_aud': False})

    def test_skip_check_exp(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'exp': datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'verify_exp': False})

    def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_exp_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            # exp not present
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'require_exp': True})

        assert exc.value.claim == 'exp'

    def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_iat_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            # iat not present
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'require_iat': True})

        assert exc.value.claim == 'iat'

    def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_nbf_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            # nbf not present
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')

        with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
            jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'require_nbf': True})

        assert exc.value.claim == 'nbf'

    def test_skip_check_signature(self, jwt):
        token = ("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9"
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'verify_signature': False})

    def test_skip_check_iat(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'iat': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'verify_iat': False})

    def test_skip_check_nbf(self, jwt):
        payload = {
            'some': 'payload',
            'nbf': datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(days=1)
        token = jwt.encode(payload, 'secret')
        jwt.decode(token, 'secret', options={'verify_nbf': False})

    def test_custom_json_encoder(self, jwt):

        class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):

            def default(self, o):
                if isinstance(o, Decimal):
                    return 'it worked'
                return super(CustomJSONEncoder, self).default(o)

        data = {
            'some_decimal': Decimal('2.2')

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            jwt.encode(data, 'secret')

        token = jwt.encode(data, 'secret', json_encoder=CustomJSONEncoder)
        payload = jwt.decode(token, 'secret')

        assert payload == {'some_decimal': 'it worked'}

    def test_decode_with_verify_expiration_kwarg(self, jwt, payload):
        payload['exp'] = utc_timestamp() - 1
        secret = 'secret'
        jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)


        with pytest.raises(ExpiredSignatureError):