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/ bs4 / element.py

import collections
import re
import sys
import warnings
from bs4.dammit import EntitySubstitution

PY3K = (sys.version_info[0] > 2)

whitespace_re = re.compile("\s+")

def _alias(attr):
    """Alias one attribute name to another for backward compatibility"""
    def alias(self):
        return getattr(self, attr)

    def alias(self):
        return setattr(self, attr)
    return alias

class NamespacedAttribute(unicode):

    def __new__(cls, prefix, name, namespace=None):
        if name is None:
            obj = unicode.__new__(cls, prefix)
        elif prefix is None:
            # Not really namespaced.
            obj = unicode.__new__(cls, name)
            obj = unicode.__new__(cls, prefix + ":" + name)
        obj.prefix = prefix
        obj.name = name
        obj.namespace = namespace
        return obj

class AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution(unicode):
    """A stand-in object for a character encoding specified in HTML."""

class CharsetMetaAttributeValue(AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution):
    """A generic stand-in for the value of a meta tag's 'charset' attribute.

    When Beautiful Soup parses the markup '<meta charset="utf8">', the
    value of the 'charset' attribute will be one of these objects.

    def __new__(cls, original_value):
        obj = unicode.__new__(cls, original_value)
        obj.original_value = original_value
        return obj

    def encode(self, encoding):
        return encoding

class ContentMetaAttributeValue(AttributeValueWithCharsetSubstitution):
    """A generic stand-in for the value of a meta tag's 'content' attribute.

    When Beautiful Soup parses the markup:
     <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf8">

    The value of the 'content' attribute will be one of these objects.

    CHARSET_RE = re.compile("((^|;)\s*charset=)([^;]*)", re.M)

    def __new__(cls, original_value):
        match = cls.CHARSET_RE.search(original_value)
        if match is None:
            # No substitution necessary.
            return unicode.__new__(unicode, original_value)

        obj = unicode.__new__(cls, original_value)
        obj.original_value = original_value
        return obj

    def encode(self, encoding):
        def rewrite(match):
            return match.group(1) + encoding
        return self.CHARSET_RE.sub(rewrite, self.original_value)

class HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution(EntitySubstitution):

    """Entity substitution rules that are aware of some HTML quirks.

    Specifically, the contents of <script> and <style> tags should not
    undergo entity substitution.

    Incoming NavigableString objects are checked to see if they're the
    direct children of a <script> or <style> tag.

    cdata_containing_tags = set(["script", "style"])

    preformatted_tags = set(["pre"])

    def _substitute_if_appropriate(cls, ns, f):
        if (isinstance(ns, NavigableString)
            and ns.parent is not None
            and ns.parent.name in cls.cdata_containing_tags):
            # Do nothing.
            return ns
        # Substitute.
        return f(ns)

    def substitute_html(cls, ns):
        return cls._substitute_if_appropriate(
            ns, EntitySubstitution.substitute_html)

    def substitute_xml(cls, ns):
        return cls._substitute_if_appropriate(
            ns, EntitySubstitution.substitute_xml)

class PageElement(object):
    """Contains the navigational information for some part of the page
    (either a tag or a piece of text)"""

    # There are five possible values for the "formatter" argument passed in
    # to methods like encode() and prettify():
    # "html" - All Unicode characters with corresponding HTML entities
    #   are converted to those entities on output.
    # "minimal" - Bare ampersands and angle brackets are converted to
    #   XML entities: &amp; &lt; &gt;
    # None - The null formatter. Unicode characters are never
    #   converted to entities.  This is not recommended, but it's
    #   faster than "minimal".
    # A function - This function will be called on every string that
    #  needs to undergo entity substitution.

    # In an HTML document, the default "html" and "minimal" functions
    # will leave the contents of <script> and <style> tags alone. For
    # an XML document, all tags will be given the same treatment.

        "html" : HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution.substitute_html,
        "minimal" : HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution.substitute_xml,
        None : None

        "html" : EntitySubstitution.substitute_html,
        "minimal" : EntitySubstitution.substitute_xml,
        None : None

    def format_string(self, s, formatter='minimal'):
        """Format the given string using the given formatter."""
        if not callable(formatter):
            formatter = self._formatter_for_name(formatter)
        if formatter is None:
            output = s
            output = formatter(s)
        return output

    def _is_xml(self):
        """Is this element part of an XML tree or an HTML tree?

