import JetEngineRepeater from "components/repeater-control.js";
import {
} from '../../utils/utility';
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
const {
} = wp.blocks;
const {
} = wp.editor;
const {
} = wp.components;
if ( -1 !== window.JetEngineListingData.activeModules.indexOf( 'calendar' ) ) {
const GIcon = <SVG xmlns="" width="64" height="64" viewBox="0 0 64 64" fill="none"><Rect x="1" y="10" width="44" height="44" rx="3" stroke="#162B40" strokeWidth="2" fill="white"></Rect><Path d="M1 13C1 11.3431 2.34315 10 4 10H42C43.6569 10 45 11.3431 45 13V28H1V13Z" fill="#4AF3BA" stroke="#162B40" strokeWidth="2"></Path><Path d="M11 7C11 6.44772 11.4477 6 12 6H13C13.5523 6 14 6.44772 14 7V13C14 13.5523 13.5523 14 13 14H12C11.4477 14 11 13.5523 11 13V7Z" fill="#162B40"></Path><Path d="M32 7C32 6.44772 32.4477 6 33 6H34C34.5523 6 35 6.44772 35 7V13C35 13.5523 34.5523 14 34 14H33C32.4477 14 32 13.5523 32 13V7Z" fill="#162B40"></Path></SVG>;
const blockAttributes = window.JetEngineListingData.atts.listingCalendar;
registerBlockType( 'jet-engine/listing-calendar', {
title: __( 'Listing Calendar' ),
icon: GIcon,
category: 'layout',
attributes: blockAttributes,
className: 'jet-listing-calendar',
edit: class extends wp.element.Component {
constructor( props ) {
if ( ! props.attributes._block_id ) {
props.setAttributes( { _block_id: props.clientId } );
super( props );
render() {
const props = this.props;
const attributes = props.attributes;
const listingOptions = window.JetEngineListingData.listingOptions;
const hideOptions = window.JetEngineListingData.hideOptions;
const metaTypes = [
value: 'CHAR',
label: 'CHAR'
value: 'NUMERIC',
label: 'NUMERIC'
value: 'BINARY',
label: 'BINARY'
value: 'DATE',
label: 'DATE'
value: 'DATETIME',
label: 'DATETIME'
value: 'DECIMAL',
label: 'DECIMAL'
value: 'SIGNED',
label: 'SIGNED'
value: 'UNSIGNED',
label: 'UNSIGNED'
const updateItem = function( item, key, value, prop ) {
prop = prop || 'posts_query';
const query = clone( props.attributes[ prop ] );
const index = getItemIndex( item );
const currentItem = query[ getItemIndex( item, prop ) ];
if ( ! currentItem ) {
if ( 'object' === typeof key ) {
for ( var _key in key ) {
currentItem[_key] = key[_key];
} else {
currentItem[ key ] = value;
query[ index ] = currentItem;
props.setAttributes( { [ prop ]: query } );
const getItemIndex = function( item, prop ) {
prop = prop || 'posts_query';
return props.attributes[ prop ].findIndex( queryItem => {
return queryItem == item;
} );
return [
props.isSelected && (
key={ 'inspector' }
<PanelBody title={ __( 'General' ) }>
label={ __( 'Listing' ) }
value={ attributes.lisitng_id }
options={ listingOptions }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { lisitng_id: newValue } );
} }
label={ __( 'Group posts by' ) }
value={ attributes.group_by }
options={ [
value: 'post_date',
label: __( 'Post publication date' ),
value: 'post_mod',
label: __( 'Post modification date' ),
value: 'meta_date',
label: __( 'Date from custom field' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { group_by: newValue } );
} }
{ 'meta_date' === attributes.group_by &&
label={ __( 'Meta field name' ) }
help={ __( 'This field must contain date to group posts by. Works only if "Save as timestamp" option for meta field is active' ) }
value={ attributes.group_by_key }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { group_by_key: newValue } );
} }
label={ __( 'Allow multi-day events' ) }
checked={ attributes.allow_multiday }
onChange={ () => {
props.setAttributes( { allow_multiday: ! attributes.allow_multiday } );
} }
{ 'meta_date' === attributes.group_by && attributes.allow_multiday &&
label={ __( 'End date field name' ) }
help={ __( 'This field must contain date when events ends. Works only if "Save as timestamp" option for meta field is active' ) }
