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squarecapadmin / wget   python

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Metadata-Version: 1.1
Name: wget
Version: 2.2
Summary: pure python download utility
Home-page: http://bitbucket.org/techtonik/python-wget/
Author: anatoly techtonik <techtonik@gmail.com>
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: Public Domain
Description: Usage
          python -m wget [options] <URL>
            -o --output FILE|DIR   output filename or directory
        API Usage
          >>> import wget
          >>> url = 'http://www.futurecrew.com/skaven/song_files/mp3/razorback.mp3'
          >>> filename = wget.download(url)
          100% [................................................] 3841532 / 3841532>
          >> filename
        The skew that you see above is a documented side effect.
        Alternative progress bar:
          >>> wget.download(url, bar=bar_thermometer)
        2.2 (2014-07-19)
         * it again can download without -o option
        2.1 (2014-07-10)
         * it shows command line help
         * -o option allows to select output file/directory
           * download(url, out, bar) contains out parameter
        2.0 (2013-04-26)
         * it shows percentage
         * it has usage examples
         * it changes if being used as a library
           * download shows progress bar by default
           * bar_adaptive gets improved algorithm
           * download(url, bar) contains bar parameter
             * bar(current, total)
           * progress_callback is named callback_progress
        1.0 (2012-11-13)
         * it runs with Python 3
        0.9 (2012-11-13)
         * it renames file if it already exists
         * it can be used as a library
           * download(url) returns filename
           * bar_adaptive() draws progress bar
           * bar_thermometer() simplified bar
        0.8 (2011-05-03)
         * it detects filename from HTTP headers
        0.7 (2011-03-01)
         * compatibility fix for Python 2.5
         * limit width of progress bar to 100 chars
        0.6 (2010-04-24)
         * it detects console width on POSIX
        0.5 (2010-04-23)
         * it detects console width on Windows
        0.4 (2010-04-15)
         * it shows cute progress bar
        0.3 (2010-04-05)
         * it creates temp file in current dir
        0.2 (2010-02-16)
         * it tries to detect filename from URL
        0.1 (2010-02-04)
         * it can download file
        Release Checklist
        | [ ] update version in wget.py
        | [x] update description in setup.py
        | [ ] python setup.py check -mrs
        | [ ] python setup.py sdist upload
        | [ ] tag hg version
        anatoly techtonik <techtonik@gmail.com>
Platform: UNKNOWN
Classifier: Environment :: Console
Classifier: License :: Public Domain
Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules
Classifier: Topic :: System :: Networking
Classifier: Topic :: Utilities