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jsarnowski / jsarnowski/kadence   php

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=== Kadence ===
Contributors: britner
Tags: translation-ready, two-columns, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, footer-widgets, blog, custom-logo, custom-background, custom-menu, rtl-language-support, editor-style, threaded-comments, custom-colors, featured-images, wide-blocks, full-width-template, theme-options, e-commerce.
Requires at least: 5.4
Tested up to: 6.1
Requires PHP: 7.2
Stable tag: 1.1.31
License: GNU General Public License v3.0 (or later)
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

A progressive theme optimized and integrated with Gutenberg.

== Description ==
Kadence Theme is a lightweight yet full featured WordPress theme for creating beautiful fast loading and accessible websites, easier than ever. It features an easy to use drag and drop header and footer builder to build any type of header in minutes. It features a full library of gorgeous starter temples that are easy to modify with our intelligent global font and color controls. With extensive integration with the most popular 3rd party plugins, you can quickly build impressive ecommerce websites, course websites, business websites, and more.

== License ==
Kadence is released under GNU General Public License v3.0 (or later)

= Changelog =

== 1.1.31 | 3rd November 2022 == 
* Update: Popover css for customizer for 6.1
* Update: Gradient picker to allow global colors.
* Update: Secondary Product image in loop size.
* Fix: Issue with empty cart class on mobile.
* Fix: Editor Spacing of kadence buttons.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce block image settings not being respected.

== 1.1.30 | 21th September 2022 ==
* Update: TEC styles.
* Fix: Issue with css specificity in footer widgets.

== 1.1.29 | 14th September 2022 ==
* Update: Tweak sticky header reveal on scroll js.
* Fix: Issue with custom link color styles in widget areas.

== 1.1.28 | 13th September 2022 ==
* Update: Language files and fix translation issues.
* Fix: Issue with button styles in widget areas.
* Fix: Possible issue with anchor smooth scroll offset.
* Fix: Possible issue importing elementor style kit.
* Fix: Possible css issue with woocommerce shipping order review.

== 1.1.27 | 24th August 2022 ==
* Fix: Shift issue popups and transparent header.
* Fix: Issue with dropdown navigation behind sticky.

== 1.1.26 | 18th August 2022 ==
* Update: Sticky header reveal on scroll js.
* Update: Aria Label for author image.
* Fix: Issue with core button block styling in widget areas.
* Fix: Possible issue where you can't use 4 column with CPT archive settings.
* Fix: Possible issue where google fonts loading through Google instead of local.
* Fix: Issue with header search icon size.
* Fix: Possible alignment issue with align full.
* Fix: Issue with mobile header button margin preview.

== 1.1.25 | 15th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Possible JS issue.

== 1.1.24 | 15th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Fullwidth issue.

== 1.1.23 | 14th July 2022 ==
* Fix: Safari overflow issue.
* Fix: RTL footer social.

== 1.1.22 | 22nd June 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show caption with featured image.
* Fix: Margin showing on body.

== 1.1.21 | 22nd June 2022 ==
* Fix: Footer social alignment

== 1.1.20 | 21st June 2022 ==
* Add: Option to hide comments in meta if 0.
* Update: Allow clearing in typography settings.
* Update: CSS for social icons to use flex gap.
* Fix: Small issue with TutorLMS archives.
* Fix: Issue with single column layouts unboxed.
* Fix: Issue with related posts carousel rewind.
* Fix: Issue with PHP 7.2
* Fix: Issue with width reflow when opening cart modal.

== 1.1.19 | 31st May 2022 ==
* Add: Option to enable font smoothing.
* Update: All available google fonts.
* Update: Tutor template.
* Update: Add Scroll to id offset filter.
* Fix: Possible issue with layout settings not following events archive when setting main events page as home page.
* Fix: Possible issue with Polylang that created a php notice in logs.
* Fix: possible issue with Page Title background.
* Fix: Missing titles for payment icons.
* Fix: Small css tweak for buttons in woocommerce.
* Fix: Issue with scroll to ID and reveal on scroll up header.
* Fix: Issue with possible missing font weights.
* Fix: Styling for inline images.
* Fix: Instagram brand color.

== 1.1.18 | 27th April 2022 ==
* Add: Option to turn off body shift when menu toggles.
* Update: Related posts carousel to use splide.
* Update: CSS in cases where sidebar overflows.
* Update: Scroll to ID back support to move to top of page.
* Fix: Issue with GeoDirectory pages and page settings.
* Fix: Issue with background positioning not outputting 0.
* Fix: Issue with columns overflowing when using four.
* Fix: Issue with transparent header mobile settings not following header mobile breakpoint.
* Fix: Issue with header row content width settings not following header mobile breakpoint.
* Fix: Issue with menu flash and IOS 15.4.1

== 1.1.17 | 5th April 2022 ==
* Fix: Deprecation notice for elementor.
* Fix: Issue with anchor scroll when id requires scrolling up.
* Fix: Styling issue with woocommerce product grid blocks.
* Fix: Styling issue with woocommerce archive output.