value={ attributes.end_date_key }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { end_date_key: newValue } );
} }
label={ __( 'Week days format' ) }
value={ attributes.week_days_format }
options={ [
value: 'full',
label: __( 'Full' ),
value: 'short',
label: __( 'Short' ),
value: 'initial',
label: __( 'Initial letter' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { week_days_format: newValue } );
} }
label={ __( 'Start from custom month' ) }
checked={ attributes.custom_start_from }
onChange={ () => {
props.setAttributes( { custom_start_from: ! attributes.custom_start_from } );
} }
{ attributes.custom_start_from &&
label={ __( 'Start from month' ) }
value={ attributes.start_from_month }
options={ [
value: 'January',
label: __( 'January' ),
value: 'February',
label: __( 'February' ),
value: 'March',
label: __( 'March' ),
value: 'April',
label: __( 'April' ),
value: 'May',
label: __( 'May' ),
value: 'June',
label: __( 'June' ),
value: 'July',
label: __( 'July' ),
value: 'August',
label: __( 'August' ),
value: 'September',
label: __( 'September' ),
value: 'October',
label: __( 'October' ),
value: 'November',
label: __( 'November' ),
value: 'December',
label: __( 'December' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { start_from_month: newValue } );
} }
{ attributes.custom_start_from &&
label={ __( 'Start from year' ) }
value={ attributes.start_from_year }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { start_from_year: newValue } );
} }
label={ __( 'Show posts from the nearby months' ) }
checked={ attributes.show_posts_nearby_months }
onChange={ () => {
props.setAttributes( { show_posts_nearby_months: ! attributes.show_posts_nearby_months } );
} }
label={ __( 'Hide past events' ) }
checked={ attributes.hide_past_events }
onChange={ () => {
props.setAttributes( { hide_past_events: ! attributes.hide_past_events } );
} }
label={ __( 'Caption Layout' ) }
value={ attributes.caption_layout }
options={ [
value: 'layout-1',
label: __( 'Layout 1' ),
value: 'layout-2',
label: __( 'Layout 2' ),
value: 'layout-3',
label: __( 'Layout 3' ),
value: 'layout-4',
label: __( 'Layout 4' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { caption_layout: newValue } );
} }
title={ __( 'Posts Query' ) }
initialOpen={ false }
data={ attributes.posts_query }
type: '',
onChange={ newData => {
props.setAttributes({ posts_query: newData });
} }
( item ) =>
label={ __( 'Type' ) }
value={ item.type }
options={ [
value: '',
label: __( 'Select...' ),
value: 'posts_params',
label: __( 'Posts & Author Parameters' ),
value: 'order_offset',
label: __( 'Order & Offset' ),
value: 'tax_query',
label: __( 'Tax Query' ),
value: 'meta_query',
label: __( 'Meta Query' ),
value: 'date_query',
label: __( 'Date Query' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'type', newValue )
{ 'date_query' === item.type &&
label={ __( 'Column' ) }
value={ item.date_query_column }
options={ [
value: 'post_date',
label: __( 'Post date' ),
value: 'post_date_gmt',
label: __( 'Post date GMT' ),
value: 'post_modified',
label: __( 'Post modified' ),
value: 'post_modified_gmt',
label: __( 'Post modified GMT' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'date_query_column', newValue )
label={ __( 'After' ) }
help={ __( 'Date to retrieve posts after. Accepts strtotime()-compatible string' ) }
value={ item.date_query_after }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'date_query_after', newValue )
label={ __( 'Before' ) }
help={ __( 'Date to retrieve posts before. Accepts strtotime()-compatible string' ) }
value={ item.date_query_before }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'date_query_before', newValue )
{ 'posts_params' === item.type &&
label={ __( 'Include posts by IDs' ) }
