#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
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"""Test runner for the JSON models compliance tests
This is a test runner for all the JSON tests defined in
``tests/unit/protocols/``, including both the input/output tests.
You can use the normal ``nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py`` to run
this test. In addition, there are several env vars you can use during
Tests are broken down by filename, test suite, testcase. When a test fails
you'll see the protocol (filename), test suite, and test case number of the
failed test.
Description : Scalar members (0:0) <--- (suite_id:test_id)
Protocol: : ec2 <--- test file (ec2.json)
Given : ...
Response : ...
Expected serialization: ...
Actual serialization : ...
Assertion message : ...
To run tests from only a single file, you can set the
BOTOCORE_TEST=tests/unit/compliance/input/json.json nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py
To run a single test suite you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID env var:
BOTOCORE_TEST=tests/unit/compliance/input/json.json BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=5 \
nosetests tests/unit/test_protocols.py
To run a single test case in a suite (useful when debugging a single test), you
can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID env var with the ``suite_id:test_id`` syntax.
BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=5:1 nosetests test/unit/test_protocols.py
import os
import copy
from dateutil.tz import tzutc
from botocore.compat import json, OrderedDict
from botocore.awsrequest import AWSRequest
from botocore.model import ServiceModel, OperationModel
from botocore.serialize import EC2Serializer, QuerySerializer, \
JSONSerializer, RestJSONSerializer, RestXMLSerializer
from botocore.parsers import QueryParser, JSONParser, \
RestJSONParser, RestXMLParser
from botocore.utils import parse_timestamp, percent_encode_sequence
from calendar import timegm
from botocore.compat import urlencode
from nose.tools import assert_equal as _assert_equal
TEST_DIR = os.path.join(
NOT_SPECIFIED = object()
'ec2': EC2Serializer,
'query': QuerySerializer,
'json': JSONSerializer,
'rest-json': RestJSONSerializer,
'rest-xml': RestXMLSerializer,
# ec2/query have the same response parsing logic.
'ec2': QueryParser,
'query': QueryParser,
'json': JSONParser,
'rest-json': RestJSONParser,
'rest-xml': RestXMLParser,
def test_compliance():
for full_path in _walk_files():
if full_path.endswith('.json'):
for model, case, basename in _load_cases(full_path):
if 'params' in case:
yield _test_input, model, case, basename
elif 'response' in case:
yield _test_output, model, case, basename
def _test_input(json_description, case, basename):
service_description = copy.deepcopy(json_description)
service_description['operations'] = {
case.get('name', 'OperationName'): case,
model = ServiceModel(service_description)
protocol_type = model.metadata['protocol']
protocol_serializer = PROTOCOL_SERIALIZERS[protocol_type]
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("Unknown protocol: %s" % protocol_type)
serializer = protocol_serializer()
serializer.MAP_TYPE = OrderedDict
operation_model = OperationModel(case['given'], model)
request = serializer.serialize_to_request(case['params'], operation_model)
_assert_requests_equal(request, case['serialized'])
except AssertionError as e:
_input_failure_message(protocol_type, case, request, e)
def _assert_request_body_is_bytes(body):
if not isinstance(body, bytes):
raise AssertionError("Expected body to be serialized as type "
"bytes(), instead got: %s" % type(body))
def _test_output(json_description, case, basename):
service_description = copy.deepcopy(json_description)
service_description['operations'] = {
case.get('name', 'OperationName'): case,
model = ServiceModel(service_description)
operation_model = OperationModel(case['given'], model)
parser = PROTOCOL_PARSERS[model.metadata['protocol']](
# We load the json as utf-8, but the response parser is at the
# botocore boundary, so it expects to work with bytes.
body = case['response']['body']
case['response']['body'] = body.encode('utf-8')
parsed = parser.parse(case['response'], operation_model.output_shape)
parsed = _fixup_parsed_result(parsed)
except Exception as e:
msg = (
"\nFailed to run test : %s\n"
"Protocol : %s\n"
"Description : %s (%s:%s)\n" % (
e, model.metadata['protocol'],
case['description'], case['suite_id'], case['test_id']))
raise AssertionError(msg)
assert_equal(parsed, case['result'], "Body")
except Exception as e:
case, parsed, e)
def _fixup_parsed_result(parsed):
# This function contains all the transformation we need
# to do from the response _our_ response parsers give
# vs. the expected responses in the protocol tests.
# These are implementation specific changes, not any
# "we're not following the spec"-type changes.
# 1. RequestMetadata. We parse this onto the returned dict, but compliance
# tests don't have any specs for how to deal with request metadata.
if 'ResponseMetadata' in parsed:
del parsed['ResponseMetadata']
