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nickfrez / api-browser   python

Repository URL to install this package:

Version: 0.0.12 

API Browser

An API browser for Django Rest Framework.


Installing from PyPI

The API Browser is not yet available as a PyPI package.

Installing from the hosted BitBucket repo

The "official" way to install the API Browser is from the hosted BitBucket
repo.  You should make sure to specify the tag version that is appropriate for
your project.

.. code:: shell

    pip install git+http://bitbucket.org/nickfrez/api-browser.git@0.0.1#egg=api_browser

Installing from a local checkout for development

.. code:: shell

    pip install -e /path/to/repo#egg=api_browser


Add api_browser to installed apps

.. code:: python

    INSTALLED_APPS += ['api_browser']

        'DEFAULT_METADATA_CLASS': 'api_browser.metadata.DocumentationMetadata',




        'TEMPLATE': 'api_browser/drf_api.html',


Documentation for API Browser can be found in the ``/docs`` directory.

Building the Docs

Build the docs using the UNB CLI:

.. code:: shell

    unb docs build


The API Browser project follows `PEP 440
<https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/>`_ and `SemVer 2.0.0
<http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html>`_.  More information can be found in the

.. WARNING:: This project is in the alpha stage of development and the API
             should not be considered stable!

Issue Reporting and Contact Information

If you have any problems with this software, please take a moment to report
them at https://bitbucket.org/nickfrez/api-browser/issues or  by email to

If you are a security researcher or believe you have found a security
vulnerability in this software, please contact us by email at nick@frez.me.

Copyright and License Information

Copyright (c) 2016 Nick Frezynski

This project is licensed under the MIT license.  Please see the LICENSE file
for more information.