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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/jet-engine   php

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  • FIX: additional output validation for some widgets.


  • ADD: an ability to choose value format for media and gallery meta fields;
  • ADD: compatibility with Rank Math and Yoast;
  • FIX: additional output validation for some widgets;
  • FIX: wisywig field on Options Page;
  • FIX: save terms meta;
  • FIX: various minor fixes.


  • ADD: assign_terms capability in the Taxonomies component;
  • UPD: allow to filter SQL query before dynamic function is applied;
  • FIX: lazyload listing on search result page;
  • FIX: conditional logic in the form with URL field;
  • FIX: saving the date value in timestamp format on Option Page;
  • FIX: correct display the value in date control on Option Page;
  • FIX: display an icon of widget in elementor context menu;
  • FIX: JetSmartFilters pagination + CCT.


  • ADD: Glossaries functionality;
  • ADD: an ability use REGEX and NOT REGEX options for the Operator control in the Meta Query;
  • ADD: convert cyrillic slug of CPT, Taxonomies, Option Page, CCT to latin;
  • UPD: help_links in components;
  • FIX: prevent php notice in the injections module;
  • FIX: avoid letter-casing related errors when checking if DB table is exists;
  • FIX: index value in verbose_repeater method;
  • FIX: default items indents in masonry layout;
  • FIX: export/import the Listing items of blocks type;
  • FIX: php error on some servers;
  • FIX: duplicate print elementor-frontend css on lazyload listing;


  • ADD: Include option to the Terms Order By control
  • ADD: JS trigger on add/remove items into store
  • FIX: Elementor 3.1.2 compatibility issue
  • FIX: submitting a form if required media field is hidden


  • ADD: Max Zoom control in the Map Listing
  • FIX: compatibility the Map Listing with the JetSmartFilters


  • FIX: prevent error on adding Listing Grid block without any additional modules activated.


  • ADD: Dynamic Tag to insert macros in visual way;
  • ADD: Query and layout controls fro the Listing Grid block for the Gutenberg editor;
  • ADD: Listing Calendar block for the Gutenberg editor;
  • ADD: Map Listing block for the Gutenberg editor;
  • ADD: Forms block for the Gutenberg editor;
  • ADD: Allow to style JetEngine Gutenberg blocks with JetStyleManager plugin;
  • FIX: various bug fixes and improvements.


  • FIX: compatibility the load more listing with filter by checkboxes field
  • FIX: remove mask from empty input on submit the Form
  • FIX: PHP 8 compatibility
  • FIX: wysiwyg field in WP 5.6
  • FIX: CCT forms preset processing
  • FIX: setup _listing_type on create a listing item


  • ADD: copy to clipboard for shortcode generator;
  • ADD: meta viewport for page canvas template;
  • ADD: an ability display the Post ID in Admin Columns;
  • FIX: User listing and SmartFilters pagination compatibility;
  • FIX: wysiwyg field in WP 5.6;
  • FIX: work of macros in the Calendar widget;
  • FIX: Rest API endpoints and listing creation;
  • FIX: compatibility the dynamic visibility module with the map listing module;
  • FIX: Getting CCT items from data store;
  • FIX: checked radio/checkbox field with custom template.


  • UPD: JetDashboard Module to v2.0.6;
  • UPD: better CCT forms preset processing;
  • FIX: saving a date field of term as a timestamp;
  • FIX: conditional logic in the Form


  • ADD: conditional logic to inside repeater in the Form;
  • ADD: an ability to disable the marker clustering in the Map Listing widget;
  • ADD: RapidAPI auth for REST API listings;
  • UPD: better human_time_diff callback handling;
  • UPD: better compat with WPML;
  • UPD: better Gutenberg compatibility;
  • FIX: duplicate init elements handlers;
  • FIX: save checkbox value inside repeater in the Option Page;
  • FIX: prevent error on empty rest API query result.


  • ADD: Possibility to Differentiate Account Pages by Roles in User Profile Builder;
  • ADD: REST API Endpoint Management for CCT;
  • ADD: REST API Listings;
  • ADD: REST API Request Form Notification Type;
  • ADD: Possibility to Add Posts to Data Stores Upon the Post Review;
  • ADD: Possibility to "Inject alternative listing items" in last position;
  • ADD: ССТ Items Duplication;
  • ADD: Allow to automatically generate forms for the CCT items;
  • UPD: New UI for Module Management;
  • FIX: various fixes and improvements.