# 2. Binary blob types. In the protocol test, blob types, when base64
# decoded, always decode to something that can be expressed via utf-8.
# This is not always the case. In python3, the blob type is designed to
# return a bytes (not str) object. However, for these tests we'll work for
# any bytes type, and decode it as utf-8 because we know that's safe for
# the compliance tests.
parsed = _convert_bytes_to_str(parsed)
return parsed
def _convert_bytes_to_str(parsed):
if isinstance(parsed, dict):
new_dict = {}
for key, value in parsed.items():
new_dict[key] = _convert_bytes_to_str(value)
return new_dict
elif isinstance(parsed, bytes):
return parsed.decode('utf-8')
elif isinstance(parsed, list):
new_list = []
for item in parsed:
return new_list
return parsed
def _compliance_timestamp_parser(value):
datetime = parse_timestamp(value)
# Convert from our time zone to UTC
datetime = datetime.astimezone(tzutc())
# Convert to epoch.
return int(timegm(datetime.timetuple()))
def _output_failure_message(protocol_type, case, actual_parsed, error):
j = _try_json_dump
error_message = (
"\nDescription : %s (%s:%s)\n"
"Protocol: : %s\n"
"Given : %s\n"
"Response : %s\n"
"Expected serialization: %s\n"
"Actual serialization : %s\n"
"Assertion message : %s\n" % (
case['description'], case['suite_id'],
case['test_id'], protocol_type,
j(case['given']), j(case['response']),
j(case['result']), j(actual_parsed), error))
raise AssertionError(error_message)
def _input_failure_message(protocol_type, case, actual_request, error):
j = _try_json_dump
error_message = (
"\nDescription : %s (%s:%s)\n"
"Protocol: : %s\n"
"Given : %s\n"
"Params : %s\n"
"Expected serialization: %s\n"
"Actual serialization : %s\n"
"Assertion message : %s\n" % (
case['description'], case['suite_id'],
case['test_id'], protocol_type,
j(case['given']), j(case['params']),
j(case['serialized']), j(actual_request), error))
raise AssertionError(error_message)
def _try_json_dump(obj):
return json.dumps(obj)
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
return str(obj)
def assert_equal(first, second, prefix):
# A better assert equals. It allows you to just provide
# prefix instead of the entire message.
_assert_equal(first, second)
except Exception:
better = "%s (actual != expected)\n%s !=\n%s" % (
json.dumps(first, indent=2),
json.dumps(second, indent=2))
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
better = "%s (actual != expected)\n%s !=\n%s" % (
prefix, first, second)
raise AssertionError(better)
def _serialize_request_description(request_dict):
if isinstance(request_dict.get('body'), dict):
# urlencode the request body.
encoded = percent_encode_sequence(request_dict['body']).encode('utf-8')
request_dict['body'] = encoded
if isinstance(request_dict.get('query_string'), dict):
encoded = percent_encode_sequence(request_dict.pop('query_string'))
if encoded:
# 'requests' automatically handle this, but we in the
# test runner we need to handle the case where the url_path
# already has query params.
if '?' not in request_dict['url_path']:
request_dict['url_path'] += '?%s' % encoded
request_dict['url_path'] += '&%s' % encoded
def _assert_requests_equal(actual, expected):
assert_equal(actual['body'], expected['body'].encode('utf-8'),
'Body value')
actual_headers = dict(actual['headers'])
expected_headers = expected.get('headers', {})
assert_equal(actual_headers, expected_headers, "Header values")
assert_equal(actual['url_path'], expected.get('uri', ''), "URI")
if 'method' in expected:
assert_equal(actual['method'], expected['method'], "Method")
def _walk_files():
# Check for a shortcut when running the tests interactively.
# If a BOTOCORE_TEST env var is defined, that file is used as the
# only test to run. Useful when doing feature development.
single_file = os.environ.get('BOTOCORE_TEST')
if single_file is not None:
yield os.path.abspath(single_file)
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(TEST_DIR):
for filename in filenames:
yield os.path.join(root, filename)
def _load_cases(full_path):
# During developement, you can set the BOTOCORE_TEST_ID
# to run a specific test suite or even a specific test case.
# The format is BOTOCORE_TEST_ID=suite_id:test_id or
suite_id, test_id = _get_suite_test_id()
all_test_data = json.load(open(full_path), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
basename = os.path.basename(full_path)
for i, test_data in enumerate(all_test_data):
if suite_id is not None and i != suite_id:
cases = test_data.pop('cases')
description = test_data['description']
for j, case in enumerate(cases):
if test_id is not None and j != test_id:
case['description'] = description
case['suite_id'] = i
case['test_id'] = j
yield (test_data, case, basename)
def _get_suite_test_id():
if 'BOTOCORE_TEST_ID' not in os.environ:
return None, None
test_id = None
suite_id = None
split = os.environ['BOTOCORE_TEST_ID'].split(':')
if len(split) == 2:
suite_id, test_id = int(split[0]), int(split[1])
suite_id = int(split([0]))
except TypeError:
# Same exception, just give a better error message.
raise TypeError("Invalid format for BOTOCORE_TEST_ID, should be "
"suite_id[:test_id], and both values should be "
return suite_id, test_id