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/ opt / logstash / vendor / jruby / lib / ruby / 1.9 / date.rb

# date.rb - date and time library
# Author: Tadayoshi Funaba 1998-2011
# Documentation: William Webber <william@williamwebber.com>
# $Id: date.rb,v 2.37 2008-01-17 20:16:31+09 tadf Exp $
# == Overview
# This file provides two classes for working with
# dates and times.
# The first class, Date, represents dates.
# It works with years, months, weeks, and days.
# See the Date class documentation for more details.
# The second, DateTime, extends Date to include hours,
# minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second.  It
# provides basic support for time zones.  See the
# DateTime class documentation for more details.
# === Ways of calculating the date.
# In common usage, the date is reckoned in years since or
# before the Common Era (CE/BCE, also known as AD/BC), then
# as a month and day-of-the-month within the current year.
# This is known as the *Civil* *Date*, and abbreviated
# as +civil+ in the Date class.
# Instead of year, month-of-the-year,  and day-of-the-month,
# the date can also be reckoned in terms of year and
# day-of-the-year.  This is known as the *Ordinal* *Date*,
# and is abbreviated as +ordinal+ in the Date class.  (Note
# that referring to this as the Julian date is incorrect.)
# The date can also be reckoned in terms of year, week-of-the-year,
# and day-of-the-week.  This is known as the *Commercial*
# *Date*, and is abbreviated as +commercial+ in the
# Date class.  The commercial week runs Monday (day-of-the-week
# 1) to Sunday (day-of-the-week 7), in contrast to the civil
# week which runs Sunday (day-of-the-week 0) to Saturday
# (day-of-the-week 6).  The first week of the commercial year
# starts on the Monday on or before January 1, and the commercial
# year itself starts on this Monday, not January 1.
# For scientific purposes, it is convenient to refer to a date
# simply as a day count, counting from an arbitrary initial
# day.  The date first chosen for this was January 1, 4713 BCE.
# A count of days from this date is the *Julian* *Day* *Number*
# or *Julian* *Date*, which is abbreviated as +jd+ in the
# Date class.  This is in local time, and counts from midnight
# on the initial day.  The stricter usage is in UTC, and counts
# from midday on the initial day.  This is referred to in the
# Date class as the *Astronomical* *Julian* *Day* *Number*, and
# abbreviated as +ajd+.  In the Date class, the Astronomical
# Julian Day Number includes fractional days.
# Another absolute day count is the *Modified* *Julian* *Day*
# *Number*, which takes November 17, 1858 as its initial day.
# This is abbreviated as +mjd+ in the Date class.  There
# is also an *Astronomical* *Modified* *Julian* *Day* *Number*,
# which is in UTC and includes fractional days.  This is
# abbreviated as +amjd+ in the Date class.  Like the Modified
# Julian Day Number (and unlike the Astronomical Julian
# Day Number), it counts from midnight.
# Alternative calendars such as the Chinese Lunar Calendar,
# the Islamic Calendar, or the French Revolutionary Calendar
# are not supported by the Date class; nor are calendars that
# are based on an Era different from the Common Era, such as
# the Japanese Imperial Calendar or the Republic of China
# Calendar.
# === Calendar Reform
# The standard civil year is 365 days long.  However, the
# solar year is fractionally longer than this.  To account
# for this, a *leap* *year* is occasionally inserted.  This
# is a year with 366 days, the extra day falling on February 29.
# In the early days of the civil calendar, every fourth
# year without exception was a leap year.  This way of
# reckoning leap years is the *Julian* *Calendar*.
# However, the solar year is marginally shorter than 365 1/4
# days, and so the *Julian* *Calendar* gradually ran slow
# over the centuries.  To correct this, every 100th year
# (but not every 400th year) was excluded as a leap year.
# This way of reckoning leap years, which we use today, is
# the *Gregorian* *Calendar*.
# The Gregorian Calendar was introduced at different times
# in different regions.  The day on which it was introduced
# for a particular region is the *Day* *of* *Calendar*
# *Reform* for that region.  