  • ADD: datetime field type in the Form module;
  • ADD: post_date, post_date_gmt post properties to save appropriate form fields;
  • ADD: Decimals Point and Thousands separator settings in the Dynamic Functions Tag;
  • ADD: ignore_sticky_posts in the Listing Grid widget;
  • FIX: Getting map popup data with plain permalinks enabled;
  • FIX: dynamic value for form fields if user not logged;
  • FIX: lazy load listing inside another lazy load listing;
  • FIX: prevent CCT DB tables creation error on some MySQL versions;
  • FIX: an ability to change size and hover color of svg icon in dynamic widgets;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#2054;
  • FIX: CCT listing with lazy load.


  • ADD: an ability to use dynamic value for conditions in the Form;
  • ADD: 'Is mobile device' condition for Dynamic Visibility module;
  • ADD: user listings and Data Stores compatibility;
  • UPD: allow to get data in the dynaic widgets depends on selected context (post, current user, current author etc);
  • UPD: alt text for images in the Dynamic Image widget;
  • FIX: hide the load more button if listing empty;
  • FIX: no selection option in dynamic user value in the Form.


  • ADD: Hide past events option to the Calendar widget;
  • ADD: Search Query parameter for the Listing Grid widget;
  • ADD: CCT and sorting widget compatibility;
  • FIX: injecting posts listing settings if enable CCT module;
  • FIX: admin area access redirect on AJAX requests.


  • ADD: Forms - allow to select user role for Register and Update user notifications;
  • ADD: Profile Builder – Hide Admin area option;
  • FIX: unnecessary slashes and html entities in admin interfaces;
  • FIX: macros regex;
  • FIX: Lazyload listing grid and a popup inside listing item.


  • ADD: User Can Add Posts conditions for Profile Builder and Dynamic Visibility modules;
  • ADD: Current User Meta option for hidden field value in the Form;
  • ADD: allow to process macros in the CCT query;
  • ADD: term field and term image dynamic tags;
  • UPD: new control to select forms and listings in the appropriate widgets;
  • UPD: improve CCT admin columns functionality;
  • FIX: forms page break if page has wysiwyg field;
  • FIX: duplicate index in the Form builder;
  • FIX: macros with listing lazy load.


  • ADD: Allow to set menu position for CCT;
  • FIX: Dynamic Link and Profile Builder pages bug.


  • ADD: Custom content types module;
  • ADD: Lazy load option for the Listing Grid widget;
  • ADD: Inifinite scroll options for the Listing Grid widget;
  • ADD: Posts restriction rules per CPT;
  • ADD: JetEngine Form Builder – Duplicate Fields;
  • ADD: Dynamic Visibility Column resize;
  • ADD: HTML fields for the options pages;
  • UPD: minor improvements and bug fixes.


  • ADD: dynamic tags support for Dynamic Link widget;
  • ADD: allow to add a offset to map coordinates to avoid markers overlapping;
  • ADD: an ability disable map controls in the Map Listing widget;
  • ADD: content type option for email notification;
  • ADD: Get Store dynamic tag;
  • ADD: allow process date field as timestamp;
  • UPD: allow to add preloader box for the map listing widget;
  • FIX: compatibility with Elementor 3.0 (Optimized DOM issue);
  • FIX: REST API and session error.


  • ADD: validate page fields on switching page in the Form;
  • ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#1191;
  • ADD: new conditions for Dynamic Visibility module;
  • ADD: an ability to set date format to the current date hidden field;
  • ADD: allow to use meta values as form values for the select, checkbox and radio fields;
  • UPD: allow to preset form fields from options pages;
  • FIX: Safari select;
  • FIX: compatibility with Elementor 3.0 Crocoblock/suggestions#1823;
  • FIX: the yoast meta panel overlapped the datepicker


  • ADD: better compatibility with WPML (translate admin labels);
  • FIX: compatibility with Elementor 3.0 (Repeater issue);
  • FIX: profile pages rewrites.


