const cleanups = { // some useless stuff for us // that svgo doesn't remove title: /<title>.*<\/title>/gi, desc: /<desc>.*<\/desc>/gi, comment: /<!--.*-->/gi, defs: /<defs>.*<\/defs>/gi, // remove hardcoded dimensions width: / +width="\d+(\.\d+)?(px)?"/gi, height: / +height="\d+(\.\d+)?(px)?"/gi, // remove fill fill: / +fill="(none|#[0-9a-f]+)"/gi, // shit sketchMSShapeGroup: / +sketch:type="MSShapeGroup"/gi, sketchMSPage: / +sketch:type="MSPage"/gi, sketchMSLayerGroup: / +sketch:type="MSLayerGroup"/gi }; // @styled(styles) class SVGInline extends wp.element.Component { render() { const { className, component, svg, fill, width, accessibilityLabel, accessibilityDesc, classSuffix, cleanupExceptions, } = this.props; let { cleanup, height } = this.props; if ( // simple way to enable entire cleanup cleanup === true || // passing cleanupExceptions enable cleanup as well (cleanup.length === 0 && cleanupExceptions.length > 0) ) { cleanup = Object.keys(cleanups); } cleanup = cleanup.filter(key => { return !(cleanupExceptions.indexOf(key) > -1); }); if (width && height === undefined) { height = width; } const svgClasses = [ 'svg-inline' ].join( " " ); let svgStr = SVGInline.cleanupSvg(svg, cleanup).replace( /<svg/, `<svg class="${svgClasses}"` + (fill ? ` fill="${fill}"` : "") + (width || height ? ' style="' + (width ? `width: ${width}px;` : "") + (height ? `height: ${height}px;` : "") + '"' : "") ); let match; if (accessibilityDesc) { match = /<svg(.|\n|\r\n)*?>/.exec(svgStr); const pos = match.index + match[0].length; svgStr = svgStr.substr(0, pos) + `<desc>${accessibilityDesc}</desc>` + svgStr.substr(pos); } if ( accessibilityLabel ) { match = match || /<svg(.|\n|\r\n)*?>/.exec(svgStr); const pos = match.index + match[0].length - 1; const id = `SVGInline-${SVGInline.idCount++}-title`; svgStr = svgStr.substr(0, pos) + ` role="img" aria-labelledby="${id}"` + svgStr.substr(pos, 1) + `<title id="${id}">${accessibilityLabel}</title>` + svgStr.substr(pos + 1); } return React.createElement(component, { className: classSuffix, dangerouslySetInnerHTML: { __html: svgStr } }); } } SVGInline.defaultProps = { component: "span", classSuffix: "svg-inline-wrap", cleanup: [], cleanupExceptions: [] }; SVGInline.idCount = 0; SVGInline.cleanupSvg = (svg, cleanup = []) => { return Object.keys(cleanups) .filter(key => cleanup.indexOf(key) > -1) .reduce((acc, key) => { return acc.replace(cleanups[key], ""); }, svg) .trim(); }; export default SVGInline;