        This is used when mapping a formatter name ("minimal") to an
        appropriate function (one that performs entity-substitution on
        the contents of <script> and <style> tags, or not). It's
        inefficient, but it should be called very rarely.
        if self.parent is None:
            # This is the top-level object. It should have .is_xml set
            # from tree creation. If not, take a guess--BS is usually
            # used on HTML markup.
            return getattr(self, 'is_xml', False)
        return self.parent._is_xml

    def _formatter_for_name(self, name):
        "Look up a formatter function based on its name and the tree."
        if self._is_xml:
            return self.XML_FORMATTERS.get(
                name, EntitySubstitution.substitute_xml)
            return self.HTML_FORMATTERS.get(
                name, HTMLAwareEntitySubstitution.substitute_xml)

    def setup(self, parent=None, previous_element=None):
        """Sets up the initial relations between this element and
        other elements."""
        self.parent = parent
        self.previous_element = previous_element
        if previous_element is not None:
            self.previous_element.next_element = self
        self.next_element = None
        self.previous_sibling = None
        self.next_sibling = None
        if self.parent is not None and self.parent.contents:
            self.previous_sibling = self.parent.contents[-1]
            self.previous_sibling.next_sibling = self

    nextSibling = _alias("next_sibling")  # BS3
    previousSibling = _alias("previous_sibling")  # BS3

    def replace_with(self, replace_with):
        if replace_with is self:
        if replace_with is self.parent:
            raise ValueError("Cannot replace a Tag with its parent.")
        old_parent = self.parent
        my_index = self.parent.index(self)
        old_parent.insert(my_index, replace_with)
        return self
    replaceWith = replace_with  # BS3

    def unwrap(self):
        my_parent = self.parent
        my_index = self.parent.index(self)
        for child in reversed(self.contents[:]):
            my_parent.insert(my_index, child)
        return self
    replace_with_children = unwrap
    replaceWithChildren = unwrap  # BS3

    def wrap(self, wrap_inside):
        me = self.replace_with(wrap_inside)
        return wrap_inside

    def extract(self):
        """Destructively rips this element out of the tree."""
        if self.parent is not None:
            del self.parent.contents[self.parent.index(self)]

        #Find the two elements that would be next to each other if
        #this element (and any children) hadn't been parsed. Connect
        #the two.
        last_child = self._last_descendant()
        next_element = last_child.next_element

        if self.previous_element is not None:
            self.previous_element.next_element = next_element
        if next_element is not None:
            next_element.previous_element = self.previous_element
        self.previous_element = None
        last_child.next_element = None

        self.parent = None
        if self.previous_sibling is not None:
            self.previous_sibling.next_sibling = self.next_sibling
        if self.next_sibling is not None:
            self.next_sibling.previous_sibling = self.previous_sibling
        self.previous_sibling = self.next_sibling = None
        return self

    def _last_descendant(self, is_initialized=True, accept_self=True):
        "Finds the last element beneath this object to be parsed."
        if is_initialized and self.next_sibling:
            last_child = self.next_sibling.previous_element
            last_child = self
            while isinstance(last_child, Tag) and last_child.contents:
                last_child = last_child.contents[-1]
        if not accept_self and last_child == self:
            last_child = None
        return last_child
    # BS3: Not part of the API!
    _lastRecursiveChild = _last_descendant

    def insert(self, position, new_child):
        if new_child is self:
            raise ValueError("Cannot insert a tag into itself.")
        if (isinstance(new_child, basestring)
            and not isinstance(new_child, NavigableString)):
            new_child = NavigableString(new_child)

        position = min(position, len(self.contents))
        if hasattr(new_child, 'parent') and new_child.parent is not None:
            # We're 'inserting' an element that's already one
            # of this object's children.
            if new_child.parent is self:
                current_index = self.index(new_child)
                if current_index < position:
                    # We're moving this element further down the list
                    # of this object's children. That means that when
                    # we extract this element, our target index will
                    # jump down one.
                    position -= 1

        new_child.parent = self
        previous_child = None
        if position == 0:
            new_child.previous_sibling = None
            new_child.previous_element = self
            previous_child = self.contents[position - 1]
            new_child.previous_sibling = previous_child
            new_child.previous_sibling.next_sibling = new_child
            new_child.previous_element = previous_child._last_descendant(False)
        if new_child.previous_element is not None:
            new_child.previous_element.next_element = new_child

        new_childs_last_element = new_child._last_descendant(False)

        if position >= len(self.contents):
            new_child.next_sibling = None

            parent = self
            parents_next_sibling = None
            while parents_next_sibling is None and parent is not None:
                parents_next_sibling = parent.next_sibling
                parent = parent.parent
                if parents_next_sibling is not None:
                    # We found the element that comes next in the document.
            if parents_next_sibling is not None:
                new_childs_last_element.next_element = parents_next_sibling
                # The last element of this tag is the last element in
                # the document.
                new_childs_last_element.next_element = None
            next_child = self.contents[position]
            new_child.next_sibling = next_child
            if new_child.next_sibling is not None:
                new_child.next_sibling.previous_sibling = new_child
            new_childs_last_element.next_element = next_child

        if new_childs_last_element.next_element is not None:
            new_childs_last_element.next_element.previous_element = new_childs_last_element
        self.contents.insert(position, new_child)

    def append(self, tag):
        """Appends the given tag to the contents of this tag."""
        self.insert(len(self.contents), tag)

    def insert_before(self, predecessor):
        """Makes the given element the immediate predecessor of this one.

        The two elements will have the same parent, and the given element
        will be immediately before this one.
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