  • ADD: Update Options notification in the Form module;
  • ADD: support Save as array checkbox fields for options pages;
  • ADD: compatibility with upcoming Elementor 3.0 ( Dynamic CSS issue );
  • FIX: inserting form repeater field data to user repeater meta;
  • FIX: hide the form row if it has visible elements;
  • FIX: injection user listing by user meta;
  • FIX: better process conditions in combination with calculated fields;
  • FIX: forms import and duplicating.


  • ADD: allow to preset field values on per field basis;
  • ADD: allow to open map marker popup by hover on the listing item;
  • ADD: indication of active conditional rules for JetEngine forms;
  • ADD: rollback to the previous version functionality;
  • FIX: maps listing and JetSmartFilters compatibility;
  • FIX: error validation form if the hidden specific fields (date, time, email);
  • FIX: process PayPal gateway with AJAX forms;
  • FIX: prevent attach media file with zero id;
  • FIX: update_user notification if empty form fields.


  • FIX: tax query processing.


  • ADD: inline editing the listing items;
  • ADD: allow to output Repeater fields from options as listing grid;
  • UPD: allow to change fields label HTML tag for the JetEngine Form fields;
  • UPD: better compatibility the Calendar widget with JetPopup;
  • UPD: meta_fields column datatype in db.php;
  • UPD: JetDashboard Module to v1.0.16;
  • FIX: display post content built with elementor in the Dynamic Field widget;
  • FIX: open map marker popup by click on the listing item;
  • FIX: EXISTS and NO EXISTS options behavior for listing grid query;
  • FIX: display Prev Page button on the first page;
  • FIX: compatibility with ACF Dynamic Tags(Elementor Pro);
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1541;
  • FIX: get marker coordinates by lat and lng fields combined with "+";


  • UPD: allow to filter calculation formula.


  • ADD: export-import the Options Pages;
  • UPD: calculate values logic in the forms module;
  • FIX: prevent form submitting error if it has only redirect notification;
  • FIX: with front settings for post types and taxonomies.


  • FIX: Dates comparing in the Dynamic Visibility widget;
  • FIX: Dynamic capabilities;


  • FIX: revert breaking changes.


  • UPD: allow export, import and duplicate JetEngine forms;
  • UPD: add dynamic capabilities for some posts query controls for the Listing Grid widget;
  • FIX: media field value encoding.


  • FIX: better JetPopup compatibility;
  • FIX: setup postdata for nested listings;
  • FIX: handle form fields after repeater;
  • FIX: remove/restore required attributes when fields is hide/show by coinditions.


  • ADD: Data Stores module;
  • ADD: Dynamic Visibility module for Sections/Columns/Widgets;
  • ADD: Ability to create repeater groups in the Forms;
  • ADD: Conditional logic for the meta fields;
  • ADD: Conditional logic for the fields in the Forms module;
  • ADD: Ability to delete posts from the front end;
  • ADD: Ability to set the Input mask for the text fields in the Forms module;
  • ADD: Ability to set the maximum number of user-generated posts depending on a user (a Profile Builder setting);
  • ADD: Support of the Select, Radio, and Checkbox fields in the Repeater meta field;
  • ADD: Support of the Number field type for the meta fields;
  • ADD: Random number of posts in the Listing Grid;
  • ADD: Automatic conversion of Cyrillic to the Latin alphabet in the Name meta field;
  • FIX: Prevent duplication of the meta field names;
  • FIX: Support of SVG images preview in the Media meta field;
  • FIX: Various bug fixes.


  • ADD: compatibility the related posts with WPML;
  • FIX: checking map markers conditions;
  • FIX: wysiwyg editor in the forms and popup compatibility;
  • FIX: JetEngine listings and JetPopup compatibility;
  • FIX: compatibility Dynamic CSS with the User listing;
  • FIX: Layout option for Checkbox & Radio Fields in the Form widget;
  • FIX: the repeater listing inside the Grid listing;
  • FIX: unregister meta boxes for deleted post types and taxonomies;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1332.


  • ADD: allow to open map marker popup by click on the listing item;
  • UPD: allow to correctly get data from Posts relations in the form preset;
  • UPD: new datetimepicker control for date time field;
  • UPD: add separate controls for Geocoding API key in the Maps Listings module;
  • FIX: ensure injection listing grid CSS rendered on AJAX requests;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1143 on the frontend;
  • FIX: an ability to edit another user's post through a Form with the edit_others_posts capability.


  • FIX: new map markers options and JetSmartFilters compatibility.