This is abbreviated as +sg+
# (for Start of Gregorian calendar) in the Date class.
# Two such days are of particular
# significance.  The first is October 15, 1582, which was
# the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy and most Catholic
# countries.  The second is September 14, 1752, which was
# the Day of Calendar Reform for England and its colonies
# (including what is now the United States).  These two
# dates are available as the constants Date::ITALY and
# Date::ENGLAND, respectively.  (By comparison, Germany and
# Holland, less Catholic than Italy but less stubborn than
# England, changed over in 1698; Sweden in 1753; Russia not
# till 1918, after the Revolution; and Greece in 1923.  Many
# Orthodox churches still use the Julian Calendar.  A complete
# list of Days of Calendar Reform can be found at
# http://www.polysyllabic.com/GregConv.html.)
# Switching from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar
# involved skipping a number of days to make up for the
# accumulated lag, and the later the switch was (or is)
# done, the more days need to be skipped.  So in 1582 in Italy,
# 4th October was followed by 15th October, skipping 10 days; in 1752
# in England, 2nd September was followed by 14th September, skipping
# 11 days; and if I decided to switch from Julian to Gregorian
# Calendar this midnight, I would go from 27th July 2003 (Julian)
# today to 10th August 2003 (Gregorian) tomorrow, skipping
# 13 days.  The Date class is aware of this gap, and a supposed
# date that would fall in the middle of it is regarded as invalid.
# The Day of Calendar Reform is relevant to all date representations
# involving years.  It is not relevant to the Julian Day Numbers,
# except for converting between them and year-based representations.
# In the Date and DateTime classes, the Day of Calendar Reform or
# +sg+ can be specified a number of ways.  First, it can be as
# the Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform.  Second,
# it can be using the constants Date::ITALY or Date::ENGLAND; these
# are in fact the Julian Day Numbers of the Day of Calendar Reform
# of the respective regions.  Third, it can be as the constant
# Date::JULIAN, which means to always use the Julian Calendar.
# Finally, it can be as the constant Date::GREGORIAN, which means
# to always use the Gregorian Calendar.
# Note: in the Julian Calendar, New Years Day was March 25.  The
# Date class does not follow this convention.
# === Time Zones
# DateTime objects support a simple representation
# of time zones.  Time zones are represented as an offset
# from UTC, as a fraction of a day.  This offset is the
# how much local time is later (or earlier) than UTC.
# UTC offset 0 is centred on England (also known as GMT).
# As you travel east, the offset increases until you
# reach the dateline in the middle of the Pacific Ocean;
# as you travel west, the offset decreases.  This offset
# is abbreviated as +of+ in the Date class.
# This simple representation of time zones does not take
# into account the common practice of Daylight Savings
# Time or Summer Time.
# Most DateTime methods return the date and the
# time in local time.  The two exceptions are
# #ajd() and #amjd(), which return the date and time
# in UTC time, including fractional days.
# The Date class does not support time zone offsets, in that
# there is no way to create a Date object with a time zone.
# However, methods of the Date class when used by a
# DateTime instance will use the time zone offset of this
# instance.
# == Examples of use
# === Print out the date of every Sunday between two dates.
#     def print_sundays(d1, d2)
#         d1 +=1 while (d1.wday != 0)
#         d1.step(d2, 7) do |date|
#             puts "#{Date::MONTHNAMES[date.mon]} #{date.day}"
#         end
#     end
#     print_sundays(Date::civil(2003, 4, 8), Date::civil(2003, 5, 23))
# === Calculate how many seconds to go till midnight on New Year's Day.
#     def secs_to_new_year(now = DateTime::now())
#         new_year = DateTime.new(now.year + 1, 1, 1)
#         dif = new_year - now
#         hours, mins, secs, ignore_fractions = Date::day_fraction_to_time(dif)
#         return hours * 60 * 60 + mins * 60 + secs
#     end
#     puts secs_to_new_year()

require 'date/format'

