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showbox-public / mediainfo   ruby

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v0.7.2.4 Improved 'Other' stream type
- Add many available attributes and a new fixture

v0.7.2.3 Improved timestamp handling
- Fixed bug when mediainfo returns invalid timestamp

v0.7.2.2 'Other' stream type

v0.7.2.1 Fixed MXF Duration issues
- MXF file returned "00:02:55.600" as Duration and mxfinfo
  was unable to parse it, but its fixed and based on test and 

v0.7.2 New Attribute Support
- Added support for new General Codec tag
- Added support for new File Last Modification Date

v0.7.1 Tweakage
- Removed Mediainfo#parsed_response accessor which always returned nil after
  multi-stream API updates
- Added Mediainfo::Stream#parsed_response reader to restore the ability to 
  access metadata not surfaced through explicit :mediainfo_attr_reader declarations
- Added more compatible shell escaping style [d--j]

v0.7.0 Multiple Stream Support
- updated API to support files with multiple streams of one type(NOTE: MAJOR API CHANGE!)
  e.g. many Quicktime files have multiple video streams
- removed support for some top level accessors that implied certain track types 
  e.g. mediainfo.height would now most likely be mediainfo.video.height or mediainfo.image.height

v0.6.2 XML Configuration Examples
- added examples on how to configure XML back end

v0.6.1 GitHub Home Page
- use GitHub Pages url as home page for gem

v0.6.0 XML Output
- v0.7.25 of the Mediainfo CLI is now required, as the Mediainfo class'
  parsing implementation is now based on parsing XML output. REXML will 
  be used by default, but Hpricot and Nokogiri are also supported.

v0.5.1 Packaging Fix
- Gemspec was referencing a missing file
- Behold: THREE DIGIT VERSION NUMBER. Serious business now!

v0.5.0 Raw, Son
- You can now initialize an instance from raw CLI output

v0.4.0 Mediainfo Respects Your Existing Customs
- Define String#shell_escape only if it is not already defined

v0.3.0 Mediainfo Is High Class
- Class instead of instance-level customization of mediainfo binary path. 
  Set Mediainfo.path = /path/to/binary if mediainfo is not in your shell 
- Instances retain the :last_command run. The API to rerun that command is 
  still private.
- Started defining custom Mediainfo exception classes and are now raising 
  Mediainfo::ExecutionError instead of RuntimeError if the system command 
  exits with anything other than 0.

v0.2.0 Escape from the Shell
- Added proper escaping for funky filenames. Thanks to Peter Vandenberk!

v0.1.0 Initial Release