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/ botocore / paginate.py

# Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from itertools import tee

from six import string_types

import jmespath
import json
import base64
import logging
from botocore.exceptions import PaginationError
from botocore.compat import zip
from botocore.utils import set_value_from_jmespath, merge_dicts

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class PaginatorModel(object):
    def __init__(self, paginator_config):
        self._paginator_config = paginator_config['pagination']

    def get_paginator(self, operation_name):
            single_paginator_config = self._paginator_config[operation_name]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Paginator for operation does not exist: %s"
                             % operation_name)
        return single_paginator_config

class PageIterator(object):
    def __init__(self, method, input_token, output_token, more_results,
                 result_keys, non_aggregate_keys, limit_key, max_items,
                 starting_token, page_size, op_kwargs):
        self._method = method
        self._input_token = input_token
        self._output_token = output_token
        self._more_results = more_results
        self._result_keys = result_keys
        self._max_items = max_items
        self._limit_key = limit_key
        self._starting_token = starting_token
        self._page_size = page_size
        self._op_kwargs = op_kwargs
        self._resume_token = None
        self._non_aggregate_key_exprs = non_aggregate_keys
        self._non_aggregate_part = {}

    def result_keys(self):
        return self._result_keys

    def resume_token(self):
        """Token to specify to resume pagination."""
        return self._resume_token

    def resume_token(self, value):
        if not isinstance(value, dict):
            raise ValueError("Bad starting token: %s" % value)

        if 'boto_truncate_amount' in value:
            token_keys = sorted(self._input_token + ['boto_truncate_amount'])
            token_keys = sorted(self._input_token)
        dict_keys = sorted(value.keys())

        if token_keys == dict_keys:
            self._resume_token = base64.b64encode(
            raise ValueError("Bad starting token: %s" % value)

    def non_aggregate_part(self):
        return self._non_aggregate_part

    def __iter__(self):
        current_kwargs = self._op_kwargs
        previous_next_token = None
        next_token = dict((key, None) for key in self._input_token)
        # The number of items from result_key we've seen so far.
        total_items = 0
        first_request = True
        primary_result_key = self.result_keys[0]
        starting_truncation = 0
        while True:
            response = self._make_request(current_kwargs)
            parsed = self._extract_parsed_response(response)
            if first_request:
                # The first request is handled differently.  We could
                # possibly have a resume/starting token that tells us where
                # to index into the retrieved page.
                if self._starting_token is not None:
                    starting_truncation = self._handle_first_request(
                        parsed, primary_result_key, starting_truncation)
                first_request = False
            current_response = primary_result_key.search(parsed)
            if current_response is None:
                current_response = []
            num_current_response = len(current_response)
            truncate_amount = 0
            if self._max_items is not None:
                truncate_amount = (total_items + num_current_response) \
                                  - self._max_items
            if truncate_amount > 0:
                self._truncate_response(parsed, primary_result_key,
                                        truncate_amount, starting_truncation,
                yield response
                yield response
                total_items += num_current_response
                next_token = self._get_next_token(parsed)
                if all(t is None for t in next_token.values()):
                if self._max_items is not None and \
                        total_items == self._max_items:
                    # We're on a page boundary so we can set the current
                    # next token to be the resume token.
                    self.resume_token = next_token
                if previous_next_token is not None and \
                        previous_next_token == next_token:
                    message = ("The same next token was received "
                               "twice: %s" % next_token)
                    raise PaginationError(message=message)
                self._inject_token_into_kwargs(current_kwargs, next_token)
                previous_next_token = next_token

    def search(self, expression):
        """Applies a JMESPath expression to a paginator

        Each page of results is searched using the provided JMESPath
        expression. If the result is not a list, it is yielded
        directly. If the result is a list, each element in the result
        is yielded individually (essentially implementing a flatmap in
        which the JMESPath search is the mapping function).

        :type expression: str
        :param expression: JMESPath expression to apply to each page.

        :return: Returns an iterator that yields the individual
            elements of applying a JMESPath expression to each page of
        compiled = jmespath.compile(expression)
        for page in self:
            results = compiled.search(page)
            if isinstance(results, list):
                for element in results:
                    yield element
                # Yield result directly if it is not a list.
                yield results

    def _make_request(self, current_kwargs):
        return self._method(**current_kwargs)

    def _extract_parsed_response(self, response):
        return response

    def _record_non_aggregate_key_values(self, response):
        non_aggregate_keys = {}
        for expression in self._non_aggregate_key_exprs:
            result = expression.search(response)
        self._non_aggregate_part = non_aggregate_keys

