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Version: 1.4.92 

/ tests / unit / test_awsrequest.py

# Copyright 2012-2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

from tests import unittest
import os
import tempfile
import shutil
import io
import socket
import sys

from mock import Mock, patch

from botocore.exceptions import UnseekableStreamError
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest, AWSPreparedRequest
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSHTTPConnection
from botocore.awsrequest import prepare_request_dict, create_request_object
from botocore.compat import file_type, six

class IgnoreCloseBytesIO(io.BytesIO):
    def close(self):

class FakeSocket(object):
    def __init__(self, read_data, fileclass=IgnoreCloseBytesIO):
        self.sent_data = b''
        self.read_data = read_data
        self.fileclass = fileclass
        self._fp_object = None

    def sendall(self, data):
        self.sent_data += data

    def makefile(self, mode, bufsize=None):
        if self._fp_object is None:
            self._fp_object = self.fileclass(self.read_data)
        return self._fp_object

    def close(self):

class BytesIOWithLen(six.BytesIO):
    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.getvalue())

class Unseekable(file_type):
    def __init__(self, stream):
        self._stream = stream

    def read(self):
        return self._stream.read()

    def seek(self, offset, whence):
        # This is a case where seek() exists as part of the object's interface,
        # but it doesn't actually work (for example socket.makefile(), which
        # will raise an io.* error on python3).
        raise ValueError("Underlying stream does not support seeking.")

class Seekable(object):
    """This class represents a bare-bones,seekable file-like object

    Note it does not include some of the other attributes of other
    file-like objects such as StringIO's getvalue() and file object's fileno
    property. If the file-like object does not have either of these attributes
    requests will not calculate the content length even though it is still
    possible to calculate it.
    def __init__(self, stream):
        self._stream = stream

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self._stream)

    def read(self):
        return self._stream.read()

    def seek(self, offset, whence=0):
        self._stream.seek(offset, whence)

    def tell(self):
        return self._stream.tell()

class TestAWSRequest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.request = AWSRequest(url='http://example.com')
        self.prepared_request = self.request.prepare()
        self.filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'foo')

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_should_reset_stream(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as body:
            self.prepared_request.body = body

            # Now pretend we try to send the request.
            # This means that we read the body:
            # And create a response object that indicates
            # a redirect.
            fake_response = Mock()
            fake_response.status_code = 307

            # Then requests calls our reset_stream hook.

            # The stream should now be reset.
            self.assertEqual(body.tell(), 0)

    def test_cannot_reset_stream_raises_error(self):
        with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as body:
            self.prepared_request.body = Unseekable(body)

            # Now pretend we try to send the request.
            # This means that we read the body:
            # And create a response object that indicates
            # a redirect
            fake_response = Mock()
            fake_response.status_code = 307

            # Then requests calls our reset_stream hook.
            with self.assertRaises(UnseekableStreamError):

    def test_duck_type_for_file_check(self):
        # As part of determining whether or not we can rewind a stream
        # we first need to determine if the thing is a file like object.
        # We should not be using an isinstance check.  Instead, we should
        # be using duck type checks.
        class LooksLikeFile(object):
            def __init__(self):
                self.seek_called = False

            def read(self, amount=None):

            def seek(self, where):
                self.seek_called = True

        looks_like_file = LooksLikeFile()
        self.prepared_request.body = looks_like_file

        fake_response = Mock()
        fake_response.status_code = 307

        # Then requests calls our reset_stream hook.

        # The stream should now be reset.

class TestAWSPreparedRequest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        self.filename = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'foo')
        self.request = AWSRequest(url='http://example.com')
        self.prepared_request = AWSPreparedRequest(self.request)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_prepare_body_content_adds_content_length(self):
        content = b'foobarbaz'
        with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
            data = Seekable(f)
            self.prepared_request.prepare_body(data=data, files=None)

    def test_prepare_body_removes_transfer_encoding(self):
        self.prepared_request.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
        content = b'foobarbaz'
        with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
            data = Seekable(f)
            self.prepared_request.prepare_body(data=data, files=None)
        self.assertNotIn('Transfer-Encoding', self.prepared_request.headers)

    def test_prepare_body_ignores_existing_transfer_encoding(self):
        content = b'foobarbaz'
        self.prepared_request.headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
        with open(self.filename, 'wb') as f:
        with open(self.filename, 'rb') as f:
            self.prepared_request.prepare_body(data=f, files=None)
        # The Transfer-Encoding should not be removed if Content-Length
        # is not added via the custom logic in the ``prepare_body`` method.
        # Note requests' ``prepare_body`` is the method that adds the
        # Content-Length header for this case as the ``data`` is a
        # regular file handle.

class TestAWSHTTPConnection(unittest.TestCase):
    def create_tunneled_connection(self, url, port, response):
        s = FakeSocket(response)
        conn = AWSHTTPConnection(url, port)
        conn.sock = s
        conn._tunnel_host = url
        conn._tunnel_port = port
        conn._tunnel_headers = {'key': 'value'}

