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/ opt / logstash / vendor / jruby / lib / ruby / 1.9 / net / imap.rb

# = net/imap.rb
# Copyright (C) 2000  Shugo Maeda <shugo@ruby-lang.org>
# This library is distributed under the terms of the Ruby license.
# You can freely distribute/modify this library.
# Documentation: Shugo Maeda, with RDoc conversion and overview by William
# Webber.
# See Net::IMAP for documentation.

require "socket"
require "monitor"
require "digest/md5"
require "strscan"
  require "openssl"
rescue LoadError

module Net

  # Net::IMAP implements Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) client
  # functionality.  The protocol is described in [IMAP].
  # == IMAP Overview
  # An IMAP client connects to a server, and then authenticates
  # itself using either #authenticate() or #login().  Having
  # authenticated itself, there is a range of commands
  # available to it.  Most work with mailboxes, which may be
  # arranged in an hierarchical namespace, and each of which
  # contains zero or more messages.  How this is implemented on
  # the server is implementation-dependent; on a UNIX server, it
  # will frequently be implemented as a files in mailbox format
  # within a hierarchy of directories.
  # To work on the messages within a mailbox, the client must
  # first select that mailbox, using either #select() or (for
  # read-only access) #examine().  Once the client has successfully
  # selected a mailbox, they enter _selected_ state, and that
  # mailbox becomes the _current_ mailbox, on which mail-item
  # related commands implicitly operate.
  # Messages have two sorts of identifiers: message sequence
  # numbers, and UIDs.
  # Message sequence numbers number messages within a mail box
  # from 1 up to the number of items in the mail box.  If new
  # message arrives during a session, it receives a sequence
  # number equal to the new size of the mail box.  If messages
  # are expunged from the mailbox, remaining messages have their
  # sequence numbers "shuffled down" to fill the gaps.
  # UIDs, on the other hand, are permanently guaranteed not to
  # identify another message within the same mailbox, even if
  # the existing message is deleted.  UIDs are required to
  # be assigned in ascending (but not necessarily sequential)
  # order within a mailbox; this means that if a non-IMAP client
  # rearranges the order of mailitems within a mailbox, the
  # UIDs have to be reassigned.  An IMAP client cannot thus
  # rearrange message orders.
  # == Examples of Usage
  # === List sender and subject of all recent messages in the default mailbox
  #   imap = Net::IMAP.new('mail.example.com')
  #   imap.authenticate('LOGIN', 'joe_user', 'joes_password')
  #   imap.examine('INBOX')
  #   imap.search(["RECENT"]).each do |message_id|
  #     envelope = imap.fetch(message_id, "ENVELOPE")[0].attr["ENVELOPE"]
  #     puts "#{envelope.from[0].name}: \t#{envelope.subject}"
  #   end
  # === Move all messages from April 2003 from "Mail/sent-mail" to "Mail/sent-apr03"
  #   imap = Net::IMAP.new('mail.example.com')
  #   imap.authenticate('LOGIN', 'joe_user', 'joes_password')
  #   imap.select('Mail/sent-mail')
  #   if not imap.list('Mail/', 'sent-apr03')
  #     imap.create('Mail/sent-apr03')
  #   end
  #   imap.search(["BEFORE", "30-Apr-2003", "SINCE", "1-Apr-2003"]).each do |message_id|
  #     imap.copy(message_id, "Mail/sent-apr03")
  #     imap.store(message_id, "+FLAGS", [:Deleted])
  #   end
  #   imap.expunge
  # == Thread Safety
  # Net::IMAP supports concurrent threads. For example,
  #   imap = Net::IMAP.new("imap.foo.net", "imap2")
  #   imap.authenticate("cram-md5", "bar", "password")
  #   imap.select("inbox")
  #   fetch_thread = Thread.start { imap.fetch(1..-1, "UID") }
  #   search_result = imap.search(["BODY", "hello"])
  #   fetch_result = fetch_thread.value
  #   imap.disconnect
  # This script invokes the FETCH command and the SEARCH command concurrently.
  # == Errors
  # An IMAP server can send three different types of responses to indicate
  # failure:
  # NO:: the attempted command could not be successfully completed.  For
  #      instance, the username/password used for logging in are incorrect;
  #      the selected mailbox does not exists; etc.
  # BAD:: the request from the client does not follow the server's
  #       understanding of the IMAP protocol.  This includes attempting
  #       commands from the wrong client state; for instance, attempting
  #       to perform a SEARCH command without having SELECTed a current
  #       mailbox.  It can also signal an internal server
  #       failure (such as a disk crash) has occurred.
  # BYE:: the server is saying goodbye.  This can be part of a normal
  #       logout sequence, and can be used as part of a login sequence
  #       to indicate that the server is (for some reason) unwilling
  #       to accept our connection.  As a response to any other command,
  #       it indicates either that the server is shutting down, or that
  #       the server is timing out the client connection due to inactivity.
  # These three error response are represented by the errors
  # Net::IMAP::NoResponseError, Net::IMAP::BadResponseError, and
  # Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError, all of which are subclasses of
  # Net::IMAP::ResponseError.  Essentially, all methods that involve
  # sending a request to the server can generate one of these errors.
  # Only the most pertinent instances have been documented below.
  # Because the IMAP class uses Sockets for communication, its methods
  # are also susceptible to the various errors that can occur when
  # working with sockets.  These are generally represented as
  # Errno errors.  For instance, any method that involves sending a
  # request to the server and/or receiving a response from it could
  # raise an Errno::EPIPE error if the network connection unexpectedly
  # goes down.  See the socket(7), ip(7), tcp(7), socket(2), connect(2),
  # and associated man pages.
  # Finally, a Net::IMAP::DataFormatError is thrown if low-level data
  # is found to be in an incorrect format (for instance, when converting
  # between UTF-8 and UTF-16), and Net::IMAP::ResponseParseError is
  # thrown if a server response is non-parseable.
  # == References
  # [[IMAP]]
  #    RFC 2060, December 1996.  (Note: since obsoleted by RFC 3501)
  #    Alvestrand, H., "Tags for the Identification of
  #    Languages", RFC 1766, March 1995.
  # [[MD5]]
  #    Myers, J., and M. Rose, "The Content-MD5 Header Field", RFC
  #    1864, October 1995.
  # [[MIME-IMB]]
  #    Freed, N., and N. Borenstein, "MIME (Multipurpose Internet
  #    Mail Extensions) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC
  #    2045, November 1996.
  # [[RFC-822]]
  #    Crocker, D., "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text
  #    Messages", STD 11, RFC 822, University of Delaware, August 1982.
  # [[RFC-2087]]
  #    Myers, J., "IMAP4 QUOTA extension", RFC 2087, January 1997.
  # [[RFC-2086]]
  #    Myers, J., "IMAP4 ACL extension", RFC 2086, January 1997.
  # [[RFC-2195]]
  #    Klensin, J., Catoe, R., and Krumviede, P., "IMAP/POP AUTHorize Extension
  #    for Simple Challenge/Response", RFC 2195, September 1997.
  #    Extensions", draft-ietf-imapext-sort, May 2003.
  # [[OSSL]]
  #    http://www.openssl.org
  # [[RSSL]]
  #    http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/rubypki
  # [[UTF7]]
  #    Goldsmith, D. and Davis, M., "UTF-7: A Mail-Safe Transformation Format of
  #    Unicode", RFC 2152, May 1997.
  class IMAP
    include MonitorMixin
    if defined?(OpenSSL)
      include OpenSSL
      include SSL

