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vistahigherlearning / logstash   deb

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Writing Tests

  1. There are actually 4 core test suites:

    a) org.jruby.test.MainTestSuite, a suite of pure-java tests;

    b) org.jruby.test.TestUnitTestSuite, which runs a suite of files named one-per-line in test/jruby_index (and other test/*_index files). Note: some are commented out.

    c) Rubyspecs, a recent point-in-time copy of RubySpec project. The specs are written in rspec format and aim to test conformance of JRuby against the Ruby specification.

    d) MRI's own tests, synced periodically. The tests are run with rake test:mri19 and known failing tests are marked as such in excludes files under test/externals/ruby1.9/excludes.

  2. If you'd like to contribute new tests, we'd prefer you write them via the rubyspecs project. If the tests are very specific to JRuby (like Java Integration) we prefer writing rspecs under our specs directory.

  3. We're also interested in running tests for other ruby software suites; if you want to grab your favorite ruby software and run its own tests under JRuby and report to the mailing list at dev@jruby.codehaus.org, that would be great.

  4. Please file any and all patches in Github issues

Running Tests

Using ant, type

ant test

The three test suites should be run in order.

To run rubyspecs, type

ant spec

A slightly shorter run we run frequently is:

ant spec-short

The rubyspecs will be fetched over the net, and then executed.

To run an individual test:

  1. run ant install-dev-gems which will install bin/rspec for use.
  2. run ant compile-test to compile the java fixtures (you don't need to wait for the tests to finish) then test as normal with bin/rspec spec/path-to-spec