        # Create a mock response.
        self.mock_response = Mock()
        self.mock_response.fp = Mock()

        # Imitate readline function by creating a list to be sent as
        # a side effect of the mocked readline to be able to track how the
        # response is processed in ``_tunnel()``.
        delimeter = b'\r\n'
        side_effect = []
        response_components = response.split(delimeter)
        for i in range(len(response_components)):
            new_component = response_components[i]
            # Only add the delimeter on if it is not the last component
            # which should be an empty string.
            if i != len(response_components) - 1:
                new_component += delimeter

        self.mock_response.fp.readline.side_effect = side_effect

        response_components = response.split(b' ')
        self.mock_response._read_status.return_value = (
            response_components[0], int(response_components[1]),
        conn.response_class = Mock()
        conn.response_class.return_value = self.mock_response
        return conn

    def test_expect_100_continue_returned(self):
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:
            # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
            # then a 200 ok response.
            s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            select_mock.return_value = ([s], [], [])
            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                         {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            # Now we should verify that our final response is the 200 OK
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

    def test_handles_expect_100_with_different_reason_phrase(self):
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:
            # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
            # then a 200 ok response.
            s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 100 (Continue)\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            select_mock.return_value = ([s], [], [])
            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', six.BytesIO(b'body'),
                         {'Expect': '100-continue', 'Content-Length': '4'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            # Now we should verify that our final response is the 200 OK.
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)
            # Verify that we went the request body because we got a 100
            # continue.
            self.assertIn(b'body', s.sent_data)

    def test_expect_100_sends_connection_header(self):
        # When using squid as an HTTP proxy, it will also send
        # a Connection: keep-alive header back with the 100 continue
        # response.  We need to ensure we handle this case.
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:
            # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
            # then a 500 response.  We're picking 500 to confirm we
            # actually parse the response instead of getting the
            # default status of 200 which happens when we can't parse
            # the response.
            s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 100 Continue\r\n'
                           b'Connection: keep-alive\r\n'
                           b'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Service Error\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            select_mock.return_value = ([s], [], [])
            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                         {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 500)

    def test_expect_100_continue_sends_307(self):
        # This is the case where we send a 100 continue and the server
        # immediately sends a 307
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:
            # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
            # then a 200 ok response.
            s = FakeSocket(
                b'HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect\r\n'
                b'Location: http://example.org\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            select_mock.return_value = ([s], [], [])
            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                         {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            # Now we should verify that our final response is the 307.
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 307)

    def test_expect_100_continue_no_response_from_server(self):
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:
            # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
            # then a 200 ok response.
            s = FakeSocket(
                b'HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect\r\n'
                b'Location: http://example.org\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            # By settings select_mock to return empty lists, this indicates
            # that the server did not send any response.  In this situation
            # we should just send the request anyways.
            select_mock.return_value = ([], [], [])
            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                         {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 307)

    def test_message_body_is_file_like_object(self):
        # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
        # then a 200 ok response.
        body = BytesIOWithLen(b'body contents')
        s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
        conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
        conn.sock = s
        conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', body)
        response = conn.getresponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

    def test_no_expect_header_set(self):
        # Shows the server first sending a 100 continue response
        # then a 200 ok response.
        s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
        conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
        conn.sock = s
        conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body')
        response = conn.getresponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

    def test_tunnel_readline_none_bugfix(self):
        # Tests whether ``_tunnel`` function is able to work around the
        # py26 bug of avoiding infinite while loop if nothing is returned.
        conn = self.create_tunneled_connection(
            response=b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n',
        # Ensure proper amount of readline calls were made.
        self.assertEqual(self.mock_response.fp.readline.call_count, 2)

    def test_tunnel_readline_normal(self):
        # Tests that ``_tunnel`` function behaves normally when it comes
        # across the usual http ending.
        conn = self.create_tunneled_connection(
            response=b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n',
        # Ensure proper amount of readline calls were made.
        self.assertEqual(self.mock_response.fp.readline.call_count, 2)

    def test_tunnel_raises_socket_error(self):
        # Tests that ``_tunnel`` function throws appropriate error when
        # not 200 status.
        conn = self.create_tunneled_connection(
            response=b'HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found\r\n\r\n',
        with self.assertRaises(socket.error):