  • ADD: allow to set multiple map marker types by conditions;
  • UPD: aligments controls in the Dynamic field widget;
  • UPD: alignments controls in the Dynamic field widget;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1149;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1155;
  • FIX: creating the Blocks listing item without active Elementor;
  • FIX: prevetn PHP notice in the Custom Field Tag;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1143;
  • FIX: if all checkboxes unchecked, this meta value was not empty;
  • FIX: prevent form layout break on form quick editing;
  • FIX: injection listings conflict;
  • FIX: prevent PHP notices from taxonomies manager.


  • ADD: %queried_user_id% macros to get user ID at the author pages, profile builder user pages;
  • UPD: allow to get address from multiple meta fields for Maps module;
  • UPD: allow to set custom capability type for new taxonomies;
  • FIX: correctly get data for queried user context in the User Field and User Image dynamic tags;
  • FIX: capabilities check on term meta saving.


  • UPD: allow to set post ID for meta fields in the shortcodes generator;
  • FIX: allow to set empty value for select option in the meta fields;
  • FIX: missing line breaks in meta after update from form WYSIWYG field;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#1123.


  • UPD: allow to query posts by types and status in the dynamic function tag;
  • UPD: ensure HTML attributes is correctly reset on form elements render;
  • FIX: form styles;
  • FIX: prevent PHP notices when saving built-in post types.


  • ADD: Dynamic Function Tag for Elementor;
  • ADD: Maps Listings;
  • ADD: Repeater type meta fields display in the Listing Grid;
  • ADD: Custom template creation for Checkbox and Radio meta fields within the Form’s functionality;
  • ADD: An opportunity to add custom values to Radio and Checkbox meta fields types from the editing page of Post/ Taxonomy/ Options Page;
  • ADD: New notification types for Forms: MailChimp and GetResponse;
  • ADD: Crocoblock/suggestions#914;
  • ADD: License check for updates;
  • UPD: Forms module. Current Post Author Name & Current User Name values for hidden fields;
  • UPD: Allow to change form pages on field value change;
  • UPD: Media field type in the Forms functionality refined;
  • UPD: Add with_front option for Post Type and Taxonomy edit screens;
  • UPD: Allow to add custom query arguments to redirect URL in the form redirect notification;
  • FIX: Crocoblock/suggestions#604;
  • FIX: Dynamic bg for listing items;
  • FIX: Prevent PHP notices in some cases;
  • FIX: Various minor fixes.


  • ADD: compatibility a Term Grid listing with JetPopup;
  • UPD: allow to set top and bottom positions for dynamic link icon;
  • UPD: allow to reset field appearance;
  • UPD: checked values list callback re-factoring;
  • UPD: parse the options list from meta field for the Form module;
  • FIX: minor form style;
  • FIX: Safari select compatibility;
  • FIX: ensure listing grid CSS rendered on AJAX requests;
  • FIX: missing line breaks in the meta field of the textarea after saving;
  • FIX: calculating process if a checkbox has only one field;
  • FIX: prevent fatal errors if maybe_set_current_object is called without some of required arguments.


  • ADD: support for color dynamic tags category;


  • ADD: support Save as array checkbox fields for user meta;
  • UPD: allow to correctly setup relations with front-end forms;
  • UPD: better RTL compatibility;
  • UPD: better compatibility with Dynamic CSS;
  • FIX: saving settings on the options page with specific access capability;
  • FIX: https://github.com/Crocoblock/suggestions/issues/1008;
  • FIX: layout option for checkbox and radio fields in the Form.


  • FIX: prevent PHP error in the forms;
  • FIX: missing dynamic BG properties for a elements inside a listings.


  • FIX: Elementor 2.9 compatibility;
  • FIX: prevent PHP error on archive templates;
  • FIX: add User URL to allowed user fields;
  • FIX: minor fixes.


  • UPD: Show form when preset is configured but no source was found;
  • FIX: Some issues related to nested listings;
  • FIX: Required value for wysiwyg field;
  • FIX: JetPopup compatibility;
  • FIX: Profile menu on mobile devices;
  • FIX: Dynamic bg for listing items.


  • UPD: Form Module. Prevent form from display if current user haven't access to configured preset data;
  • UPD: Form Module. Minor improvements for insert/update post notification;
  • FIX: Form Module. Set post terms for checkbox field;
  • FIX: Listings. Current object set up and reset for listing items.


