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/ botocore / data / batch / 2016-08-10 / service-2.json

    "serviceAbbreviation":"AWS Batch",
    "serviceFullName":"AWS Batch",
      "documentation":"<p>Cancels jobs in an AWS Batch job queue. Jobs that are in the <code>SUBMITTED</code>, <code>PENDING</code>, or <code>RUNNABLE</code> state are cancelled. Jobs that have progressed to <code>STARTING</code> or <code>RUNNING</code> are not cancelled (but the API operation still succeeds, even if no jobs are cancelled); these jobs must be terminated with the <a>TerminateJob</a> operation.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Creates an AWS Batch compute environment. You can create <code>MANAGED</code> or <code>UNMANAGED</code>compute environments.</p> <p>In a managed compute environment, AWS Batch manages the compute resources within the environment, based on the compute resources that you specify. Instances launched into a managed compute environment use the latest Amazon ECS-optimized AMI. You can choose to use Amazon EC2 On-Demand instances in your managed compute environment, or you can use Amazon EC2 Spot instances that only launch when the Spot bid price is below a specified percentage of the On-Demand price.</p> <p>In an unmanaged compute environment, you can manage your own compute resources. This provides more compute resource configuration options, such as using a custom AMI, but you must ensure that your AMI meets the Amazon ECS container instance AMI specification. For more information, see <a href=\"http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/container_instance_AMIs.html\">Container Instance AMIs</a> in the <i>Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide</i>. After you have created your unmanaged compute environment, you can use the <a>DescribeComputeEnvironments</a> operation to find the Amazon ECS cluster that is associated with it and then manually launch your container instances into that Amazon ECS cluster. For more information, see <a href=\"http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/launch_container_instance.html\">Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance</a> in the <i>Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide</i>.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Creates an AWS Batch job queue. When you create a job queue, you associate one or more compute environments to the queue and assign an order of preference for the compute environments.</p> <p>You also set a priority to the job queue that determines the order in which the AWS Batch scheduler places jobs onto its associated compute environments. For example, if a compute environment is associated with more than one job queue, the job queue with a higher priority is given preference for scheduling jobs to that compute environment.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Deletes an AWS Batch compute environment.</p> <p>Before you can delete a compute environment, you must set its state to <code>DISABLED</code> with the <a>UpdateComputeEnvironment</a> API operation and disassociate it from any job queues with the <a>UpdateJobQueue</a> API operation.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Deletes the specified job queue. You must first disable submissions for a queue with the <a>UpdateJobQueue</a> operation and terminate any jobs that have not completed with the <a>TerminateJob</a>.</p> <p>It is not necessary to disassociate compute environments from a queue before submitting a <code>DeleteJobQueue</code> request. </p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Deregisters an AWS Batch job definition.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Describes one or more of your compute environments.</p> <p>If you are using an unmanaged compute environment, you can use the <code>DescribeComputeEnvironment</code> operation to determine the <code>ecsClusterArn</code> that you should launch your Amazon ECS container instances into.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Describes a list of job definitions. You can specify a <code>status</code> (such as <code>ACTIVE</code>) to only return job definitions that match that status.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Describes one or more of your job queues.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Describes a list of AWS Batch jobs.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Returns a list of task jobs for a specified job queue. You can filter the results by job status with the <code>jobStatus</code> parameter.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Registers an AWS Batch job definition. </p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Submits an AWS Batch job from a job definition. Parameters specified during <a>SubmitJob</a> override parameters defined in the job definition. </p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Terminates jobs in a job queue. Jobs that are in the <code>STARTING</code> or <code>RUNNING</code> state are terminated, which causes them to transition to <code>FAILED</code>. Jobs that have not progressed to the <code>STARTING</code> state are cancelled.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Updates an AWS Batch compute environment.</p>"
      "documentation":"<p>Updates a job queue.</p>"
          "documentation":"<p>A list of up to 100 job IDs to cancel.</p>"
          "documentation":"<p>A message to attach to the job that explains the reason for cancelling it. This message is returned by future <a>DescribeJobs</a> operations on the job. This message is also recorded in the AWS Batch activity logs. </p>"
      "documentation":"<p>These errors are usually caused by a client action, such as using an action or resource on behalf of a user that doesn't have permission to use the action or resource, or specifying an identifier that is not valid. </p>",
          "documentation":"<p>The name of the compute environment. </p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the compute environment. </p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the underlying Amazon ECS cluster used by the compute environment. </p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The type of the compute environment.</p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The state of the compute environment. The valid values are <code>ENABLED</code> or <code>DISABLED</code>. An <code>ENABLED</code> state indicates that you can register instances with the compute environment and that the associated instances can accept jobs. </p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The current status of the compute environment (for example, <code>CREATING</code> or <code>VALID</code>).</p>"
          "documentation":"<p>A short, human-readable string to provide additional details about the current status of the compute environment.</p>"
          "documentation":"<p>The compute resources defined for the compute environment. </p>"
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