    def _inject_starting_params(self, op_kwargs):
        # If the user has specified a starting token we need to
        # inject that into the operation's kwargs.
        if self._starting_token is not None:
            # Don't need to do anything special if there is no starting
            # token specified.
            next_token = self._parse_starting_token()[0]
            self._inject_token_into_kwargs(op_kwargs, next_token)
        if self._page_size is not None:
            # Pass the page size as the parameter name for limiting
            # page size, also known as the limit_key.
            op_kwargs[self._limit_key] = self._page_size

    def _inject_token_into_kwargs(self, op_kwargs, next_token):
        for name, token in next_token.items():
            if (token is not None) and (token != 'None'):
                op_kwargs[name] = token
            elif name in op_kwargs:
                del op_kwargs[name]

    def _handle_first_request(self, parsed, primary_result_key,
        # If the payload is an array or string, we need to slice into it
        # and only return the truncated amount.
        starting_truncation = self._parse_starting_token()[1]
        all_data = primary_result_key.search(parsed)
        if isinstance(all_data, (list, string_types)):
            data = all_data[starting_truncation:]
            data = None
        # We also need to truncate any secondary result keys
        # because they were not truncated in the previous last
        # response.
        for token in self.result_keys:
            if token == primary_result_key:
            sample = token.search(parsed)
            if isinstance(sample, list):
                empty_value = []
            elif isinstance(sample, string_types):
                empty_value = ''
            elif isinstance(sample, (int, float)):
                empty_value = 0
                empty_value = None
            set_value_from_jmespath(parsed, token.expression, empty_value)
        return starting_truncation

    def _truncate_response(self, parsed, primary_result_key, truncate_amount,
                           starting_truncation, next_token):
        original = primary_result_key.search(parsed)
        if original is None:
            original = []
        amount_to_keep = len(original) - truncate_amount
        truncated = original[:amount_to_keep]
        # The issue here is that even though we know how much we've truncated
        # we need to account for this globally including any starting
        # left truncation. For example:
        # Raw response: [0,1,2,3]
        # Starting index: 1
        # Max items: 1
        # Starting left truncation: [1, 2, 3]
        # End right truncation for max items: [1]
        # However, even though we only kept 1, this is post
        # left truncation so the next starting index should be 2, not 1
        # (left_truncation + amount_to_keep).
        next_token['boto_truncate_amount'] = \
            amount_to_keep + starting_truncation
        self.resume_token = next_token

    def _get_next_token(self, parsed):
        if self._more_results is not None:
            if not self._more_results.search(parsed):
                return {}
        next_tokens = {}
        for output_token, input_key in \
                zip(self._output_token, self._input_token):
            next_token = output_token.search(parsed)
            # We do not want to include any empty strings as actual tokens.
            # Treat them as None.
            if next_token:
                next_tokens[input_key] = next_token
                next_tokens[input_key] = None
        return next_tokens

    def result_key_iters(self):
        teed_results = tee(self, len(self.result_keys))
        return [ResultKeyIterator(i, result_key) for i, result_key
                in zip(teed_results, self.result_keys)]

    def build_full_result(self):
        complete_result = {}
        for response in self:
            page = response
            # We want to try to catch operation object pagination
            # and format correctly for those. They come in the form
            # of a tuple of two elements: (http_response, parsed_responsed).
            # We want the parsed_response as that is what the page iterator
            # uses. We can remove it though once operation objects are removed.
            if isinstance(response, tuple) and len(response) == 2:
                page = response[1]
            # We're incrementally building the full response page
            # by page.  For each page in the response we need to
            # inject the necessary components from the page
            # into the complete_result.
            for result_expression in self.result_keys:
                # In order to incrementally update a result key
                # we need to search the existing value from complete_result,
                # then we need to search the _current_ page for the
                # current result key value.  Then we append the current
                # value onto the existing value, and re-set that value
                # as the new value.
                result_value = result_expression.search(page)
                if result_value is None:
                existing_value = result_expression.search(complete_result)
                if existing_value is None:
                    # Set the initial result
                        complete_result, result_expression.expression,
                # Now both result_value and existing_value contain something
                if isinstance(result_value, list):
                elif isinstance(result_value, (int, float, string_types)):
                    # Modify the existing result with the sum or concatenation
                        complete_result, result_expression.expression,
                        existing_value + result_value)
        merge_dicts(complete_result, self.non_aggregate_part)
        if self.resume_token is not None:
            complete_result['NextToken'] = self.resume_token
        return complete_result

    def _parse_starting_token(self):
        if self._starting_token is None:
            return None

        # The starting token is a dict passed as a base64 encoded string.
        next_token = self._starting_token
            next_token = json.loads(
            index = 0
            if 'boto_truncate_amount' in next_token:
                index = next_token.get('boto_truncate_amount')
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