    @unittest.skipIf(sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 6),
                     ("``_tunnel()`` function defaults to standard "
                      "http library function when not py26."))
    def test_tunnel_uses_std_lib(self):
        s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
        conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
        conn.sock = s
        # Test that the standard library method was used by patching out
        # the ``_tunnel`` method and seeing if the std lib method was called.
        with patch('botocore.vendored.requests.packages.urllib3.connection.'
                   'HTTPConnection._tunnel') as mock_tunnel:

    def test_encodes_unicode_method_line(self):
        s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
        conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
        conn.sock = s
        # Note the combination of unicode 'GET' and
        # bytes 'Utf8-Header' value.
        conn.request(u'GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                     headers={"Utf8-Header": b"\xe5\xb0\x8f"})
        response = conn.getresponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

    def test_state_reset_on_connection_close(self):
        # This simulates what urllib3 does with connections
        # in its connection pool logic.
        with patch('select.select') as select_mock:

            # First fast fail with a 500 response when we first
            # send the expect header.
            s = FakeSocket(b'HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error\r\n')
            conn = AWSHTTPConnection('s3.amazonaws.com', 443)
            conn.sock = s
            select_mock.return_value = ([s], [], [])

            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                        {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 500)

            # Now what happens in urllib3 is that when the next
            # request comes along and this conection gets checked
            # out.  We see that the connection needs to be
            # reset.  So first the connection is closed.

            # And then a new connection is established.
            new_conn = FakeSocket(
                b'HTTP/1.1 100 (Continue)\r\n\r\nHTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n')
            conn.sock = new_conn

            # And we make a request, we should see the 200 response
            # that was sent back.
            select_mock.return_value = ([new_conn], [], [])

            conn.request('GET', '/bucket/foo', b'body',
                        {'Expect': '100-continue'})
            response = conn.getresponse()
            # This should be 200.  If it's a 500 then
            # the prior response was leaking into our
            # current response.,
            self.assertEqual(response.status, 200)

class TestPrepareRequestDict(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.user_agent = 'botocore/1.0'
        self.endpoint_url = 'https://s3.amazonaws.com'
        self.base_request_dict = {
            'body': '',
            'headers': {},
            'method': u'GET',
            'query_string': '',
            'url_path': '/',
            'context': {}

    def prepare_base_request_dict(self, request_dict, endpoint_url=None,
                                  user_agent=None, context=None):
        context = context or {}
        if user_agent is None:
            user_agent = self.user_agent
        if endpoint_url is None:
            endpoint_url = self.endpoint_url
        prepare_request_dict(self.base_request_dict, endpoint_url=endpoint_url,
                             user_agent=user_agent, context=context)

    def test_prepare_request_dict_for_get(self):
        request_dict = {
            'method': u'GET',
            'url_path': '/'
            request_dict, endpoint_url='https://s3.amazonaws.com')
        self.assertEqual(self.base_request_dict['method'], 'GET')

    def test_prepare_request_dict_for_get_no_user_agent(self):
        self.user_agent = None
        request_dict = {
            'method': u'GET',
            'url_path': '/'
            request_dict, endpoint_url='https://s3.amazonaws.com')
        self.assertNotIn('User-Agent', self.base_request_dict['headers'])

    def test_prepare_request_dict_with_context(self):
        context = {'foo': 'bar'}
        self.prepare_base_request_dict({}, context=context)
        self.assertEqual(self.base_request_dict['context'], context)

    def test_query_string_serialized_to_url(self):
        request_dict = {
            'method': u'GET',
            'query_string': {u'prefix': u'foo'},
            'url_path': u'/mybucket'

    def test_url_path_combined_with_endpoint_url(self):
        # This checks the case where a user specifies and
        # endpoint_url that has a path component, and the
        # serializer gives us a request_dict that has a url
        # component as well (say from a rest-* service).
        request_dict = {
            'query_string': {u'prefix': u'foo'},
            'url_path': u'/mybucket'
        endpoint_url = 'https://custom.endpoint/foo/bar'
        self.prepare_base_request_dict(request_dict, endpoint_url)

    def test_url_path_with_trailing_slash(self):
            {'url_path': u'/mybucket'},


    def test_url_path_is_slash(self):
            {'url_path': u'/'},


    def test_url_path_is_slash_with_endpoint_url_no_slash(self):
            {'url_path': u'/'},


    def test_custom_endpoint_with_query_string(self):
            {'url_path': u'/baz', 'query_string': {'x': 'y'}},


class TestCreateRequestObject(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.request_dict = {
            'method': u'GET',
            'query_string': {u'prefix': u'foo'},
            'url_path': u'/mybucket',
            'headers': {u'User-Agent': u'my-agent'},
            'body': u'my body',
            'url': u'https://s3.amazonaws.com/mybucket?prefix=foo',
            'context': {'signing': {'region': 'us-west-2'}}

    def test_create_request_object(self):
        request = create_request_object(self.request_dict)
        self.assertEqual(request.method, self.request_dict['method'])
        self.assertEqual(request.url, self.request_dict['url'])
        self.assertEqual(request.data, self.request_dict['body'])
        self.assertEqual(request.context, self.request_dict['context'])
        self.assertIn('User-Agent', request.headers)

if __name__ == "__main__":