== 1.1.16 | 25th March 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show update date only if different from publish date.
* Add: Support for Tutor 2.0
* Update: Password input in woocommerce.
* Update: Allow learndash assignments to have comments.
* Fix: Sticky Header at 1024px.

== 1.1.15 | 4th March 2022 ==
* Add: Option to show post time.
* Update: Link authors to profile website address.
* Update: Prevent related slider from using local storage.
* Fix: Possible issue with dropdown background.
* Fix: Issue with 0px not rendering properly.
* Fix: Issue with attribute archives not showing shop in breadcrumbs.
* Fix: Issue where scroll to id could cause the page to jump once user scrolled to the end.
* Fix: Issue with header mobile button css specificity.
* Fix: Issue with preview not showing correct background color.

== 1.1.14 | 2nd February 2022 ==
* Fix: Some situations where content was aligned left in editor.

== 1.1.13 | 31st January 2022 ==
* Add: Lightbox support for wepb files.
* Update: editor layout for 5.9
* Fix: Issue with custom Taxonomy meta area.
* Fix: Issue with Gradient missing in 5.9
* Fix: Issue with empty product search title color.

== 1.1.12 | 4th January 2022 ==
* Add: Option to upload custom social svgs.
* Add: Footer Widget area option for no underline on hover links.
* Update: Detect if dropdown rendering off screen.
* Fix: Aria Label with social icons.
* Fix: Social colors in footer in live preview.
* Fix: Social brand colors outline style.
* Fix: Issue with dutch translation.
* Fix: Breadcrumbs with galleries.
* Fix: RTL issue with checkout.
* Fix: Permissions issue with author causing an error in elementor.
* Fix: Taxonomy Title Custom Color when no posts.
* Fix: Event CSS.
* Fix: Role in related posts carousel.
* Fix: Issue with conditional display using Elementor Header and footer plugin?
* Fix: Search close when clicking outside modal form.

== 1.1.11 | 30th November 2021 ==
* Add: Sidebar link style controls.
* Update: Improve screen reader navigation of menu.
* Update: Improve touch device menu navigation when in desktop header.
* Update: Facebook default icon to match facebook's latest guidelines.
* Update: Scroll to top navigation for screen readers.
* Update: Related posts carousel options.
* Update: Breadcrumbs markup.
* Update: Screenshot.
* Fix: Various RTL styling issues.

== 1.1.10 | 15th November 2021 ==
* Fix: Changelog not showing correct date.

== 1.1.9 | 15th November 2021 ==
* Add: Container Padding settings.
* Add: Post Grid vertical align option when image beside text.
* Update: Move scroll to top focus on click to body tag.
* Update: Increase Max font size option.
* Fix: issue with dokan and breadcrumbs.
* Fix: issue with scroll to id setting.
* Fix: issue with skip to content link not targeting main.

== 1.1.8 | 21st October 2021 ==
* Fix: issue with google display category font fallback.

== 1.1.7 | 20th October 2021 ==
* Fix: Typo in comments.
* Fix: Issue with some customizer settings.
* Fix: Issue in mobile nav styling.
* Fix: Issue with grammarly. 
* Fix: Possible issue with some plugins and ajax add to cart.
* Fix: Display category font fallback.

== 1.1.6 | 29th September 2021 ==
* Update: CSS opening sub-menus on mobile.
* Fix: Issue with mobile horizontal nav menu arrow.
* Fix: Issue with header mobile button styles.
* Fix: Issue with widget area settings.

== 1.1.5 | 21st September 2021 ==
* Fix: RTL order details issues.
* Fix: Mobile Button border radius and box shadow options.
* Add: Mobile nav close icon background and padding settings.
* Update: Better GiveWP integration.
* Update: Better TEC colors.

== 1.1.4 | 8th September 2021 ==
* Add: Footer widget spacing to separate from column spacing settings.
* Add: Mobile scroll up sticky header.
* Update: Change woocommerce shop page output filter.
* Fix: CSS issue with woo price filter.
* Fix: Issue with a few icons and the xmlns attribute.
* Fix: Live preview with navigation spacing.

== 1.1.3 | 27th August 2021 ==
* Add: Category font settings to custom post header options.
* Fix: Possible issue with navigation dropdowns and css specificity.

== 1.1.2 | 26th August 2021 ==
* Fix: Mobile Navigation issue.

== 1.1.1 | 26th August 2021 ==
* Add: Typography support for Give WP iframe forms.
* Fix: Header Cart Button style issue.
* Fix: Issue with footer navigation font settings for tablet and mobile.
* Fix: Issue with woocommerce stars in Windows.