help={ __( 'Eg. 12, 24, 33' ) }
value={ item.posts_in }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_in', newValue )
label={ __( 'Exclude posts by IDs' ) }
help={ __( 'Eg. 12, 24, 33. If this is used in the same query as Include posts by IDs, it will be ignored' ) }
value={ item.posts_not_in }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_not_in', newValue )
label={ __( 'Get child of' ) }
help={ __( 'Eg. 12, 24, 33' ) }
value={ item.posts_parent }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_parent', newValue )
label={ __( 'Post status' ) }
value={ item.posts_status }
options={ [
value: 'publish',
label: __( 'Publish' ),
value: 'pending',
label: __( 'Pending' ),
value: 'draft',
label: __( 'Draft' ),
value: 'auto-draft',
label: __( 'Auto draft' ),
value: 'future',
label: __( 'Future' ),
value: 'private',
label: __( 'Private' ),
value: 'trash',
label: __( 'Trash' ),
value: 'any',
label: __( 'Any' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_status', newValue )
label={ __( 'Posts by author' ) }
value={ item.posts_author }
options={ [
value: 'any',
label: __( 'Any author' ),
value: 'current',
label: __( 'Current User' ),
value: 'id',
label: __( 'Specific Author ID' ),
value: 'queried',
label: __( 'Queried User' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_author', newValue )
'id' === item.posts_author &&
label={ __( 'Author ID' ) }
value={ item.posts_author_id }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'posts_author_id', newValue )
label={ __( 'Search Query' ) }
value={ item.search_query }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'search_query', newValue )
{ 'order_offset' === item.type &&
label={ __( 'Posts offset' ) }
value={ item.offset }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'offset', newValue )
label={ __( 'Order' ) }
value={ item.order }
options={ [
value: 'ASC',
label: __( 'ASC' ),
value: 'DESC',
label: __( 'DESC' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'order', newValue )
label={ __( 'Order' ) }
value={ item.order_by }
options={ [
value: 'none',
label: __( 'None' ),
value: 'ID',
label: __( 'ID' ),
value: 'author',
label: __( 'Author' ),
value: 'title',
label: __( 'Title' ),
value: 'name',
label: __( 'Name' ),
value: 'type',
label: __( 'Type' ),
value: 'date',
label: __( 'Date' ),
value: 'modified',
label: __( 'Modified' ),
value: 'parent',
label: __( 'Parent' ),
value: 'rand',
label: __( 'Random' ),
value: 'comment_count',
label: __( 'Comment Count' ),
value: 'relevance',
label: __( 'Relevance' ),
value: 'menu_order',
label: __( 'Menu Order' ),
value: 'meta_value',
label: __( 'Meta Value' ),
value: 'meta_clause',
label: __( 'Meta Clause' ),
value: 'post__in',
label: __( 'Preserve post ID order given in the "Include posts by IDs" option' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'order_by', newValue )
{ 'meta_value' === item.order_by &&
label={ __( 'Meta key to order' ) }
help={ __( 'Set meta field name to order by' ) }
value={ item.meta_key }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_key', newValue )
label={ __( 'Meta type' ) }
value={ item.meta_type }
options={ [
value: 'CHAR',
label: 'CHAR',
value: 'NUMERIC',
label: 'NUMERIC',
value: 'DATE',
label: 'DATE',
value: 'DATETIME',
label: 'DATETIME',
value: 'DECIMAL',
label: 'DECIMAL',
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_type', newValue )
{ 'meta_clause' === item.order_by &&
label={ __( 'Meta clause to order' ) }
help={ __( 'Meta clause name to order by. Clause with this name should be created in Meta Query parameters' ) }
value={ item.meta_clause_key }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_clause_key', newValue )
{ 'tax_query' === item.type &&
label={ __( 'Taxonomy' ) }
value={ item.tax_query_taxonomy }