  • ADD: Profile Builder module;
  • ADD: Allow to preset form values from post data, user data or query varaibles;
  • ADD: Update User notification;
  • ADD: Presets logic;
  • ADD: Media field for from module;
  • ADD: Range field for from module;
  • ADD: Heading field for from module;
  • ADD: Page breaks for form module;
  • ADD: ActiveCampaign for form module;
  • ADD: Relations hierarchy;
  • ADD: Listing Grid block for Gutenberg editor;
  • UPD: Allow to update posts for Insert/Update Posts notification;
  • UPD: Minor updates of Meta Fields editor UI;
  • UPD: Object properties selector now contains list of all avaialble properties of all sources;
  • FIX: Various bug fixes and minor enhancements.


  • FIX: parent/child options pages registration.


  • FIX: re-initialize widgets scripts on Listing Grid load more click.


  • FIX: multiday events display in Calendar widget;
  • ADD: %current_meta_string% macros to correctly get stringified arrays from meta fields.


  • FIX: equal columns height for Listing Grid widget;
  • FIX: allow to keep hover effects with click-able listing grid items.


  • ADD: Allow to make whole listing item clickable;
  • ADD: Load More for Listing Grid widget;
  • ADD: Allow to inject alternative listing items into listing grid;
  • ADD: Allow to create meta fields for users;
  • ADD: Allow to set default values for meta fields;
  • ADD: Allow to create Listing items in Blocks (Gutenberg) editor;
  • ADD: Allow to use multiple orderby;
  • UPD: Allow to query posts by multiple pot types in Listing Grid;
  • UPD: Allow to order posts by multiple meta clauses;
  • UPD: Allow to set fallback values for Dynamic Field widget;
  • UPD: Allow to add counter for items in Dynamic Repeater widget;
  • FIX: Various fixes.


  • ADD: Do Shortcode callback for Dynamic Field filters;
  • FIX: Rewriting document type on listing item autosave in Elementor editor;


  • FIX: Taxonomies meta fields registration;


  • FIX: better WooCommerce + JetWooBuilder compatibility;
  • FIX: Post types and taxonomies labels saving;
  • FIX: Meta fields visibility in Elementor widgets controls.


  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: new admin UI;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to edit built-in post types;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to delete/reattach created posts (terms) on post type (taxonomy deletion);
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to change type of already created posts/terms on post type/taxonomy slug update;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to make admin columns sortable;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to select from predefined callbacks for admin columns;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to group created fields into tabs/accordions;
  • ADD: Admin UI/UX: allow to set max length and required for created fields where is possible;
  • ADD: New feature: global options pages;
  • ADD: Listing Calendar: showcase multiday events;
  • UPD: Admin UI/UX: allow to sort notifiactions in forms;
  • UPD: Listing Calendar: allow to set default month;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: compatibility with new Elemntor icons control;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: show all existing fields in Elemntor widgets controls;
  • UPD: Elementor widgets: added callback for filtering switcher meta fields;
  • FIX: Prevent errors if some of dates in calendar posts is not timestamp;
  • FIX: Posts control in repeater;
  • FIX: Various fixes and performance improvements.


  • FIX: Elementor Pro 2.6+ compatibility.


  • FIX: Better ACF compatibility;
  • ADD: JS trigger on From wdget init;
  • ADD: PHP hooks to add own fields into forms builder.

  • UPD: allow to use P tag in dynamic field widget;
  • FIX: Elementor 2.6.x compatibility.


  • FIX: Booking form fields render.


  • ADD: Masonry layout for listing grid widget;
  • FIX: Better ACF compaibility.


  • ADD: jet-engine/forms/booking/notifications/fields-after hook;
  • UPD: Allow to filter form field template path;
  • UPD: Store inserted post ID into form data to allow process it by other notifications.


  • FIX: Prevent errors in Listing grid widget;
  • FIX: Macros regex.



  • FIX: Date- and timepicker styles;
  • FIX: Listing Grid slider behavior when found posts < number slides to show;
  • FIX: Start of month and prev month dates calculations in Calendar widget;
  • FIX: Better check for an empty results in Dynamic Field widget.


