class="jet-engine-edit-page jet-engine-edit-page--loading"
'jet-engine-edit-page--loaded': true,
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__fields">
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle" slot="title"><?php _e( 'General Settings', 'jet-engine' ); ?></h3>
<div class="cx-vui-panel" slot="content">
:label="'<?php _e( 'Taxonomy Name', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Set unique name for your post type. Eg. `Projects`', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@on-focus="handleFocus( 'name' )"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Taxonomy Slug', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Set slug for your taxonomy. Slug should contain only letters, numbers and `-` or `_` chars', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@on-focus="handleFocus( 'slug' )"
label="<?php _e( 'Update Terms', 'jet-engine' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Check this if you already have created terms of this taxonomy and want to automatically change tax for these terms.', 'jet-engine' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Post Type', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Select post types to add this taxonomy for', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
@on-focus="handleFocus( 'post_type' )"
label="<?php _e( '`Edit taxonomy/meta box` link', 'jet-engine' ); ?>"
description="<?php _e( 'Add `Edit post type/meta box` link to post edit page.', 'jet-engine' ); ?>"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle" slot="title"><?php _e( 'Labels', 'jet-engine' ); ?></h3>
<div class="cx-vui-panel" slot="content">
v-for="labelObject in labelsList"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:key="'label_for_' + labelObject.name"
v-model="labels[ labelObject.name ]"
@on-focus="handleLabelFocus( labelObject.name, labelObject.is_singular, labelObject.default )"
<h3 class="cx-vui-subtitle" slot="title">Advanced Settings</h3>
<div class="cx-vui-panel" slot="content">
:label="'<?php _e( 'Is Public', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Whether a taxonomy is intended for use publicly either via the admin interface or by front-end users', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Publicly queryable', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Whether the taxonomy is publicly queryable', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Show Admin UI', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Whether to generate a default UI for managing this taxonomy', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Show in Admin Menu', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Where to show the taxonomy in the admin menu. `Show Admin UI` must be enabled', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Show in Nav Menu', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'If this option is enabled this taxonomy available for selection in navigation menus', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Show in Rest API', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Whether to expose this taxonomy in the REST API. Also enable/disable Gutenberg editor for current post type', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Register Query Var', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Sets the query_var key for this post type', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Rewrite', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Triggers the handling of rewrites for this taxonomy. To prevent rewrites, set to false', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Rewrite Slug', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Customize the permalink structure slug. Defaults to the taxonomy slug', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
'input': advancedSettings.rewrite,
'compare': 'equal',
'value': true,
:label="'<?php _e( 'Rewrite With Front', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Whether the permastruct should be prepended with WP_Rewrite::$front', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
'input': advancedSettings.rewrite,
'compare': 'equal',
'value': true,
:label="'<?php _e( 'Capability Type', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'The string to use to build the manage terms capabilities', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Hierarchical', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Is this taxonomy hierarchical (have descendants) like categories or not hierarchical like tags', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
:label="'<?php _e( 'Description', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:description="'<?php _e( 'Include a description of the taxonomy', 'jet-engine' ); ?>'"
:wrapper-css="[ 'equalwidth' ]"
<?php do_action( 'jet-engine/taxonomies/meta-fields' ); ?>
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__actions">
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__actions-panel">
<div class="cx-vui-subtitle"><?php _e( 'Actions', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="cx-vui-text"><?php
_e( 'If you are not sure where to start, please check tutorials list below this block', 'jet-engine' );
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__actions-buttons">
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__actions-save">
<svg slot="label" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M10.6667 5.33333V1.79167H1.79167V5.33333H10.6667ZM6.125 13.4167C6.65278 13.9444 7.27778 14.2083 8 14.2083C8.72222 14.2083 9.34722 13.9444 9.875 13.4167C10.4028 12.8889 10.6667 12.2639 10.6667 11.5417C10.6667 10.8194 10.4028 10.1944 9.875 9.66667C9.34722 9.13889 8.72222 8.875 8 8.875C7.27778 8.875 6.65278 9.13889 6.125 9.66667C5.59722 10.1944 5.33333 10.8194 5.33333 11.5417C5.33333 12.2639 5.59722 12.8889 6.125 13.4167ZM12.4583 0L16 3.54167V14.2083C16 14.6806 15.8194 15.0972 15.4583 15.4583C15.0972 15.8194 14.6806 16 14.2083 16H1.79167C1.29167 16 0.861111 15.8194 0.5 15.4583C0.166667 15.0972 0 14.6806 0 14.2083V1.79167C0 1.31944 0.166667 0.902778 0.5 0.541667C0.861111 0.180556 1.29167 0 1.79167 0H12.4583Z" fill="white"/></svg>
<span slot="label">{{ buttonLabel }}</span>
@click="showDeleteDialog = true"
<svg slot="label" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M2.28564 14.1921V3.42857H13.7142V14.1921C13.7142 14.6686 13.5208 15.089 13.1339 15.4534C12.747 15.8178 12.3005 16 11.7946 16H4.20529C3.69934 16 3.25291 15.8178 2.866 15.4534C2.4791 15.089 2.28564 14.6686 2.28564 14.1921Z"/><path d="M14.8571 1.14286V2.28571H1.14282V1.14286H4.57139L5.56085 0H10.4391L11.4285 1.14286H14.8571Z"/></svg>
<span slot="label"><?php _e( 'Delete', 'jet-engine' ); ?></span>
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__notice-error-content">
<div class="jet-engine-edit-page__notice-error-items">
v-for="( notice, index ) in errorNotices"
:key="'notice_' + index"
>{{ notice }}</div>
<div class="cx-vui-hr"></div>
<div class="cx-vui-subtitle jet-engine-help-list-title"><?php _e( 'Need Help?', 'jet-engine' ); ?></div>
<div class="cx-vui-panel">
<div class="jet-engine-help-list">
<div class="jet-engine-help-list__item" v-for="link in helpLinks">
<a :href="link.url" target="_blank">
<svg width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><path d="M10.4413 7.39906C10.9421 6.89828 11.1925 6.29734 11.1925 5.59624C11.1925 4.71987 10.8795 3.9687 10.2535 3.34272C9.62754 2.71674 8.87637 2.40376 8 2.40376C7.12363 2.40376 6.37246 2.71674 5.74648 3.34272C5.1205 3.9687 4.80751 4.71987 4.80751 5.59624H6.38498C6.38498 5.17058 6.54773 4.79499 6.87324 4.46948C7.19875 4.14398 7.57434 3.98122 8 3.98122C8.42566 3.98122 8.80125 4.14398 9.12676 4.46948C9.45227 4.79499 9.61502 5.17058 9.61502 5.59624C9.61502 6.02191 9.45227 6.3975 9.12676 6.723L8.15024 7.73709C7.52426 8.41315 7.21127 9.16432 7.21127 9.99061V10.4038H8.78873C8.78873 9.57747 9.10172 8.82629 9.7277 8.15024L10.4413 7.39906ZM8.78873 13.5962V12.0188H7.21127V13.5962H8.78873ZM2.32864 2.3662C3.9061 0.788732 5.79656 0 8 0C10.2034 0 12.0814 0.788732 13.6338 2.3662C15.2113 3.91862 16 5.79656 16 8C16 10.2034 15.2113 12.0939 13.6338 13.6714C12.0814 15.2238 10.2034 16 8 16C5.79656 16 3.9061 15.2238 2.32864 13.6714C0.776213 12.0939 0 10.2034 0 8C0 5.79656 0.776213 3.91862 2.32864 2.3662Z" fill="#007CBA"/></svg>
{{ link.label }}
:tax-id="parseInt( isEdit, 10 )"