import { oneOf, arraysEqual } from '../../utils/assist';
import { checkConditions } from '../../mixins/check-conditions';
import { directive as clickOutside } from 'v-click-outside-x';
const FilterableSelect = {
name: 'cx-vui-f-select',
template: '#cx-vui-f-select',
mixins: [ checkConditions ],
directives: { clickOutside },
props: {
value: {
type: [String, Number, Array],
default: ''
placeholder: {
type: String,
default: ''
optionsList: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
disabled: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
readonly: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
name: {
type: String
error: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
multiple: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
elementId: {
type: String
autocomplete: {
validator (value) {
return oneOf( value, ['on', 'off'] );
default: 'off'
conditions: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
remote: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
remoteCallback: {
type: Function
remoteTrigger: {
type: Number,
default: 3
remoteTriggerMessage: {
type: String,
default: 'Please enter %d char(s) to start search'
notFoundMeassge: {
type: String,
default: 'There is no items find matching this query'
loadingMessage: {
type: String,
default: 'Loading...'
// Wrapper related props (should be passed into wrapper component)
preventWrap: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
label: {
type: String
description: {
type: String
wrapperCss: {
type: Array,
default: function() {
return [];
data() {
return {
options: this.optionsList,
currentValues: this.value,
currentId: this.elementId,
selectedOptions: [],
query: '',
inFocus: false,
optionInFocus: false,
loading: false,
loaded: false,
watch: {
value( newValue, oldValue ) {
if ( this.multiple ) {
if ( arraysEqual( newValue, oldValue ) ) {
} else {
if ( newValue === oldValue ) {
this.storeValues( newValue );
optionsList( options ) {
this.setOptions( options );
created() {
if ( ! this.currentValues ) {
this.currentValues = [];
} else if ( 'object' !== typeof this.currentValues ) {
if ( '[object Array]' === this.currentValues ) ) {
} else {
this.currentValues = [ this.currentValues ];
mounted() {
if ( ! this.currentId && ) {
this.currentId = 'cx_' +;
if ( this.remote && this.remoteCallback && this.currentValues.length ) {
} else if ( this.currentValues.length ) {
this.options.forEach( option => {
if ( oneOf( option.value, this.currentValues ) ) {
this.selectedOptions.push( option );
} );
computed: {
filteredOptions() {
if ( ! this.query ) {
return this.options;
} else {
return this.options.filter( option => {
if ( this.remote ) {
return true;
} else {
return option.label.includes( this.query ) || option.value.includes( this.query );
parsedRemoteTriggerMessage() {
return this.remoteTriggerMessage.replace( /\%d/g, this.charsDiff );
charsDiff() {
let queryLength = 0;
if ( this.query ) {
queryLength = this.query.length
return this.remoteTrigger - queryLength;
methods: {
remoteUpdateSelected() {
this.loading = true;
const promise = this.remoteCallback( this.query, this.currentValues );
if ( promise && promise.then ) {
promise.then( options => {
if ( options ) {
this.selectedOptions = options;
this.loaded = true;
this.loading = false;
} );
setValues( values ) {
values = values || [];
this.selectedOptions = [];
this.currentValues = [];
this.storeValues( values );
handleFocus( event ) {
this.inFocus = true;
this.$emit( 'on-focus', event );
handleOptionsNav( event ) {
// next
if ( 'ArrowUp' === event.key || 'Tab' === event.key ) {
this.navigateOptions( -1 );
// prev
if ( 'ArrowDown' === event.key ) {
this.navigateOptions( 1 );
navigateOptions( direction ) {
if ( false === this.optionInFocus ) {
this.optionInFocus = -1;
let index = this.optionInFocus + direction;
let maxLength = this.filteredOptions.length - 1;
if ( maxLength < 0 ) {
maxLength = 0;
if ( index < 0 ) {
index = 0;
} else if ( index > maxLength ) {
index = maxLength;
this.optionInFocus = index;
onClickOutside( event ) {
if ( this.inFocus ) {
this.inFocus = false;
this.$emit( 'on-blur', event );
handleInput( event ) {
let value =;
this.query = value;
this.$emit( 'input', this.currentValues );
this.$emit( 'on-change', event );
if ( ! this.inFocus ) {
this.inFocus = true;
if ( this.remote && this.remoteCallback && this.charsDiff <= 0 && ! this.loading ) {
this.loading = true;
const promise = this.remoteCallback( this.query, [] );
if ( promise && promise.then ) {
promise.then( options => {
if ( options ) {
this.options = options;
this.loaded = true;
this.loading = false;
} );
} else if ( this.remote && this.remoteCallback && this.loaded && this.charsDiff > 0 ) {
handleEnter() {
if ( false === this.optionInFocus || ! this.options[ this.optionInFocus ] ) {
let value = this.filteredOptions[ this.optionInFocus ].value;
this.handleResultClick( value );
handleResultClick( value ) {
if ( oneOf( value, this.currentValues ) ) {
this.removeValue( value );
} else {
this.storeValues( value );
this.$emit( 'input', this.currentValues );
this.$emit( 'on-change', this.currentValues );
this.inFocus = false;
this.optionInFocus = false;
this.query = '';
if ( this.remote && this.remoteCallback && this.loaded ) {
resetRemoteOptions() {
this.options = [];
this.loaded = false;
removeValue( value ) {
this.currentValues.splice( this.currentValues.indexOf( value ), 1 );
this.removeFromSelected( value );
removeFromSelected( value ) {
this.selectedOptions.forEach( ( option, index ) => {
if ( option.value === value ) {
this.selectedOptions.splice( index, 1 );
} );
pushToSelected( value, single ) {
this.options.forEach( option => {
if ( option.value === value ) {
if ( ! single ) {
this.selectedOptions.push( option );
} else {
this.selectedOptions = [ option ];
} );
storeValues( value ) {
if ( oneOf( value, this.currentValues ) ) {
if ( this.multiple ) {
if ( 'object' === typeof value ) {
if ( '[object Array]' === value ) ) {
value.forEach( singleVal => {
if ( ! oneOf( singleVal, this.currentValues ) ) {
this.currentValues.push( singleVal );
this.pushToSelected( singleVal );
} );
} else {
this.currentValues.push( value );
this.pushToSelected( value );
} else {
this.currentValues.push( value );
this.pushToSelected( value );
} else {
if ( 'object' === typeof value ) {
if ( '[object Array]' === value ) ) {
this.currentValues = value;
value.forEach( singleVal => {
this.pushToSelected( singleVal, true );
} );
} else {
this.currentValues = [ value ];
this.pushToSelected( value, true );
} else {
this.currentValues = [ value ];
this.pushToSelected( value, true );
setOptions( options ) {
this.options = options;
isOptionSelected( option ) {
if ( ! this.currentValues ) {
return false;
return oneOf( option.value, this.currentValues );
export default FilterableSelect;