  • ADD: Register user notification for booking form;
  • ADD: Call a Webhook notification for booking form;
  • ADD: Field Visibility option for Booking form fields;
  • ADD: Post status option for Insert post notification in Booking form;
  • ADD: Allow to use dynamic popups from JetPopup inside listing and calendar;
  • ADD: Mobile settings for image gallery slider in Dynamic Field widget;
  • ADD: Allow to set meta field width;
  • UPD: Allow to showcase listing grid as slider;
  • UPD: Allow to set equal columns height for listing grid widget;
  • UPD: Cross-browser Date- and Timepicker for meta fields;
  • FIX: Allow to use shortcode in Not Found Message control;
  • FIX: Mobile columns in Listing Grid widget.


  • ADD: Post status control for Listing Grid Widget;
  • UPD: Gallery slider init for Dynamic Field widget;
  • UPD: Move meta boxes registration to admin_init hook
  • FIX: Better ACF compatibility;
  • FIX: Timestamp validation for Format Date callback in Dynamic Field widget;
  • FIX: Jet Smart Filters compatibility for Listing Grid Widget when archive query option enabled;
  • FIX: Custom meta fields list in Dynamic Repeater Widget;


  • ADD: 'Get post/page link (linked post title)' callback for Dynamic Field widget;


  • ADD: Booking Forms functionality;
  • FIX: %current_terms% macros processing for terms query;


  • UPD: Responsive controls for gaps in Listing Grid widget;
  • FIX: Better compatibility with JetSmartFilters;
  • FIX: Processing datetime meta;


  • ADD: Better WPML compatibility;
  • UPD: Listing returns not found when using related posts macros and no related posts were found;
  • FIX: Show in nav menu control for Post Types and Taxonomies;
  • FIX: Make relations compatible with PODs;
  • FIX: Prevent errors with Elementor 2.4.0;
  • FIX: Customize field output in combination with Related posts list callback;
  • FIX: Delimiter for checkboxes values


  • ADD: Admin columns management;
  • ADD: Text before and Text after controls for Dynamic terms widget;
  • ADD: Allow to enable/disable link on term in Dynamic terms widget;
  • ADD: 'queried_term' macros;
  • FIX: months translation in Calendar grid widget


  • ADD: RU localization


  • ADD: rel and target controls to Dynamic Image link;
  • ADD: allow to add meta boxes only for specific posts/pages;
  • FIX: Checkbox meta fields processing.


  • FIX: Allow to use HTML tags in textarea meta field;


  • ADD: Calendar widget;
  • ADD: Posts relationships;
  • ADD: Columns gap for Listing Grid widget;
  • ADD: 'QR Code' callback to filter Dynamic Field output;
  • ADD: 'Format number' callback to filter Dynamic Field output;
  • ADD: Date query controls for Posts query settings in Listing Grid widget;
  • FIX: Dynamic image tag.


  • ADD: 'Embed icon' callback for Filter field output option in Dynamic field widget;
  • ADD: %current_terms% and %current_meta% macros;
  • UPD: Allow to use shortcodes inside Field format control in Dynamic field widget;
  • FIX: Prevent JavaScript errors in some cases;
  • FIX: Correctly enqueue assets for multiple meta boxes on page.


  • ADD: Allow to filter posts query arguments;
  • ADD: 'Get value from query variable' control for Meta Query in Listing Grid Widget;
  • ADD: Allow to use macros in Get terms of posts control in Listing grid widget;
  • UPD: Prepare for JetSmartFilters plugin;
  • FIX: Current object reset after listing.


  • ADD: Listing Grid visibility options;
  • FIX: Hook name for filtering macros and filters lists;
  • FIX: Applying macros in Meta Query values.


  • ADD: Allow to filter values in repeater items;
  • ADD: Gallery meta field;
  • ADD: %current_id%, %current_tags% and %current_categories% macros;
  • ADD: WYSIWYG meta field;
  • ADD: Slider and grid output for gallery meta field;
  • ADD: New options for Dynamic Repeater widget;
  • ADD: New opitons for Dynamic Link widget;
  • ADD: Embed URL callback;
  • ADD: Allow to use dynamic terms images on taxonomy archives;
  • UPD: Allow to set and output multiple values for select field;
  • FIX: Prevent errors on archive pages;
  • FIX: Meta boxes registration;
  • FIX: Meta fields parsing for dynamic widgets options.


  • Initial release;
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