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vipera-npm-registry / de-splashscreen-plugin   js

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Version: 0.0.4 


Dynamic Engine Splash Screen Plugin Configuration Parameters

Here the list of the available configuration attributes fot the Splash Screen Plugin:

Name Default Platform Mandatory Description
desplash.enabled true Android/iOS No Enable/Disable the Splash Screen
desplash.backgroundColor #ffffff Android/iOS No The splash screen background color
desplash.transition.fade.duration 0.4 Android/iOS No Fade in/out transition duration
desplash.destroyOnHide true Android/iOS No Destropy automatically the Splash Screen on hide
desplash.autoHide true Android/iOS No Hide automatically the Splash Screen when the main page is ready
desplash.resourceName null Android/iOS No Set the image resource name
desplash.ios.useStoryboard true iOS No Set the Storyboard usage for the Splash Screen UI
desplash.ios.storyboard default iOS No Set the Storyboard name used for the Splash Screen UI (by default use the same used by Xcode for the native splash)

Javascript API

clobber: DynamicEngine.plugins.Splashscreen

hideSplash(successFn,errorFn) Hide the splash

showSplash(successFn,errorFn) Show the splash

destroySplash(successFn,errorFn) Destroy the splash (free native memory)

Android Guide

Default implementation

For use the default implementation, set desplash.resourceName with the name of your drawable asset (implementation load automatically the best drawable for the screen res).

Custom Splash implementation

For create your custom splashScreen, you could set a custom splash screen provider implementation


myProvider must implement DESplashScreenProvider interface:

public interface DESplashScreenProvider {
     * Provide a splashScreen
     * @return a splash screen instance
    DESplashScreen provideSplashScreen();

iOS Guide

Default implementation (recommended)

Add this import in your AppDelegate class:

#import "DESplashScreenManager.h"

Add the install method in your AppDelegate code:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary*)launchOptions

    self.viewController = [[MainViewController alloc] init];

    [[DESplashScreenManager sharedInstance]installDefault:self.viewController];

    return [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];

Note: we suggest to use the Storyboard mechanism for the splash screen.

Custom Splash implementation (recommended)

To add a custom UIVIew implementation for the splash you can provide the class to the DESplashScreenManager with the method:

- (void)installWithProvider:(id<DESplashScreenProvider>)splashProvider onViewController:(CDVViewController*)mainViewController

You need to implement a class with the protocol DESplashScreenProvider and return a UIView instance when required.