options={ window.JetEngineListingData.taxonomies }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'tax_query_taxonomy', newValue )
label={ __( 'Operator' ) }
value={ item.tax_query_compare }
options={ [
value: 'IN',
label: 'IN',
value: 'NOT IN',
label: 'NOT IN',
value: 'AND',
label: 'AND',
value: 'EXISTS',
label: 'EXISTS',
value: 'NOT EXISTS',
label: 'NOT EXISTS',
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'tax_query_compare', newValue )
label={ __( 'Field' ) }
value={ item.tax_query_field }
options={ [
value: 'term_id',
label: __( 'Term ID' ),
value: 'slug',
label: __( 'Slug' ),
value: 'name',
label: __( 'Name' ),
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'tax_query_field', newValue )
label={ __( 'Terms' ) }
value={ item.tax_query_terms }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'tax_query_terms', newValue )
label={ __( 'Terms from meta field' ) }
help={ __( 'Get terms IDs from current page meta field' ) }
value={ item.tax_query_terms_meta }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'tax_query_terms_meta', newValue )
{ 'meta_query' === item.type &&
label={ __( 'Key (name/ID)' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_key }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_key', newValue )
label={ __( 'Operator' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_compare }
options={ [
value: '=',
label: 'Equal',
value: '!=',
label: 'Not equal',
value: '>',
label: 'Greater than',
value: '>=',
label: 'Greater or equal',
value: '<',
label: 'Less than',
value: '<=',
label: 'Equal or less',
value: 'LIKE',
label: 'LIKE',
value: 'NOT LIKE',
label: 'NOT LIKE',
value: 'IN',
label: 'IN',
value: 'NOT IN',
label: 'NOT IN',
value: 'BETWEEN',
label: 'BETWEEN',
value: 'NOT BETWEEN',
label: 'NOT BETWEEN',
value: 'EXISTS',
label: 'EXISTS',
value: 'NOT EXISTS',
label: 'NOT EXISTS',
value: 'REGEXP',
label: 'REGEXP',
value: 'NOT REGEXP',
label: 'NOT REGEXP',
] }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_compare', newValue )
{ ! ['EXISTS', 'NOT EXISTS'].includes( item.meta_query_compare ) &&
label={ __( 'Value' ) }
help={ __( 'For "In", "Not in", "Between" and "Not between" compare separate multiple values with comma' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_val }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_val', newValue )
label={ __( 'Or get value from query variable' ) }
help={ __( 'Set query variable name (from URL or WordPress query var) to get value from' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_request_val }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_request_val', newValue )
label={ __( 'Type' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_type }
options={ metaTypes }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_type', newValue )
label={ __( 'Meta Query Clause' ) }
help={ __( 'Set unique name for current query clause to use it to order posts by this clause' ) }
value={ item.meta_query_clause }
onChange={newValue => {
updateItem( item, 'meta_query_clause', newValue )
label={ __( 'Meta query relation' ) }
value={ attributes.meta_query_relation }
options={ [
value: 'AND',
label: __( 'AND' ),
value: 'OR',
label: __( 'OR' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { meta_query_relation: newValue } );
label={ __( 'Tax query relation' ) }
value={ attributes.tax_query_relation }
options={ [
value: 'AND',
label: __( 'AND' ),
value: 'OR',
label: __( 'OR' ),
] }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { tax_query_relation: newValue } );
title={ __( 'Block Visibility' ) }
initialOpen={ false }
label={ __( 'Hide block if' ) }
value={ attributes.hide_widget_if }
options={ hideOptions }
onChange={ newValue => {
props.setAttributes( { hide_widget_if: newValue } );
} }
attributes={ attributes }
save: props => {
return null;
} );