    #  Returns an initial greeting response from the server.
    attr_reader :greeting

    # Returns recorded untagged responses.  For example:
    #   imap.select("inbox")
    #   p imap.responses["EXISTS"][-1]
    #   #=> 2
    #   p imap.responses["UIDVALIDITY"][-1]
    #   #=> 968263756
    attr_reader :responses

    # Returns all response handlers.
    attr_reader :response_handlers

    # The thread to receive exceptions.
    attr_accessor :client_thread

    # Flag indicating a message has been seen
    SEEN = :Seen

    # Flag indicating a message has been answered
    ANSWERED = :Answered

    # Flag indicating a message has been flagged for special or urgent
    # attention
    FLAGGED = :Flagged

    # Flag indicating a message has been marked for deletion.  This
    # will occur when the mailbox is closed or expunged.
    DELETED = :Deleted

    # Flag indicating a message is only a draft or work-in-progress version.
    DRAFT = :Draft

    # Flag indicating that the message is "recent", meaning that this
    # session is the first session in which the client has been notified
    # of this message.
    RECENT = :Recent

    # Flag indicating that a mailbox context name cannot contain
    # children.
    NOINFERIORS = :Noinferiors

    # Flag indicating that a mailbox is not selected.
    NOSELECT = :Noselect

    # Flag indicating that a mailbox has been marked "interesting" by
    # the server; this commonly indicates that the mailbox contains
    # new messages.
    MARKED = :Marked

    # Flag indicating that the mailbox does not contains new messages.
    UNMARKED = :Unmarked

    # Returns the debug mode.
    def self.debug
      return @@debug

    # Sets the debug mode.
    def self.debug=(val)
      return @@debug = val

    # Returns the max number of flags interned to symbols.
    def self.max_flag_count
      return @@max_flag_count

    # Sets the max number of flags interned to symbols.
    def self.max_flag_count=(count)
      @@max_flag_count = count

    # Adds an authenticator for Net::IMAP#authenticate.  +auth_type+
    # is the type of authentication this authenticator supports
    # (for instance, "LOGIN").  The +authenticator+ is an object
    # which defines a process() method to handle authentication with
    # the server.  See Net::IMAP::LoginAuthenticator,
    # Net::IMAP::CramMD5Authenticator, and Net::IMAP::DigestMD5Authenticator
    # for examples.
    # If +auth_type+ refers to an existing authenticator, it will be
    # replaced by the new one.
    def self.add_authenticator(auth_type, authenticator)
      @@authenticators[auth_type] = authenticator

    # Disconnects from the server.
    def disconnect
          # try to call SSL::SSLSocket#io.
        rescue NoMethodError
          # @sock is not an SSL::SSLSocket.
      rescue Errno::ENOTCONN
        # ignore `Errno::ENOTCONN: Socket is not connected' on some platforms.
      rescue Exception => e
      synchronize do
        unless @sock.closed?
      raise e if e

    # Returns true if disconnected from the server.
    def disconnected?
      return @sock.closed?

    # Sends a CAPABILITY command, and returns an array of
    # capabilities that the server supports.  Each capability
    # is a string.  See [IMAP] for a list of possible
    # capabilities.
    # Note that the Net::IMAP class does not modify its
    # behaviour according to the capabilities of the server;
    # it is up to the user of the class to ensure that
    # a certain capability is supported by a server before
    # using it.
    def capability
      synchronize do
        return @responses.delete("CAPABILITY")[-1]

    # Sends a NOOP command to the server. It does nothing.
    def noop
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