# Class representing a date.
# See the documentation to the file date.rb for an overview.
# Internally, the date is represented as an Astronomical
# Julian Day Number, +ajd+.  The Day of Calendar Reform, +sg+, is
# also stored, for conversions to other date formats.  (There
# is also an +of+ field for a time zone offset, but this
# is only for the use of the DateTime subclass.)
# A new Date object is created using one of the object creation
# class methods named after the corresponding date format, and the
# arguments appropriate to that date format; for instance,
# Date::civil() (aliased to Date::new()) with year, month,
# and day-of-month, or Date::ordinal() with year and day-of-year.
# All of these object creation class methods also take the
# Day of Calendar Reform as an optional argument.
# Date objects are immutable once created.
# Once a Date has been created, date values
# can be retrieved for the different date formats supported
# using instance methods.  For instance, #mon() gives the
# Civil month, #cwday() gives the Commercial day of the week,
# and #yday() gives the Ordinal day of the year.  Date values
# can be retrieved in any format, regardless of what format
# was used to create the Date instance.
# The Date class includes the Comparable module, allowing
# date objects to be compared and sorted, ranges of dates
# to be created, and so forth.
class Date

  include Comparable

  # Full month names, in English.  Months count from 1 to 12; a
  # month's numerical representation indexed into this array
  # gives the name of that month (hence the first element is nil).
  MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July
                          August September October November December)

  # Full names of days of the week, in English.  Days of the week
  # count from 0 to 6 (except in the commercial week); a day's numerical
  # representation indexed into this array gives the name of that day.
  DAYNAMES = %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday)

  # Abbreviated month names, in English.
  ABBR_MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
                               Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)

  # Abbreviated day names, in English.
  ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)

    xs.each{|x| x.freeze unless x.nil?}.freeze

  JODA = org.joda.time

  class Infinity < Numeric # :nodoc:

    include Comparable

    def initialize(d=1) @d = d <=> 0 end

    def d() @d end

    protected :d

    def zero? () false end
    def finite? () false end
    def infinite? () d.nonzero? end
    def nan? () d.zero? end

    def abs() self.class.new end

    def -@ () self.class.new(-d) end
    def +@ () self.class.new(+d) end

    def <=> (other)
      case other
      when Infinity
        d <=> other.d
      when Numeric
          l, r = other.coerce(self)
          l <=> r
        rescue NoMethodError

    def coerce(other)
      case other
      when Numeric
        [-d, d]

    def to_s
      @d == 1 ? "Inf" : "-Inf"

  # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for Italy
  # and the Catholic countries.
  ITALY     = 2299161 # 1582-10-15

  # The Julian Day Number of the Day of Calendar Reform for England
  # and her Colonies.
  ENGLAND   = 2361222 # 1752-09-14

  # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
  # Julian calendar.
  JULIAN    =  Infinity.new

  # A constant used to indicate that a Date should always use the
  # Gregorian calendar.
  GREGORIAN = -Infinity.new

  HALF_DAYS_IN_DAY       = Rational(1, 2) # :nodoc:
  HOURS_IN_DAY           = Rational(1, 24) # :nodoc:
  SECONDS_IN_DAY         = Rational(1, 86400) # :nodoc:

  MJD_EPOCH_IN_AJD       = Rational(4800001, 2) # 1858-11-17 # :nodoc:
  UNIX_EPOCH_IN_AJD      = Rational(4881175, 2) # 1970-01-01 # :nodoc:
  MJD_EPOCH_IN_CJD       = 2400001 # :nodoc:
  UNIX_EPOCH_IN_CJD      = 2440588 # :nodoc:
  LD_EPOCH_IN_CJD        = 2299160 # :nodoc:

  t = Module.new do


    def find_fdoy(y, sg) # :nodoc:
      j = nil
      1.upto(31) do |d|
        break if j = _valid_civil?(y, 1, d, sg)

    def find_ldoy(y, sg) # :nodoc:
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