== 1.1.0 | 23rd August 2021 ==
* Add: Option to switch product variations to label above selection.
* Add: Woocommerce archive title font settings.
* Add: Option to highlight parent menu item.
* Update: RTL Styling.
* Update: Use more specific menu link css to avoid conflict with custom elements.
* Update: Move cart empty class to total span for cart fragments.
* Update: Prevent site title and tagline settings from outputting if disabled.
* Update: Prevent widgets page notice.
* Fix: Woocommerce star styling.
* Fix: Woocommerce button css.
* Fix: Social item in the footer background color on hover.
* Fix: Scroll to top on mobile remaining in "focused" state.
* Fix: Issue with advanced heading paragraph spacing.
* Fix: Possible issue with Posts block and removing image.

== 1.0.30 | 22nd July 2021 ==
* Fix: Social Block spacing issue.
* Fix: Woocommerce Archive Description showing when it shouldn't by default.

== 1.0.29 | 20th July 2021 ==
* Add: Taxonomy options to custom post type.
* Fix: issue with product image hover css.

== 1.0.28 | 15th July 2021 ==
* Fix: Possible issue with ipad and navigation dropdown.

== 1.0.27 | 9th July 2021 ==
* Add: Header Row Padding Option.
* Update: language files.
* Update: sanity checks for direct access to files.
* Update: Change Getting started video to link.
* Update: Google Fonts.
* Update: Block/Widget area customizer padding.
* Fix: Issue with header row borders.
* Fix: Issue with spacing in error notices.
* Fix: Remove wrong text domain.
* Fix: Possible issue with singe item in stock.
* Fix: Issue with carousel nav showing shadow.
* Fix: Issue with local preload google fonts. 

== 1.0.26 | 14th June 2021 ==
* Update: Spacing around image in some situations.
* Update: Prep customizer for 5.8
* Fix: Minor Accessibility issue with navigation.
* Fix: Filter for woocommerce breadcrumbs.

== 1.0.25 | 11th June 2021 ==
* Update: spacing around image in some situations.
* Update: Block quote spacing css.
* Fix: Issue with border radius not applying in post archive.

== 1.0.24 | 9th June 2021 ==
* Update: Content Paragraph Spacing, fix Image & paragraph top align.
* Update: Tutor LMS template.
* Fix: RTL woo cart.
* Fix: Elementor Editor issue with tinymce styles.
* Fix: Issue with caption color in editor.

== 1.0.23 | 25th May 2021 ==
* Update: Changelog.

== 1.0.22 | 25th May 2021 ==
* Add: Anchor to Social options.
* Add: Google fonts in tinymce.
* Add: Option to select from font pairings in typography settings.
* Add: Starter Templates tab to settings page.
* Update: Tutor Course Archive settings.
* Fix: Issue with page title height for tablets.
* Fix: Issue with CLS desktop products.
* Fix: Spacing issue with cancel comment reply
* Fix: Visited Button styles.

== 1.0.21 | 11th May 2021 ==
* Add: Support for The Events Calendar
* Add: Option to style product archive buttons separately.
* Add: Option to toggle off woo product tab titles.
* Fix: Hide custom quantity input for items with only 1 left in stock.
* Fix: Issue with RTL in customizer with specific screen size.
* Fix: HTML box paragraph being added around shortcode.
* Fix: Sticky issue with store notice.
* Fix: Category Widget toggle child categories was not working with shop toggle disabled.
* Fix: Custom Post type excerpt showing instead of full content.
* Fix: Possible issue with meta file.
* Fix: Issue with footer html link styling.
* Fix: Padding for logo not applying on the front end.

== 1.0.20 | 16th April 2021 ==
* Update: WPML-config with social links.
* Fix: RTL CSS issues.
* Fix: Some center align issues.
* Fix: Issue with elementor buttons.
* Fix: Issue with product archive title font not showing change in customizer.
* Fix: issue with footer columns mobile align with two images.

== 1.0.19 | 8th April 2021 ==
* Fix: issue with social links and footer row colors conflicting.
* Fix: Issue with related posts overflowing sidebar.

== 1.0.18 | 30th March 2021 ==
* Add: Option to change read more text in customizer.
* Add: Option to make whole menu item expand the sub menu on mobile.
* Add: Option to disable mobile sub menu collapse.
* Update: Google font rendering with fallback.
* Update: HTML, remove aside tags from footer.
* Update: Read more links for better accessibility.
* Fix: Title > Logo layout for tablet.
* Fix: Styling issues with cover block.
* Fix: CLS issues for woocommerce.
* Fix: Woocommerce Highlight required css specificity issue.
* Fix: CSS issue with woocommerce block add to cart buttons.
* Fix: Issue where header responsive design settings don't match when breakpoint changed.

== 1.0.17 | 10th March 2021 ==
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